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Status Updates posted by Octane

  1. hey, happy belated birthday :P

  2. I was perma banned! just came back after Tim unbanned me do to good behavior. so yeah, what happened in the last year here?

  3. until I find something else to put up

    hay i made it small k? thought that was good enough for peeps..

  4. burrows is like...10 years your senior. :P hahah

    you should go after Edler or Grabner. ;)

    and it's going good! actually glad to be back in school. though my socials teacher is an idiot.

  5. i dunno, to me wisdom seems like something that comes with age, wheras line combinations would be more something like insite. :P

    hahaha, strawberries eh, thats awesome. Jovo would have been awesome to meet. although, Bourdon is the #1 player I want to meet now.

  6. i'm not "wise", i just play hockey. :P

    and no way! that would be so awesome. I wish I could meet a Canuck.

    well, current canuck that is, i met cliff ronning, rachard brodeur, and orland kurtenbach at a old timers game a couple years ago

  7. yeah I know.

    but I understand not having them out there for the powerplay, the game was getting chippy enough with the score as it is, no need to get people in harms way when there's only 3 games left. not to mention play offs.

  8. more like, thank God for TREVOR FREAKIN' LINDEN!!

  9. way to be a bitch about it

  10. thanks! :D

    and yes, only one semester will pwn. thing is, it'll likely be a rough semester, with English, Accounting, Principals of Math, and something else (all 12 courses)

    I think the last one will be either Physics 12, or Media Arts 12. I dunno if I can handle having Physics on top of all that though...so I'll just do Media Arts.


  11. hah! I'm exactly a year older than you!

    happy bday bro

  12. i'll try, life is being realll stressful for me. all the course i took last year for grade 10 apperently didn't get counted for credits...so that was a fricking annoying problem to rectify today. missed my entire G block cause of it.

    good news though is that i could probably just do 1 semester next year and graduate. :)

  13. oh i wouldn't do that, not unless youd get a real good payout if your right. :P i dunno if i can do 7 points in 4/5 games, not unless i start gettin everything together and have the bounces come my way

    and no, i probably wont. or if i do, it'll be in april sometime. i have a friend who's birthday is tomorrow who might be doing something, and i'm going to another friends birthd

  14. minimum of four, but if we make the finals, it'll be 5. the first three games decides what happens for yor 4th game, be it semis or consolation game

    and YES i'm excited!

  15. yeah thats true. what sucks is that we were winning 3-2 at the time, and it likely would have changed the outcome of the game..

    but yeah, well we have the ND tournament left, so hopefully I can score a few in it. :) (our last tourny i got no points :( but got 4 assists in my next game back, lol)

  16. eh, average...6-4 loss, I got no points.

    came REAL close to an easy tap-in though. cross-crease pass, but it bounced at the last second. :(

  17. i'm LW/RW, center rarely

    and hopefully! i have a game tonight, so maybe i can get a point or two. usually i get them in pairs. :P

  18. very true! i dont know what i would have done if i never played hockey at all...scary thought :o

    and thanks, they are pretty good, but not as good as last years unfortunately. :( (only..4-5 games left? I could maybe beat 13-13-26, meaning I'd need to get 7 points to only tie my last years total)

  19. i started when I was 12. :( and hah, no I wont be trying out for rep. I'm a 2nd year midget player right now, and I still only have 5 goals in 28 games.... (although i do have 14 assists)

    i'd have to be real impressive to make rep as a 3rd year midget.

  20. that explains it, a lot less teams in rep than there is in house (which i'm in)

    didn't start early enough to be that good. shame really, cause i have/had the talent to be real good. :(

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