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Status Updates posted by Octane

  1. oh yeah, that sucks. i've done the same, but not recently. :P

    wow, that does sound deep. I assume it's based on George Bernard Shaw's quote?

    13 really? SWEET. I cant wait. 17 here I come.

  2. speech! what do you have to give a speech on? and hopefully your thumb feels better soon :)

    yes i know! only...14 more days? something like that :D

  3. i'm good! have a crapload of homework which needs to be done, and I need to write up a resume by friday, but other than that things are spiffy

    how are you doing?

  4. yeah, same apperently. when i dont act goofy, people are always saying i have a lot of maturity. people on cdc/ucbjb always are amazed at my age. they all think i'm in my 20's or something :P

  5. whoa, your only 15?

  6. well trust me, there was a big stir (like, a big stir) when they locked your thread for not having a lot of substance. a lot of people were upset :P

  7. ildc unlocked it now. :)


  9. I did! not by much though. it's just that triple bonds are sooo much cooler. ;)

  10. I know!! and Toews will be back! and so will Bourdon and Edler :D

  11. funny how after all this time, we still have almost the exact same profile views. just off by a hundred or so. not in the top 20 anymore though. :(

  12. Ask to come back Jimayo. seriously.

  13. wow, thats so crazy, I never knew that. and judging by his wiki, he looks pretty crazy awesome.

  14. stop calling me gay plz, I am the opposite of a gay

  15. that is untrue and hurts domy :'(

    I have near no fashion sense anyways, so I cannot be gay

  16. just cause Dommy, just cause.

  17. dommy..... why?

  18. yep, that I do. :)

    I dont think I look much like Crosby though.

  19. a hockey tournament that i was in, at Kelowna. we actually did pretty well, but were screwed by our goals for/against ratio (got into a tie, and that statistic knocked us out of contension :()

  20. thanks, it went well! :)

  21. happy new years :)

  22. maybe i should change that username afterall, it sounds so dirty on here. :P

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