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Status Updates posted by Octane

  1. happy new years chiklets :)

  2. happy new year Dommy!

  3. hey ashleigh, i spell that right?

  4. parents, you?

  5. (cut me off!) hand it's cool having a cell phone, but on the other it really sucks being stuck in a crappy plan until i'm 19.

  6. contract, my parents got a plan for everyone (ditching the home phone)

    thing is that they wern't really that skilled at negotiating (i wasn't there to put any word into it), so i didn't get the greatest plan, and i'm locked into it for 3 years. i only get 50 minutes a month, but i get free weekends and nights. talk and text is free between me and my family. i dunno, on the one

  7. a phone as in cell phone? if so, then the same for me! only it was a little before christmas. :)

    humm, i got a new stereo system, some new shirts, and some other odds and ends.

  8. hah, i objesct to being called organized. :P i am so not organized.

    but that sounds great! probably even better if your grandparents arn't real eccentric (like my grandma...)

    what did you get for christmas?

  9. christmas break? hum, christmas eve service at our church, open a present afterward, sleep, stocking, breakfast, presents, then get reeady for my grandma to come over for dinner (sounds structured, but it really isn't :P)

    what about you?

  10. lookin' at my profile are you? hmm?

  11. thats great :) i might take bio 12 next year, i'm not sure yet, it depends on what other courses i'm taking, how many credits i already have, and if i can afford a spare or not (i really want a spare next year!)

  12. awesome! hows bio? i took it last year, but it was more of a doing-it-by-myself thing. hows it with the actual course?

  13. not bad, i need to get to bed earlier though.

    what courses are you taking again?

  14. so, hows school?

  15. i'ma powerdrill you so hard

  16. thanks yo! you too!

  17. Chicago? yeah, that should be a good game. :) it would be cool to see Toews and Kane in their rookie years!

  18. nope, it doesn't matter which one i go to, it's up to your preference. :)

  19. (befor it was going to be the blues one for sure, but circumstances changed so that now you could go to either)

  20. humm, well now you have a choice, do you want to go to a Chicago game, or to a Blues game? Chicago is on...feb 26th? i think so, and the blues game is on march 10th

  21. its....i dunno if it's good or not. better than some games. :P

  22. yeah, well online school can be boring, especially for the maths/sciences. (and socials too for that matter)

    and our game, well, we were down 4-0 by the end of the first period... :P but the game ended up not being tooo big of a blowout, only 10-6. in fact, if we had scored a goal or two more, it would have probably been considered somewhat of a close game.

  23. could be better as in bad teachers, not enough time to work, or boring subjects?

    oh, and i got my report card today/yesterday, and i got 69% in physics... :( only a C+

  24. oh yeah, Ill pass. hopefully I get at least a B though.

    so hows school for you?

  25. (not saying i'm getting 52%, but probably a pretty unflattering mark)

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