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Status Updates posted by Octane

  1. YEAHHH!!! Now you can get 10K posts within a year! :D :P

    Woot for Stealth!

  2. R.I.P the old City and Colour... :(

  3. no way! that sucks!! you were over halfway to getting that exclusive 10K status. it'll take you two years now. :P

  4. aw that sucks! why would someone do that?? :(

  5. are you the same city_and_colour as the one I have on my friends list? and if so, why'd you get a new account? :/

  6. Lol! yes, thats exactly the reason. me ruutu and qkazoo know each other. so yeah, we talk on here a lot. :P

  7. yeah, that would be cool if we could all three go. :)

    ARGH! nooooooo!! i've been facebooked! :'(

    so, now what. dont know what else i should do.

  8. aw. well, i hope you'll be allowed to go. especially since they will be out of school next year. i hope i can come too, even though, with school and everything being up in the air, it doesn't look likely... :(

  9. no kidding? that would be awesome! i'd love to go to rome.... poop. stupid online school.

    if you go, i need to take time off school and come too....i cant just let you go to rome and leave me here... :(

  10. where, italy? *confused*

  11. hello, miss italian girl. :P

  12. you havent been around for a while. :(

  13. i'm honored. ;) your pretty cool too bilal. :P

  14. awesome! i'm british for today. call me edwards. mr. edwards. the british man.

  15. well it's cause you are. and because i had mini-writers block. but yeah, a good ol game of street hockey would be good. now we just gotta find some time to actually get together and do it. :P lol

  16. i'm, uh, going to...... (wow, i've spent 5 minutes thinking of what i should do. and the only thing that really came to mind was play a game of street hockey.....so, i guess i'll do that. :P

  17. :o was that a diss on dips?? oh my, the dip people are NOT going to be happy about that one. ;)
  18. hahaha, yes, i did. it sorta spawned off another thread idea....so thats my excuse.

    and hey, you made a thread about oral hygiene, so you cant be pointing fingers at me miss. ;)

  19. mmmm, yeah, thats more probable eh?

  20. awesome! i havent been to the pne in forever, no joke. hopefully that works out. :)

    and yeah, strange eh? maybe some people decided to do a big prank, and wind everyone's clock forward by an hour or two.....or maybe we're just tired.

  21. ummmm, to be frank, i dont know. i guess if nothing turns up, then i'll be doing not much. whats up for you this weekend?

  22. i guess...i dunno, now i'm having second thoughts about moving, i kinda like this place, even if it does have it's problems. and i dont want to change churches, i really like our one...

  23. not bad, but every day i am hating this whole moving thing more and more. especially when we have to get out of our house (with our dogs) because the realter is showing the house. *sighh*

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