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Status Updates posted by Octane

  1. really?

    does he play rep? that could explain it

  2. haha, yeah probably not, but i still like it here. :P i just wish our hockey program played vancouver though, i've had enough of playing against surrey and cloverdale...

  3. yeah, floors and bathroom for now i believe. nothing to the extent that your family did though. :P

    we'd still be in delta, as far as i know, just in a better house

  4. nope, i love it!

    i've lived in the same house since i was 3, so thats about 14 years now (i keep forgetting it's my birthday, in a week! :o)

    yeah, well thats a step farther than my parents. they've been talking about renovating for years, but never did anything about it. :P my dad's not really lazy though, more just really busy with work

  5. well, i personally dont really plan on moving, but my parents are. :P anyways, i dont know, they are going to upgrade the flooring, and then sell i guess, and thats going to take a while. <_<

    and it's red, but with black scratchy stripes going across it. and its sooo comfortable, it's got a fleecy type feel on the inside. :) well worth the $35

    but yeah, so annoying

  6. no, I was thinking about getting one, but we might be moving....so yeah. dont know if a job is something I should get right now.

    i got a new hoodie though! looks pretty sweet. :D what sucked though is that I was planning on going to a few different stores, but didn't realize the mall closed at 5:30, so i bought the hoodie, went out...and pretty much everyone was closing! :(

  7. i definately will! :)

    holy smokes! what the hell did you buy that would cost that much?? ballroom dresses? :P

    thats like, $80 each...

  8. no i havent! i wanted to though. my friend couldn't go to the theater with me the day i wanted to go. <_<

    which reminds me, i have to phone him soon to see if he wants to go to the guildford mall. i have hardly any long sleeve shirts, and i'm tired of wearing the same ones over and over. :P

  9. sweet. mustaches are awesome. me and them dont work out so well though, i dont think I'll ever be able to have a truely awesome mustache. :(

    sideburns and goatees though, definately.

  10. or you'd be like some girl at my school....*shudders*

    anyways, yes, well i'm very glad you have a smooth face. :P haha

  11. no! so sad. :(

    oh, and my parents are thinking about moving....again...staying in delta though (i believe)

  12. yeah well, your a girl. it's good that you have a smooth face. :P

  13. haha, yeah for sure eh! sucks to be a girl. :P

  14. hummm.......i dunno, i havent decided yet. maybe have them a bit longer than what people usualy have them, but not mutton shop length. ;)

  15. lol probably not, facial hair is blackish, hair is a dark brown.

    my brother has dark brown hair though, and has reddish facial hair...i always thought it was cool. ah well. :P

  16. black, but not thick enough yet. figure by a couple months it'll be grown in enough to at least try it out.

  17. lol, yeah i dont plan on getting one of those. just a goatee. i wish i had reddish facial hair like the sedins though. :(

  18. i would too. :P

    weekend is hereee!!! and my birthday is in less than 12 days!! :D

  19. ah thats alright. was just curious as to what you looked like close up. althoguh, mine isn't exactly much like me. :P (i'm still going to have a goatee though, those are sickk)

    good night! make sure those bedbugs dont bite ok. ;)

  20. nope. :P

    i wonder why i can't see your profile pic here, but i can in the thumbnails. strange.

    anyways, i'm going to have a lovely sleep tonight, such a long week..

  21. nope, you still seem a bit older than that. :P haha

  22. not yet, i wont until i get a couple drives with my parents under my belt

  23. hahaha no kidding eh. I'd be driving too, but it seems the only time I have to drive is on weekends. that could probably be because i procrastinate though.

    and i dont get my N for a while, not until december 28th. :P haha

  24. i know, it sucks. and whats worse is that I have virtually no time since i do a lot of stuff outside of school, so I haven't even had a chance to put aside a couple hours so I can just drive for a bit. :(

    i added you too. :)

  25. really? i thought they made the change for N/L lengths last March..? that sucks though, if you have to have your L longer. I only have to have mine for a year. :) N for two though I believe.

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