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Everything posted by Hordichuk

  1. Yer Blues - The Beatles Yes I'm lonely, wanna die Girl you know the reason why
  2. Captain Kelly's Kitchen - Dropkick Murphy's
  3. Modest Mouse, KoA? Don't tell me you're going all indie on me.
  4. One Toke Over The Line - Brewer & Shipley
  5. iheartluongo likes The Killers? I'd listen to Somebody Told Me, but I have an essay to write
  6. Me singing my new song, trying to get the rhythm down.
  7. Well, I showed one pix. And then got greedy because of the photo-ops at the tournament.
  8. Story with the trophy, one of the Hockey Canada directors was going straight to the Calgary office from the airport, so they were going to let his 11/12-year old son carry the trophy across Canada. It happened to be my flight as well, and pretty well everybody got a picture taken of themselves with it. But I was second.
  9. Holy crap this was the icing on the cake of the Ottawa trip.
  10. there's a rip in my sweater and she's feeling up my man tits.
  11. Frozen maple leaf in front of scotiabank place am #1 lol
  12. That's after 4 quick tallboys after the Canada/Russia game at a bar inside Scotiabank Place. I realized I was able to balance the beer can and got the bartender to snap the picture. My sexy, intoxicated eyes again.
  13. I look so young in that pic... only a wee lil 18-year old, before my face bones grew in. I look a lot older in this one I think. I think my face has grown in. I haven't been ID'd in Ottawa yet.
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