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Posts posted by Robongo

  1. Gaunce a year younger than Jensen has the same points and is a plus 2 where as Jensen is a minus 7. Both same size. Gaunce first year Pro Jensen 2nd plus a year in the SEL. Gaunce always looks like he's not breaking a sweat ( not in a good way ) To me Gaunces graph is still rising, Jensen seems to have flat lined http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/leagues/seasons/teams/0070412015.html

    There's no question Jensen is struggling but you conveniently omitted the fact that Gaunce has played in 12 more games than Jensen.

    Anyways, sending Jensen over to the SEL has proven to be a terrible developmental decision. I think he'll still get it together, but likely never be more than a 2nd/3rd line tweener

  2. So Silva tested positive for steroids...

    Diaz for weed of course haha

    Now we know why Silva seemed to hit his prime in his early-mid thirties. Sad day for MMA seeing the greatest highlight reel of all time become tainted

    Anderson could have at least saved some face if he had just admitted to doing it to regain strength in his leg and to lose stubborn fat he gained from being less active due to his leg..Instead he takes the typical stance of "I didn't do it the lab fcked up"

    Crazy that out of competition testing only recently began for the UFC and already over 30% of fighters tested have popped for PEDs. I have always had the suspicion that a lot of fighters used, but now I'm thinking that almost all of them do.

  3. Bo is really starting to look like he is comfortable in the league. Last game I noticed a few times that Bo was becoming a real leader of his line, even directing Kenins to go down low while he stayed in the neutral zone so he could interrupt a possible pass.

    He was making passes that I haven't even seen him attempt before. I think his offensive game will pick up the pace a little bit, his confidence is sure coming through. Keep up the great play Bo and GCG !

    Yea it's nice to see his progression as the season goes by. I'm pretty pumped to see him next year after a year under his belt. Full time third line C hopefully.

  4. Was watching the Canucks game so didn't see the latest three goals by Calgary, but Virtanen assisted on two of them and is a +3 according to the boxscore. The Raiders are getting absolutely spanked 7-0 after 2

  5. please provide a non biased opinion of his game tonight if you can. thx

    I saw about 15 minutes of the first but in the few shifts that I saw..he was physical as usual, bumped into fellow prospect Stewart. He had a few turnovers and his line didn't get much going 5 on 5. But made a nice dish on his back hand from the wall to the open man in the middle of the ice on the PP for a one timer that forced the goalie to make a nice save. No shots on goal in that period from what i saw

  6. He was actually on the bench for the last minute of play when the Hitmen were pressing for the equalizer. And before that he missed a couple shift for the shoulder injury. He din't finish the game healthy.

    Yea but he didn't leave either, and even if he did it's hardly worthy of some of the sky is falling type comments on here.

  7. Even if Jake is injured, he's going to be fine. Injuries are a part of hockey ffs. He still ended up finishing his last game so it can't be that serious

    Came across this article from the Calgary Sun today, even though it's from earlier in the week. Nice to see other people throwing around the comparison of Getzlaf, even though I don't necessarily agree with it myself. Still, I think we should all be pretty excited about his future.

    source: http://www.calgarysun.com/2015/01/12/calgary-hitmen-forward-jake-virtanen-flattered-by-comparisons-to-for-hitmen-great-ryan-getzlaf

    The comparisons, in this case, are based in reality.

    Maybe not entirely fair.

    That’s what happens when a young hockey player is compared to one of the best in the game.

    But it’s the kind of company Calgary Hitmen winger Jake Virtanen is keeping these days.

    And now he’s got even more in common with former Hitmen star Ryan Getzlaf.

    They’re both power forwards who could/can dominate at the WHL level.

    And now they both have world junior gold medals.

    Virtanen said the comparisons are fine with him. Even flattering.

    “I kind of model my game after him a little bit,” Virtanen said. “He’s a good player to model my game after. He’s a great NHLer, an everyday player who goes to the rink and works hard.

    “It would be an honour to be a guy like that, and be a captain for your team.”

    Who wouldn’t want to be compared to a two-time Olympic gold medallist and arguably the best player in Hitmen franchise history?

    Virtanen received a loud ovation from the Saddledome faithful Sunday afternoon when he was recognized for his gold medal performance, something Getzlaf accomplished in 2005.

    Getzlaf will be honoured in the same building exactly a week later when he’ll become the first member of the ‘Forever a Hitmen’ program.

    “There’s still lots of things I have to do, obviously,” Virtanen said. “Ryan Getzlaf has a good rep.

    “It’s cool that they’ll honour him.”

    Getzlaf was more flash than crash.

    Sure, the Anaheim Ducks star was physical and used his size to his advantage, it was his sublime hands, unmatched vision and howitzer slapshot that made him a can’t-miss prospect during his time in Calgary.

    Virtanen is more bull-in-a-china-shop than dangler. He’d just as soon go over or through a defender than around him.

    His speed and willingness to stick his nose in the dirty areas makes the Abbotsford, B.C., product versatile.

    Look at Virtanen’s time with Team Canada.

    He played on nearly every line, skating alongside uber-prospect Connor McDavid on one night and crashing and banging with the fourth trio the next night.

    But he said he stayed true to what earned him a red and white Maple Leaf jersey regardless of who his linemates were.

    “I just kept playing my game,” the 6-foot-1, 207-pounder said. “(The coaches) definitely wanted me playing physical and making room.

    “I was just playing my game, shooting the puck and keeping it simple.

    “It was cool playing with guys like Curtis Lazar and McDavid and experience how skilled they are and how dominant they are on the ice. It was an honour playing those guys.”

    Virtanen said he doesn’t have any special plans for his new gold medal, but realizes that will probably change whether he wants it to or not.

    “Probably just (keep it) at home,” Virtanen said. “I know my mom will probably frame it eventually.

  8. Guardians of the Galaxy - 3/10

    Just watched this with the old lady and we were both thoroughly disappointed considering the hype and imdb rating. I can't believe people are calling this the "star wars of our time". Absolutely terrible acting, the characters were mediocre, the plot had so many holes in it, the attempts at humor were lame and full of cheesy one liners, entire movie was cg and felt like we were watching a cartoon. I usually like Marvel films too, but this one was trash. Reading most reviews online, I can't believe we watched the same movie.

  9. Horvat made an outstanding play schooling Campbell to draw that penalty.

    Willie needs to play him more, I can't believe he didn't get another shift after that, especially with how bad some of our other forwards have been. Even Hansen & Richardson got out on the PP instead of him.

    That play wasn't just a coincidence either, he's gaining confidence, he could bring more of this if Willie would use him. And at this point we could use that kind of contribution from Bo.

    Willie should give Horvat & Kassian some more minutes, and give Higgins & Bonino less minutes, Kass & Bo have been playing well lately (especially Kass since his return), while Bonino & Higgins have been subpar (at best) for some time now.

    Kassian has seen his usage change and his minutes increase by a good 2-3 minutes since injury. Whether that's because they're showcasing him or not, he's still getting more ice.

    Horvat's consistently playing the game low in minutes most nights and it drives me bonkers. He should be clearing 10 minutes every night and yet the coach shows little confidence in him in third periods. Richie was injured the other game and Horvat was still stapled to the bench and finished with under 9 minutes. Like you said, you can tell he's got more confidence out there and IMO has earned some more responsibility..he's not your regular teenager and our only player over 50% in the dot this season

  10. Is he going to turn pro after this season?

    Listening to the Mid-Season town hall meeting on CDC, Trevor Linden mentioned a group of defenseman turning pro next year, and Ben Hutton was one of them. I think that they're going to try to make that happen, but it's tough to say if he actually will because obviously, it's ultimately up to Hutton.

  11. when i think of kesler, hockey IQ doesn't really come to mind...

    Really? People tend to confuse vision with hockey IQ far too often. He certainly lacks offensive vision, but I don't know how you can question his hockey IQ..He anticipates the play well defensively and his positioning and on ice awareness are excellent.

    • Upvote 2
  12. He juiced. Where there's smoke, there's fire :lol:


    very interesting first post here : http://forums.sherdog.com/forums/f2/jon-jones-potential-ped-maskers-19-1-t-e-discussion-thread-2907419/

    Here's a bit of it:

    Medical analysis:

    For blood testing:

    Spoiler!!! Click to Read!:


    Professional opinion:


    ll tests show his testosterone level being significantly below the normal margin. His T:E levels of .35 .29 and .19 raise flags, but it is the actual levels of hormone detected which raise more questions.

    On what appears to be his first test of December 4th, Jones testosterone levels measured at 59ng/dL. The normal range is 300ng/dL to 1100ng/dL. His epitestosterone levels measured at 170ng/dL. The normal range for epitestosterone is similar to that of testosterone.

    On what appears to be his second test of that day, his testosterone levels had risen significantly to 180ng/dL, which is much closer to normal. His epitestosterone levels had also risen to 610ng/dL, which is perfectly normal.

    On December 18th his testosterone levels are still lower than normal, at 180ng/dL, but his epitesterone appears to be massively elevated, coming in at 2700ng/dL. This is a red flag. Epitestosterone is produced in parallel with testosterone, and in a normal, healthy individual every 1ng/dL of testosterone produces roughly 1ng/dL of epitestosterone. Natural variance means anything from 0.7x to 2x are pretty common. Jon Jones had roughly 15x more epitestosterone than testosterone.

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