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Posts posted by Robongo

  1. They don't have a superstar but they have 3 really good second lines all 9which are capable of producing 50-60 points. And the same can be said about Boston. They win by committee which is probably better than building around one guy anyway.

    If Lundqvist plays like that every year he more than earned his paycheck.

    They have six at best. Two of which are buyout candidates that are declining fast and likely won't hit 50 again. They're going to be pretty mediocre next year.

    Also, Lundqvist is 32. The likelihood of him playing at his current level for the duration of his monsterous deal is slim to none. He's got 2-3 seasons tops of this level of play.

  2. Rangers are the 2nd best team in the east behind Boston. I don't understand what's so weak about their team. Someone please elaborate.

    They don't have first line caliber players aside from St Louis. Honestly, if St Louis' mother doesn't pass away, they would have rolled over versus the Penguins. That event caused the team to get closer and rally around together and play some really inspired hockey.

    The Rangers are going to go the route of the devils after their cup run. They are going to lose Richards to a buyout, Nash is terrible and has an albatross of a contract, St Louis will be retiring soon, their prospect pool is the worst in the league and they don't have their next two first rounders. Also, as good as Lundqvist is, That contract is brutal and will look even worse in a few years. The future is bleak for that team.

  3. Regehr coming back for game 2 may work in New York's favor. Hasn't played in a while and he's pretty slow, so he'll likely have problems with the Rangers speed. Still think LA's got the series, but I think they lose game 2.

    thought this was pretty hilarious too: http://theroyalhalf.com/madison-square-staples-center/

    Kings take out an ad near MSG with Will Ferrell lmao.

  4. Dal Colle has attitude problems, hopefully they came through in the interview.

    Source? They say adversity builds character and this kids had his fair share. He's got an autistic sibling and his mother beat cancer. He's extremely grounded and an amazing player. One of the youngest players in the draft and is still growing by all accounts. If he drops we would be extremely fortunate and he'd be a corner stone piece, no doubt.

  5. I am not afraid to say what I think. This is a hockey forum. I am taking a stand and going on gut instinct. I pray Bennett does not fall down to 6th so this whole conversation is moot.

    I had no idea you were such a big Ehlers fan. Did you vote to take him 6th overall?

    Fair enough, I certainly respect your opinion, I just can't comprehend how you came to it.

    Well actually, before our draft position was locked in I was hoping we'd draft Nylander. But as I watched the QMJHL playoffs and read more on Ehlers I was pretty high on him. I still have Nylander 6th, and Ehlers 7th, but I would be happy with either or if none of the "top 5" drop. Also a bit disappointed with the lack of information on Ehlers at the combine. No interviews or news whatsoever on him.

  6. Your the only person in the world crazy enough to pick Bennet ahead of Ehlers.

    Yea I'm a big Ehlers fan, but that's just crazy. Seriously underrating Bennett's skill. He's one of the youngest players in this draft and even though he's small, you certainly wouldn't know it by watching him. He's a firecracker plain and simple. When a team gets him on a strength and conditioning program, look out.

  7. At 23, we should be seeing at least some level of improvement. By the rate that he's going, Schroeder wouldn't be an NHL regular until he's 30.

    I'm surprised at how patient people are with failed prospects, but I guess hope goes a long way when there's nothing else to believe in.

    You want to see what a successful draft pick turns into? Try following a few other teams besides the Canucks.

    Brendan Saad - drafted 43rd overall (2011) 21 years old

    Brendan Gallagher - drafted 147 overall (2010) 22 years old

    Andrew Shaw - drafted 139th overall (2011) 22 years old

    Reilly Smith - drafted 69th overall (2009) 23 years old

    To be fair, he had an unbelievably unlucky year. He was injured all summer so that definitely hurt him, comes back gets injured blocking a shot, comes back too early and re-injures the same injury. He was improving steadily every year in the AHL and in the lockout shortened season he actually held his own defensively. I think he still has upside, but as others have said, he needs to add some intensity to his game. He plays far too passive and is outmatched up the middle in the Pacific division. I think giving up on him given his circumstances and not even seeing him play a full year would be foolish. He'll have had all summer to train and will come in fully prepared for next year. I think he deserves another chance before we cut him loose.

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