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Posts posted by g_bassi13

  1. Yeah... I'm just not at all excited for this one. I was never going to enjoy a multiplayer game, and they spent all their time hyping how it is going to be an awesomely multiplayer game. Outside of just mentioning it could be played single player they never really went into what that would entail.


    As someone who is completely obsessed with Fallout I will try it regardless, but as for how the game has been presented, and the details that they have confirmed, they've been saying all of the wrong things to someone like me. Not that I was expecting another Fallout New Vegas type of game spinning off of Fallout 4, nor are obligated to have someone make it, but that could have been a whole lot of something, where what I got felt like a whole lot of nothing.

  2. Deadpool 2 - 6/10


    I get a lot of what they were doing but it just wasn't as funny the second time around. 


    I don't disapprove of the post credits bit that many did though, as it pretty much fixes the obvious logic hole the movie would otherwise have had (hard to talk about this without spoilers).

  3. On 2018-05-15 at 9:46 PM, Sean Monahan said:

    Good point on Helms’ character being better early on. I actually found him kinda funny when he was just Jim’s annoying coworker at the Stamford branch. Also I’m slightly relieved to know I’m not the only one who really didn’t enjoy him and thought he actually detracted from the show a bit. 


    What are your thoughts on season 10? (When I say “your thoughts” I’m speaking to everyone).

    I'd definitely watch it, but I don't know how excited I'd be about it. 


    I don't know how necessary it is for a show to "exit while on top", if it's still enjoyable to watch. The issue is that the story was reaching a conclusion, and everything was essentially wrapped up. The last episode in particular tied a bow on it all.


    You'd need to contrive a reason for a new season, with a largely new cast. The producers could make it work, but the finagling it would require might make for a different show altogether.

    • Like 1
  4. On 2018-05-15 at 10:00 PM, Monty said:

    Like everything else once Carrell left. Forgettable.


    The Robert California season wasn’t bad, just obviously not as good. The heavy on Helms seasons were cringe.

    The Robert California and the primarily Ed Helms heavy season was the same one.


    It's easy to mix that up though as the whole season was just a mix bag.


    Like within a 2-3 episode period in the end of season 8, you have all the stuff with Jim trying to save Dwight's career by physically preventing him from entering the Sabre Store board meeting, which was great. Then you have that Andy storyline where he decides to drive down to Florida to get Erin back, which was horrible. Then you have that storyline where Nellie just kind of sits in Andy's office and claims to be manager, which I thought was pretty hilarious. Then you have that part where Andy and Erin head to that Log Cabin to break up with his girlfriend Jessica, which was just the worst.


    Basically, Andy was the worst.

    • Upvote 1
  5. I'm currently playing Pillars of Eternity 2.


    Though I'm doing so without finishing Pillars of Eternity 1, which may be a mistake. It's just that I've been waiting for this exact type of game to come out. I mean that as no disrespect to the first game, as that slew of old school CRPG games that came out over the last few years is an awesome trend. But I just kind of stopped playing it part way through.


    Between that game, Wasteland 2, Torment: Tides of Numenera, Tyranny, Divinity Original Sin and the such, they all offer something, but because they're near strictly old school send ups, they can be rather limited.


    I think they're kind of stuck in a mid 90's structure, before things like Fallout 2, and Dragon Age Origins added more personalised and interactive elements to gameplay narratives. Where a stronger push from the player results in a stronger reaction by the game's story and its characters. Where your intentions are fully realised, played out, and responded to within the game.


    Everything about the description of Pillars of Eternity 2 seem to indicate that they've intended to take that jump that no one else wants to make. So I kind of want to see it.

  6. 7 hours ago, Monty said:

    Nelly, also known as Catherine Tate? I really like her. British improve actor. I really liked her character. Not the best character on the show, but fine when used sparingly.


    But Ed Helms is awful. 

    Yes. Absolutely. His character dragged everything down. Him being the hero was the thing that ruined season 8 above others.


    And the realizing that and making him a buffoon that gets what's coming to him in season 9 is the best thing about that one.


    The character was terrible. When he was an ass in the beginning it was fine, as you weren't supposed to like him. But after The Hangover came out, they put him into a position he shouldn't have been in. He kind of half matured, without shedding the things that made him annoying.


    And i totally agree about Nelly. The argument that she was the biggest problem in the latter season was always silly to me. I don't know that she added too much to the show, but I can't see how she really detracted from it. She was pretty funny at times.

    • Like 1
  7. On 2018-05-01 at 11:01 AM, D-Money said:

    Maybe it's because I'm a middle-aged curmudgeon, but I don't find there is much of a "cool factor" in the Bond movies - or superhero films. It is all, by definition, ridiculous. I just prefer it if the actor/director/etc. just knowingly winks and has fun with it.


    Pretending that the spy who goes around announcing his identity to everyone, or the mutant with metal claws and sideburns so he looks like a wolverine (so we call him Wolverine...get it?) is totally real, gritty, and full of deep meaning...  ...seems just silly to me.

    If you don't take your own movie seriously enough, no one else will. Not that something like the spy and superhero genres don't need a sense of brevity, but I don't think an entire movie should cross the edge into self parody, and for a series they should not be doing it multiple movies at a time. I Iike Bond parodies, but I don't want Bond to be a Bond parody.


    It's part of what makes the Marvel movies such trash. Like in Black Panther, when Michael B Jordan's guy throws king whats his face down the waterfall to become the new leader of that place they were in, I couldn't have cared less.  Not sure how I'm supposed to given the slapstick, cheesy one liners, and bad observational humour that both preceded and followed it. I personally don't think Logan was too much, but if that's one end of the spectrum, I much prefer it to the other one.

  8. The Tick 


    I haven't finished the last 3 episodes yet, but it's been really enjoyable. One of the first online streaming original show that I've enjoyed, really. I mean I enjoyed Kimmy Schmidt and Stranger Things fine enough for a short but they both had their second seasons suck any fun out of watching them. More accurate to say that the tick is the only online show I'm currently enjoying. But then again it hasn't had its second season yet.


    I like the dry humour, and this version has that light parody charm that the tick does.

  9. On 2018-05-10 at 5:57 PM, Monty said:

    The Last Man on Earth has been cancelled :( 


    The season/series finale ended with a clear “What’s next?” that it really needs an online distributor (ie: Netflix, Amazon Prime) to bring it back for at least one more season.

    Brooklyn 99 was saved by NBC, but I don't see last man on earth being brought back by network TV. It was never really that style of comedy to begin with. More like something you'd find on FX or even HBO.


    Hopefully some outlet decides to save the show.

  10. So the Raptors' big plan today was to bench Valanciunas? Seems right that they got torched for that one early, and that the game only changed when he came on.


    Doesn't need to be said, but Casey is &^@#ing ridiculous.


    Edit: take him off again and of course the game swings back to Cleveland's favour.


    Also Ibaka is the worst.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 5 hours ago, D-Money said:

    Agreed. The idea of Bond is silly in itself, so I much prefer the guy who is playing along with the schlock.


    I think that sort of relates to why I disliked Logan. I found the movie uninteresting, and the concept almost revolting. A comic book movie is usually, by definition, silly. Which is fine, if everyone is playing along with it. But Logan using X-men characters to try to present story such a grim and depressing story - and dressing it up with gore and swearing to pretend "it's like, rrreeeaalll man" - I hated it.


    I dunno that it felt real. More that it felt like he was fighting for something. That feeling has been absent from all the other superhero movies of late. I agree with @D-Money though that X-2 is easily the best of the series.


    But I dislike Roger Moore's Bond movies, so take that for what it's worth. He's just so silly that it loses the cool factor that carries a Bond movie. Watching Connery today it largely feels like he's defining an era, where it feels like Moore is stuck in his.

  12. I was only present for half, but from the accounts of everyone around me who watched it all, it seemed to be easily the best one since Wreslemania 30 (not really much of a bar to cross there.)


    I enjoyed what I saw, but that Roman main event sucked. It was bound to suck, as there's no good way for it to turn out. The one they went with was the anti-climax, which I still  prefer to a Roman win. 

    They really need to stop it with Roman main events though. They suck all the life out of the event when they end (minus of course that awesome Seth Rollins cash in during Wrestlemania 31),  They're poorly built up to, poorly wrestled, and have 2 outcomes, one of which only sucks slightly less than Roman winning, and the crowds just hate them.


    Nakamura turning heel will be interesting though.

  13. 4 hours ago, Where's Wellwood said:

    As annoying as ports are, I'm so glad they're happening since along with the Switch port, there's going to be a 3DS port of Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker.


    I'm so excited. I wanted to play it and I heard great things but I didn't want to get a Wii U just for that considering how little I played my Wii (waste of a purchase). Now I get to play Captain Toad on my 3DS. 

    I have nothing against the ports on their own at all. Just wish they were alongside, rather than in place of. Because right now it makes the console feel like a retread. The Wii U itself was slow and scant enough on releases as it was. Find it weird that something successful like the Switch is somehow slower. Financially, I get it from Nintendo. It's too bad that this reverse compatibility workaround is just so expensive for the customer as well.

  14. On 15/03/2018 at 2:08 PM, GLASSJAW said:

    i understand the complaint, but i'm also not super opposed to it in the meantime. like, i'm excited to play the donkey kong game even though you, and most others, weren't super crazy about it (IIRC)


    just gives me an opportunity to catch up on stuff i didnt' play before. in fact, i wish they'd port the entire nintendo back catalogue. why hasn't there been a word about the old library!? it honestly seems like Nintendo could be doing this stuff way, way faster. instead they're trying to revolutionize gaming with.. cardboard?


    anyway, with games like mario kart and smash brothers i can get why people would rather have something new. but come on, just give some pokemon ports or something already.

    That was me, yeah. I didn't much like the first Donkey Kong Country Returns game either, but this was worse than that.


    I would like a pokemon port either, but that's only really because I've been waiting over 20 years for a 3D pokemon Blue or Red.

  15. I really hope this announced Super Smash Bros game is actually a new game and not just another Wii U port. They're going from every game from A to Zombi U before they create anything original. Feels like I can go through all the original Switch games on one hand.


    Granted I bought Skyrim and I've been enjoying it (because it's Skyrim), and there's a couple of other things I can see myself buying on sale. But I want to see it as more than just a platform for old ports. It's not even like there are new ports with concurrent releases so far besides like FIFA and NBA.


    It's pretty much Mario Odyssey, Arms, and a bunch of highly overpriced rereleases (why are all these 3-6 year old games $80? It's silly)

  16. Logan - 7.5/10


    Quite enjoyed that one. These kinds of movies work way better as genre films. It was darker, slower paced, and way more focused than others. Best super hero movie I've seen in the last couple of years, not that it was particularly outstanding or anything.


    The brutal R rated nature helped a lot.


    Finding Dory - 7.5/10


    Better than I was expecting, because I wasn't expecting much of anything.  Which was probably my mistake to make with a Pixar movie. 

  17. On 25/02/2018 at 12:50 PM, J-23 said:

    Lmfao. Didn't it get like 90% on Rotten or something.

    I mean these Marvel movies are all designed to get high scores on review congregates and such. Its what all studios are trying to do since they know it's the first thing people look at nowadays. They're completely inoffensive and non risk taking, so they get a mass appeal. And that offends me.


    I mean if you like those movies this one is no different. I mean it's literally no different I'm any aspect. So if you enjoy those, go watch this one. 

    • Like 2
  18. On 25/02/2018 at 8:11 AM, Down by the River said:

    Ghosbusters 2 all over again?

    I'm assuming you mean Ghostbusters 3, but yeah, for me it was a similar experience. 


    In particular it was full of moments that were supposed to make you laugh and smile, but they were cheesy bad. Coming from a guy who loves watching Brendan Fraser's The Mummy un-ironically, these were some bad jokes. It was cheesier than that. I think you have to be a bit invested in the characters to perhaps care about their jokes, but these side characters were so bad and so underdeveloped that I wanted them to all shut up.


    Unlike Ghostbusters 3 I wasn't watching at home on tv, so I couldn't just change the channel to some Futurama re-runs. I was just so done by the time black panther was over I didn't even want to waste energy complaining about it.

  19. On 25/02/2018 at 7:43 AM, Monty said:

    But I heard it’s the most important, groundbreaking film to ever come out. A f***ing superhero film. 



    It's a superhero movie. I mean I get how some of the themes and messages could be powerful for someone, but it was a poorly written and poorly acted movie about a fictional guy in a fictional world wearing a cat suit.


    I mean if we're getting all these bad movies from interesting heroes, the same guys making one about a lamer hero didn't stand too much of a chance.

  20. Black Panther - 0.5/10


    I'm not sure where the .5 even comes from, to be honest. The movie was hot garbage. I can't remember the last time I was so bored at a theatre.


    It's like watching a Transformers movie, without the "it's so bad it's funny" element, in part because no one is watching it with the same mindset as me.


    It was the superhero-iest superhero movie yet, in that it takes the worst elements of all these movies and distills them into one bloated 2 and a half hour experience.

  21. On 08/02/2018 at 8:25 PM, Monty said:

    Yor: The Hunter from the Future


    Wife and I are in the middle of watching this classic film from 1983, which holds a 17% on Rotten Tomatoes. Not lying, it’s a cross between Quest for Fire and Star Wars. 


    Insane. So much fun.

    Top 10 all time classic.


    Space Mutiny is a must watch if you haven't seen it 

  22. 1 hour ago, shiznak said:



    - Jericho vs. Michaels, Ladder match at No Mercy

    - Jericho vs. Mysterio, at The Great American Bash

    - Jericho and Benoit vs. Triple H and Austin, RAW

    - Jericho and Benoit vs. The Hardyz vs. The Dudleys vs. Edge and Christian, TLC match Smackdown.

    - Jericho vs. Benoit, at Judgement Day


    None of these were rated 5 stars, but imo were better than his match against Omega. 

    The latter two on that list were the most memorable for me, but I stand by what I said. It's objective, but that's the most fun I've had watching a match of his. It's not like it's a clear cut favourite, but I think his doing what he did at his age after such a long lull makes it impressive, gives it an edge.

    • Cheers 1
  23. On 05/02/2018 at 10:12 AM, apollo said:

    What? If they're outside of WWE chances are they aren't that amazing... if they were why wouldn't they want to get paid top dollar and be in the #1 show? 

    The WWE isn't liike the NHL. Wrestling isn't an athletic competition, and the people put at the top were put there by the people in charge.


    Most of the best wrestlers in the WWE are relegated to midcard levels. Being the best wrestler doesn't guarantee your place in the WWE, and in turn any chance at top dollars.


    And even any of those guys don't match up against someone like Kenny Omega. With him, I find it hard to argue that anyone in the world is better. He is technically the most proficient, and puts on the best matches of the year, every time he goes out to wrestle With his continuous work, I find it increasingly easier to argue that he's probably just the best wrestler of all time, apologies to Bret Hart.. 


    A lot of wrestlers outside the WWE make more than enough bank doing it their own way, especially the biggest names. Most of the Bullet Club is rolling around in money. In fact for a guy like Cody Rhodes it took leaving the WWE to even see good money. But for those that are just making a living doing so, it's sometimes better to just better for them to have the creative freedom that being an independent wrestler has, or to be free of the intense schedule that the WWE demands.


    One thing I can say for sure is that it took my favourite wrestler of all time, Chris Jericho, one match outside of the WWE, with New Japan, before I could say that I saw my favourite match of his he ever wrestled. It's not that I'm saying the WWE is an anti-barometer of skill, but based on 25 odd years of watching, it's not the upper echelon for sure.

    • Cheers 1
  24. Cloverfield Paradox - Very stupid/10


    I hated it. I like weird movies, but I can't think of good stuff to say about the things this movie chose to be. Thanks Superbowl commercial for wasting my time, lol. 


    10 Cloverfield Lane is one of my favourite movies of the last couple of years. This is on the opposite end of that scale.

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