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Posts posted by thedestroyerofworlds

  1. 22 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:



    Thank you.B)




    No New Taxes.jpg

    Then he got a look at the books and realized that taxes were needed and raised taxes.  Sometimes reality can force you to do the thing you initially didnt want to do.  An actual conservative with brains, unlike the knuckleheads who populate the conservative movement today.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    First you can't compare a country to a province, secondly we could do that Alsska model however we chose a different path. Best paid doctors, nurses, teachers, etc. Best highways in the country, beautiful hospitals, investing in social programs, etc. Ralph was right, give back, those resources belong to Albertans also making services the best is giving back.

    Not a comparison.   It was showing the actual Heritage fund or lack of one vs. what Albertans could have if they invested like Norway or Alaska.  Instead of saving for a rainy day, Albertans blew their load on tax cuts and other stuff on top of the stuff you list.  

  3. 42 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

    thank you so sharing your viewpoint that represents a very large and growing viewpoint in the country. Rich people aren’t the problem. So what if rich people want to keep more of their hard earned $. They already pay 80% of the taxes in the country, they create stimulus and job growth and come up with ways to create competition that improves quality of life.  But for some reason people think rich people are evil. 

    Entitlement in today’s age, you don’t bite the hand that feed you.

    Never said the rich were the problem.  Never said the rich were evil.  The entitlement swings both ways.  


    Cutting taxes for the wealthy only results in them being able to buy another vacation home, or another sports car for their fleet.  Or more money in their offshore accouts.  Cutting taxes for the poorer members of society, giving an extra $100 in their pockets results in that money getting spent and trickles through the economy creating all kinds of economic activity.   


    But hey, you keep on keeping on arguing that the wealthy should get more and more while demonizing the poorer members of society 


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  4. 5 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

    See the frustrating part is when you see quotes like this after it’s been explained 100x on this very thread. People need to understand how equalization payments are calculated.

    This thread is a joke, some of you have zero desire to learn...or debate for that matter. You’d rather just pretend like you know it all and keep regurgitating that same garbage over and over despite the numerous attempts to help you gain a better understanding. 

    Anti Alberta “1+2=6”

    pro Alberta  “Nope that is incorrect..... here is why [present trying doing this to get more accurate numbers”


    Anti Alberta goes silent. Pro Alberta assumes it’s them finally putting the pieces together and gaining more clarity,....nope, 10 days later.....


    Anti Alberta: “1+2=6“


    What a waste of everyone’s time. 

    The waste of time is your group complaining about Alberta being screwed when Albertans set the rules that we all currently play by.  


    The waste of time is that you think we are anti Alberta and Wexit is pro.  Sorry to see you stuck in your delusional echo chamber of woah is me we're being screwed. 


    It's like a rich guy complaining about how much money they pay in taxes, yet the effective percentage of his income is less than his secretary.   


    Alberta is the rich guy complaining about how much they pay and they selfishly want more more more.  Get over yourself.   If Alberta's economy tanks and the provincial tax structure changes you move from a have to a have not.   And yes, other provinces have switched have/have not status. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    Then let us leave and we keep our money and you guys figure out how to create 25% of the jobs that Alberta does and figure out how to cover all the money that will be gone.

    I think you overestimate how much support there is for your position.   I also think you underestimate the cost will be for what you propose.   

    • Cheers 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

    This is the issue with guys like you that spend all your time on American discussions. I have more than a few times pointed out that Harper changed the equalization program which is screwing Alberta. I also didn't vote for Harper or Scheer.

    I see it differently, those flying home are directly benefiting their local and provincial economies while making that money in Alberta. 

    There has to be give and take and a province shouldn't be punished for not having taxes.

    Let's face it if Alberta was Ontario or Quebec they formula would be changed, you know that, Jim.

    Ya, except for a time Ontario didn't and Newfoundland did.  Then their economies changed .  


    If Alberta wants a piece, their tax structure and their economy needs to change.   More taxes and poorer economic performance.   No Albertans want that, except people like you who complain about how Alberta is screwed.   It isn't.  

  7. Waaaaa  Federal transfers not fair.  Waaaaa



    Who was it that negotiated the last major changes to the program?   Was Kenney involved?   


    People complaining about this need to point their fingers to their own leaders.   Nope, its JT and the east who screwed them.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    I doubt he will get props but with more people making good money and working the independence talk will likely die down. I'm sure you don't see that as a victory but I think any PM would call it a victory if independence talk died down.

    I see TMX a victory for JT.  Teck Frontier could effectively end Wexit.  All that talk about how JT is about screwing Alberta loses on two fronts.   

  9. 1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

    So we can't discuss it? If it was Trump we could discuss the future for 4000 pages..

    We can.  So I'll predict the future too:


    We all know Wexit knuckleheads will lose their minds if JT denies Teck Frontier.   I wonder how quiet they'll be of it gets approved.


    They'll probably be crowing about something something hypocritical about environment.  Wonder if they'll give him his props for helping Alberta.   Wonder if they'll apologize for saying JT is anti pipelines.  Anti oil.  Only out to screw Alberta.   So will ya Strome

  10. 18 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    I'll tell you guys if they don't green light frontier independence will significantly climb.


    Bell: Trudeau arm-twists Alberta, play ball or no oilsands mine


    Justin Trudeau twists Alberta’s arm and he’s probably enjoying it.


    Putting the screws to Alberta.


    The prime minister knows Alberta wants this king-size Teck Frontier oilsands mine bad, real bad.


    More jobs, better economy. Premier Jason Kenney’s election promise.


    So Trudeau ups the ante. Time to squeeze Alberta.


    The one doing the dirty work is not Trudeau. He’s got his Mother Earth climate change warrior leading the charge, a North Vancouver guy by the name of Jonathan Wilkinson.


    Wilkinson speaks Tuesday. You don’t have to do a lot of reading between the lines to spot what is being called these days a quid pro quo, a this for that, a trade-off.


    You scratch my back, I might scratch yours.


    Yes, Wilkinson says before Teck oilsands mine gets a green light, Trudeau and his inner circle will look at how Alberta is helping Canada reach net-zero emissions by 2050.


    Alberta will have to play ball.


    Trudeau’s point man on climate change tells us it’s oh-so-important all provinces do their bit. They need to be acting to meet emission-reducing targets.


    Wait for it. Not done. Isn’t Alberta fighting Trudeau in court over the carbon tax the Liberals just imposed on Albertans?


    “The most recent actions are fighting the federal government on the issue of the pricing of pollution,” says Wilkinson, speaking of Alberta.



    Why stop there?

    “I think what we’re looking for is concrete action on climate change.”

    Methinks this means Trudeau and company want more than what Alberta is doing now. If Alberta doesn’t get with the program, then Liberal Ottawa can say it’s the province’s fault the oilsands mine is not a go.

    It was Alberta’s project to lose.


    Jason Nixon is Kenney’s environment minister, a mince-no-words straight-shooter who gets his political cues from places like the hometown Sundre A&W and not from the virtue-signalling latte-lifters inhabiting the tonier reaches of B.C.’s Lower Mainland.

    It’s late Tuesday. Nixon is not a happy camper.

    He feels Trudeau’s man showed a lack of respect to Alberta and isn’t being smart if he wants to build a relationship with Alberta.

    Nixon believes there’s no reason the Teck Frontier oilsands mine shouldn’t go ahead. Teck has followed every rule, done everything right.

    So why is this a do-or-die, line-in-the-sand project?

    “If the federal government is willing to stop

    this project, that means they’re stopping every project,” says Nixon.

    As for Trudeau’s game.

    “The federal government is looking for an excuse. That’s all they’re doing. They’re trying to find an excuse to not let a project go through that was already approved. It’s ridiculous,” he says, adding this is another example of the federal government not playing fair.

    “They’re trying to change the rules of the game.”

    Trudeau said he wants to work with Alberta. Nixon says this is the prime minister’s chance to get to work.

    “It’s time for Justin Trudeau to put his money where his mouth is.”

    Speak the word, Nixon. Speak the word.

    “Albertans are looking to see if the prime minister is serious. And something like Teck can show he is serious about trying to work with us,” says Nixon.

    “If not, he’s going to prove what we all suspect. That he doesn’t care about this province and he’s going to continue to work against us.”



    You’ve got to hand it to Trudeau.

    Just one day after Premier Kenney pleads to the Trudeau government for a thumbs-up to the oilsands mine and after weeks of the Alberta government playing nice to the feds, the Liberals just can’t just shut up and decide.

    Instead, they kick us where it hurts.

    To add insult to injury, it also happens to be the same day a new Angus Reid nosecount shows opposition to the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion growing.

    In Quebec, sucking up the oil money while looking down their noses at us, the opposition is more than half of those polled.

    It’s also up in vote-rich Ontario and vote-rich B.C.

    Guess Kenney’s high-priced energy war room better find their mojo and crank up the heat on the naysayers and the usual axe grinders.

    Speaking of Kenney, the premier has made it known he’s not happy the Teck mine isn’t already approved, considering how many hoops it has jumped through and how many years it has been jumping.

    On Monday, talking to the Calgary press he didn’t sound like he had the wind in his sails, didn’t look like the person who just placed a bet on the horse thought to be the clear favourite.

    Now we know why.



    @Jimmy McGill before you tell me you don't like Jason Nixons tone you should know he is crazy popular in Alberta. 


    A whole lot of this in this post.  


    If or when JT doesn't approve, then you have something.


    Until then:


  11. 13 minutes ago, Rob_Zepp said:

    Bernie would be an interesting experiment for the US for sure and at least a lot less corrupt than Clinton or Biden but his challenge with the truth isn't all that stellar either....a very few examples:


    "42 percent of (Walmart’s) associates are black."

    — PolitiFact National on Friday, July 12th, 2019


    Nope Bernie, perhaps should have looked at their annual report but exaggerating by 100% is better than your opponent and finger size we guess.



    "When Trump won, we had the lowest voter turnout in 20 years."

    — PolitiFact National on Tuesday, April 18th, 2017


    That is correct if you ignore 2012, 2000 and 1996 - all three lower than 2016 but why let facts get in way of a good story!


    "When you're white ... you don't know what it's like to be poor."

    — PolitiFact National on Monday, March 7th, 2016


    If you ignore the 20 million "white" Americans living in poverty then this divisive comment works.   Nothing like playing race card and then calling others racist.   Works every time!



    "We spend twice as much per capita on health care as any other nation on Earth."

    — PolitiFact National on Thursday, August 20th, 2019


    As long as Canada, Switzerland, Norway, Austria, etc. etc. are no longer considered as nations on Earth - then we're all good here.



    Good luck Bernie.   It would be interesting to see the experiment.   Wall Street alone would be a hopping place!  Hope no one is hoping for a retirement based upon mutual funds......




    Wake me when you find the thousandth lie/misleading statement.   TRUMP will still have told way way way way way way way way more.  Hell, in one rally speech, TRUMP told more than the handful you pulled up on Bernie.  And those lies that TRUMP told were far worse than those Bernie whoppers you posted to make Bernie look bad.

  12. 5 minutes ago, RowdyCanuck said:

    I agree but closing the oil door is only going to hurt Canadians and now how do we stop it? Please don't say just don't ship it.....

    ive admitted to not knowing much on the ocean side of things but that's why I'm asking questions..... 

    My point and that of others is that spills happen, and cleanup is not going to be easy or cheap.  Discounting our demands for more money and more for cleanup is not as unreasonable as some of the Wexit crowd make it out to be.


    This coming from a guy who worked on a spill of light crude 

    • Cheers 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, RowdyCanuck said:

    Okay why? Now it the pipeline your worried about or tankers at sea?

    Go read up on the Kalamazoo oil spill.  Just a spill in a river that has cost over a billion dollars and years in cleanup.  Diluted bitumen is not going to be easy to clean up in the event of a spill.

    • Cheers 1
  14. Just now, RowdyCanuck said:

    I mean spill is risk of doing business with oil, until Canada no longer needs oil to support it , we have to live with that risk....

    would the effects big bigger on the ocean yes but saying it the way you did makes it look like s.k and Manitoba are at no risk cause their pipeline is in the ground....

    if a spill happens in either place does it not hurt either place just as bad in theory? 

    also like I pointed out to other posters....most people have a problem with the ships and that area ......

    everyone knows we need the pipeline but tanker ships are the problem arnt they?

    If it was normal light crude.  Bitumen is another matter.  

  15. 3 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

    AFAIK, BC spoke up right away. It was the Christy Clark government and IIRC, they put out a list of requirements for support of pipeline expansion, before they would support the idea.


    Then the NDP took over and because they needed the Greens to support them, they dug in harder. You're correct in saying that the Feds have the final say, which is why the courts have gotten involved.


    BTW: I disagree with your assertion that "a spill is a spill". The Exxon Valdez and Deepwater Horizon are not the same as the spill at Nexen's Long Lake project near Ft Mac in 2015....or any spill that has occurred on land, for that matter.

    If he worked an oil spill, he would have never said "a spill is a spill".  I worked on a crew that responded to the Pembina Pine river spill in summer 2000 that threatened Chetwynd's drinking water.   The amount of dead fish that floated by was sad.  There were crews working at cleanup of the shoreline of the river for months. 

  16. 27 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

    Bernard vs. Donald would be epic grab your popcorn type of campaign battle.

    Two old guys yelling and insulting each other every which way.



    One guy who walked the walk and talked the talk for decades and the other is a liar, cheater, fraudster who has told 16000 lies/misleading statements so far.  


  17. 7 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

     Now that is some master comedy. Comedy gold i say.   Well done. BRAVO !  Take a bow !!!



    He won't get it because he only sees JT's policies as the root of the problem.   Not the decades of mismanagement by Albertan PCs and the missteps of the Conservative lord and savior Harper. 


    He'll probably post those two bills and say gotcha, take that JT lovers.  Not giving credit to the fact that I also think the Liberals could do better, but given the choices in the past election, JT was the only choice.  Scheer was a trainwreck. 

  18. 25 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

    I haven't watched cable for years. Sometimes i check CNN online for breaking news but thats about it.


    But I wanted your thoughts on Trudeau - he's the only politician to survive a blackface scandal. I find that fascinating. 

    Well, there was Govenor Ralph Northam of Virginia. 

    CNN article link


    Virginia governor apologizes for 'racist and offensive' costume in photo showing people in blackface and KKK garb

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