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Posts posted by thedestroyerofworlds

  1. 5 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    I knew you would come in and spout off this NEP stuff but it's just stupid every time you do the NEP is nothing that is being discussed today having a pipeline to the ocean is not the NEP

    Obviously you didn't read this, which is what has been discussed today.




    "Alberta’s struggle with Canada’s federal government continued through the 20th Century. After the oil boom of the 1970s, Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau imposed unprecedented measures to restrict the growth of the Alberta economy, often with the support of Eastern politicians. The National Energy Program (NEP) remains a historical stain on the relationship between the federal government and the people of Alberta. At a time when wealth, opportunity, and political influence was thriving in Alberta, the first Prime Minister Trudeau took it upon himself to attack the natural resource sector in Alberta with destructive force. When Alberta Premier Peter Lougheed asked why Ontario-based manufacturing products were sold to Albertans at tariff-protected prices, while Alberta oil was being sold to Ontarians at half the going rate, no justification was given. The government of the day unapologetically displaced billions of dollars in investment, which forced Albertans from their homes, bankrupted businesses, destroyed livelihoods, led to suicides and set the province back for a generation. 

    Never acknowledged or rectified, this malicious act stands as a reminder of the colonial attitude towards Alberta, and what happens when the political power class of the East turns, with intent, against the West. "

  2. 1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

    Teck CEO Lindsay already stated the main reason this project would not go ahead was market forces.


    Rest assured, this will be blamed on Trudeau.  Liberals.  NDP.  Environmentalists.  But never on the bare facts

    When you look at the economic values of Frontier,  they based them on $75 crude as the low estimate.   It's been a while since we saw that price.  

    • Cheers 1
  3. Just now, Warhippy said:

    Rempel held the position of "minister of state responsible for western economic diversification" of Canada as of early 2013 prior to her parties defeat.  


    Just think about that long and hard while reading this manifesto.

    The people that this drivel resonates with don't think.  Cue braindead retorts from our resident supporters of this manifesto. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

    My favourite part of it is how the 4 MPs who signed off on it have been in power for well over a decade, but "their province is suffering now" and it's everyone else's fault.  but certainly not theirs at all, even though they were in power through what is effectively a super majority between their provincial and federal party.


    the best part though is how they whine about their sovereignty and rights as a territory, but then immediately crap all over the bands in BC having issues with pipelines running through their territory.  you cannot make up that level of hypocrisy

    I say the same whenever I hear the moron Kenney open his mouth or when Strome posted those Brian Jean memes.  They were in power with a majority with business friendly provincial governments out west, and couldn't get the job done. 

  5. They even bitch about the "nationalization" of TMX.  I mean, do they even realize that it wasn't happening on the current timeline without Ottawa stepping in.




    "The political veto of the Northern Gateway pipeline, regulatory strangulation of Energy East, silence over U.S. President Obama’s veto of the Keystone XL pipeline, passing Bills C-69 and C-48; small business tax increases, the carbon tax, nationalization of the TMX pipeline, failures to address significant trade issues with major economies like China and India; and refusal to enforce the rule of law on approved resource development projects or on illegal blockades have all served to close Alberta’s economy to investment and job growth. "

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  6. 1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:



    I can't believe that people give him the time of day.  This guy was an MP representing an Albertan riding during the last time equalization was changed.  He was in Ottawa,  in government for the better part of a decade.  If Canada is so broken, why didn't he/they do anything about it?  Sounds to me that he/they are a bunch of temper tantrum opportunists stoking fear and hate to get political support and not promoting sound policy. 

  7. 23 minutes ago, RUPERTKBD said:

    And as Oliver pointed out, there have been several studies done on the cost of Universal Healthcare and the results vary significantly.


    However, the overall gist supports Hippy's statement that the "doom and gloom" predictions are overstated. For one thing, if people have regular access to healthcare, then potential problems such a hypertension can be addressed by medication, before they turn into heart attacks or strokes, requiring expensive procedures and hospital stays.

    An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  

    • Cheers 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Warhippy said:

    So we're clear.  Yale studies show a $450 billion savings across the US if universal medicare was enacted.




    Factor that in with saving almost $650 billion on fossil fuel subsidies




    And then factor in the $100+ billion estimated in corporate welfare




    Seems to me there's over a trillion dollars per year in savings alone.  Not factored in of course is the amount people would in fact save not going in to debt because they broke an arm, had a baby or caught a cold which in fact would further bolster the economy.


    Seems maybe, just maybe the fears of a national medicare program are...not quite as grounded in reality as some purport them to be


    Or like Rep. Katie Porter.  Had appendicitis.  Didnt take an ambulance because it would cost money.  Went to her in network hospital, which was across town and not the nearest hospital to her. And she still got a bill in the end because the surgeon who did the surgery wasn't in her network.   That's the choice in the American healthcare system.  Do everything you can to avoid a big bill and you still get screwed over.



    Edit:  Last week tonight with John Oliver from Sunday.

  9. 1 minute ago, RUPERTKBD said:

    I wouldn't count him out yet. We're only through two primaries, both in "white" states. Uncle Joe has a lot of support among blacks, so lets see how he does as they move south.


    In answer to your question: probably Amy or Pete.

    These first few states will get rid of the dead weight.   Super Tuesday will be where the field will be slashed.  The candidates who finish outside of the top 3 will be in serious trouble.   

    • Cheers 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

    The difference between what is projected to be spent on health care from 2020-2029 vs. projected cost of Medicare for all is 34 trillion.

    I am not sure where people think that money will come from, unless of course we raise taxes.




    You already have private taxes in the form of premiums, deductibles and copays.  Along with inflated administrative costs and price gouging.   Instead of your private taxes fattening the wallets of the Martin Shkreli's of the world, that money in the form of public taxes goes towards healthcare.   Even on the conservative estimates money will be saved.  The costs you are complaining about are not new, on top of what's already being paid.  

  11. 9 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

    I wonder if this is the same magic wand they were going to wave to get 20-30 trillions to cover this pipe dream?

    AOC lowers expectations on Medicare for All, admitting Sanders 'can't wave a magic wand' to pass it





    Already paying 20-30 plus trillions in the form of premiums, deductibles and copays.   Add in the price gouging on things like insulin and EpiPens and the current system is way more expensive to just keep doing.  But hey, socialism is bad. 


    Edit:  the magic pen refers to the party that is against reforming the system.  All evidence points to that party wanting to take healthcare from people.

  12. 8 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

    You obviously didn't read.  When governments ignore scientitifc research on climate change, protests will happen.   

    No point in protesting in Stanley park... protests are designed to get media attention.


    These current protests are planned. exceptionally well and are doing exacactly as designed.... getting maximum media coverage. 

    Please provide the source of your claim that the current Liberal government is ignoring climate change.   Last time I checked we are still part of the Paris Accords, unlike our neighbors to the south. 


    Please provide the sources that these protests are about climate change and not Indigenous rights.

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  13. 6 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

    I feel like i am watching 2 accountants at a pub..... arguing whether there tip on a 5 dollar pint should be based on the cost of the pint before OR after taxes are included.....


    Bottom line - Alberta conservative party ruined Alberta legacy fund and the alberta boom and bust economy in general.....

    But it's the NDP'S fault when they had to dig them out of that hole, the crater that the oil bust left.  Wonder how many of those conservatives give Harper a pass on $55 billion. 

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