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Posts posted by thedestroyerofworlds

  1. 2 minutes ago, Standing_Tall#37 said:

    I’m very doubtful of all this. I didn’t attack you personally. It’s not my fault if you feel as melted as a snowflake in summer. 

    Multiple posts questioning my intelligence. Nope, not a personal attack.  Multiple posts that hint that you have sources, but you choose to not post them.  


    Either post those sources, or my assessment that you are a tinfoil hat conspiracy nut is correct. 

  2. Just now, Standing_Tall#37 said:

    Wrong again. You should get a job or an education.

    Then put up or shut up.  You are the one who brought up Soros, the UN, and Justin lining up his pockets.   You then asserted that you had the sources, but didn't want to post them because reasons.   Then you attack me personally.   I am educated and I do have a job.


    Your move.  

  3. 1 minute ago, Standing_Tall#37 said:

    Naw I wouldn’t want you  delving into something you’re not capable of understanding. It would be the equivalent of trying to teach my dog physics. Waste of time for both creatures involved.



    I have no sources.   The information came from my posterior.   And it stinks. 


    Guess my post about YouTube videos is bang on.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Standing_Tall#37 said:

    You literally don’t have to”do research” when it was on every major Canadian network.

    I must have missed the coverage about Soros helping Justin Trudeau line his pockets.  Care to provide a source for that so I can do research?

    • Cheers 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Standing_Tall#37 said:

     George Soros’ its More important to keep the environmental agenda then worrying about what Alberta thinks. It’s only a province, whereas Soros opens up a door to the UN for Trudeau and the trickle down economics of that are about directly lining Trudeau’s personal pockets. That’s what’s most important to the “leader” of Canada 



    • Cheers 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

    not sure what your complaint is here... you don't want an aid package if the project is killed by Teck? or? 

    He's afraid that JT helping Alberta takes the wind out of his sails.  All kinds of talking points that gets the knuckleheads all riled up get shot down.  They're all praying and hoping the Feds deny Teck so they can continue their JT hate fest.

  7. 39 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    FILDEBRANDT: If Trudeau kills the Teck oilsands, it’s war

    The time has come for Alberta’s government to draw a line in the sand. They need to tell Ottawa in no uncertain terms, “This, and no farther.”

    The federal Liberal government appears to be close to doing the unimaginable: killing the $20 billion Teck oilsands investment. With the stroke of a pen, they are on the edge of killing one of the biggest investments in Canadian history, 7,000 good-paying jobs, and a key component of Alberta’s sluggish economy recovery. Killing Teck will be a hammer in the coffin.


    It will not have been market conditions. It will not even have been a hostile rouge province playing robber-baron with its borders. It will have been the federal government, elected to represent the interests of all Canadians.

    Until this week, it was unimaginable that the Liberals would have the gumption to kill the Teck oilsands investment. However much the Liberals may ideologically oppose the continued existence or expansion of the oil and gas industry, they are politically astute enough to know that doing so would create a political Prairie fire that would burn out of their control. With his reconciliatory language after the federal election, even Trudeau appeared to recognize that the West didn’t just give up on him, but was dangerously close to giving up on federalism itself.


    Your hatred of JT is showing.  Posting the ramblings of a Freedom Conservative Party of Alberta member. 

    • Cheers 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Ronaldoescobar said:

    I think a major question for a lot of voters is which potential leadership candidate will promise to pursue charges against JT for his many many criminal transgressions?

    Someone will have to answer for it. 

    It worked down south getting all the knuckleheads frothing at the mouth at the thought.  If it happens here, then we will truly know that Conservatives have jumped the shark.


    • Cheers 1
  9. 27 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    I haven't got the slightest idea what a political party has to do with the Supreme Court oh that's right it's a right-wing party so you have to attack it honestly go back to the Trump thread you don't even make sense anymore

    You were questioning a minority holding things up an raising a stink.   Kinda like the Wexit crowd you've been defending/supporting. 


    You're damn right I don't support the crazy that populate the right.  In your world I guess that makes me a crazy leftist.   Something I'm not. 

  10. 10 hours ago, Chicken. said:

    Just for fun;



    Let's ignore:




    US meddling in their political system, backing opposition groups. 


    Collapse of oil prices.  Oil profits provide a significant portion of their economy.  


    Corruption.  Something that is prevalent in the Americas.   Something some posters here complain about in our government. In the US government. 



    Nope.   It's all socialism that is to blame. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

    I'm not talking about paying for themselves but they put people back to work. Trudeau's middle class tax break isn't paying for itself, infact it cost Canadians 1.2 billion dollars. 

    And Harper's GST cuts cost way more.  They weren't paid for either and still cost us


  12. 2 minutes ago, BPA said:

    Some snippets from link below.




    29 Nov 2019.


    Nearly 6,000 Alberta public-sector jobs could be eliminated as the UCP government tries to cut costs and find efficiencies, the provincial government signalled to Alberta's largest union in letters released late Friday afternoon.


    On Friday, the United Nurses of Alberta learned that a further 750 front-line nurses could lose their jobs under a "massive downsizing" at AHS.




    At least the AB government is trying to trim the fat.



    Self inflicted pain.   When economic policy of Conservatives is voodoo, this is what you get.


    The viscous cycle of voodoo:


    Conservatives promise tax cuts will spur economic growth and the growth will pay for said tax cuts.


    Conservatives cut taxes.  Celebrate their greatness. 


    Conservatives get a look at the books.  All they see is red.  Use this red to now cut programs and services. 


    Economy doesn't work like they planned. 


    Rinse and repeat.

    • Upvote 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

    Considering you live in a province that contributes very little, is taxed to death, has the most natural resources and ocean access all while having more debt, you know the debt that was doubled by the ndp in The 90s maybe you should worry about Bc. We were debt free then we we got two left leaning PC's and wouldn't you know we had debt, then the ndp wo added 30 plus billion in debt. Again with the us stuff..let it  go u don't live there nor can u vote there.

    Wexit Alberta may be falling apart. The freedom conservatives are trying to unite the sovereign right wing parties. Lol provincial election will have 9right wing parties 4 of which are independent parties..

    BC is a part of Canada, so fighting for Canada means that I care about this Wexit bs.  I am pro Canada.   You can't say the same.  


    I used the TRUMP example to highlight the type that are the knuckleheads and morons of the conservative movement.   They exist in Canada as well.  I could have used social conservatives as well.  I could have used CC deniers too.  So yes, I am not a fan of the Conservative side of the aisle. 


    Funny how you called those PC Albertan governments left leaning.   When you are way out on the extreme, everything looks leftist I guess.   

  14. 6 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    @inane do you now see why people get frustrated with the uneducated?

    No party can control commodity prices...also repeatedly I have pointed out who changed the formula I also don't like JK and didn't vote cpc but as usual this guy and hip play politics with it. You are correct it's not left vs right as the ndp didn't like the formula change and renewing of it. The ndp also campaigned on being no friend of JT.


    So trying being honest inane when guys like me or FTG have to deal with this uneducated stupidity can you understand how it gets annoying? I don't mind discussion with @Jimmy McGill as he doesn't bring politics in as all parties in Alberta agree the formula is flawed. I get this snowflake is anti conservative as is hip but it has nothing to do with the discussion. Money was saved, money was invested in Alberta, money made all Canadians lives better and money made it so Canada isn't running a 100 billion dollar deficit but some how we should have more money. 

    Calls me uneducated.   Snowflake.   The only thing you got right is anti conservative.  You're damn right when the conservative movement has been hijacked by knuckleheads and morons.  The type who chant lock her up at TRUMP rallies.   


    Money was saved?  Is Alberta debt free?  How's that heritage fund?  

    • Upvote 1
  15. One more:


    How many times does it have to be pointed out that Alberta would have to become a have not to get more equalization?  Taxes would have to be raised and the economy would have to tank further than it has.  No Albertans want that do they?  Neither do we.  So dont call us antialberta then.

    • Cheers 1
  16. How many times does the fact that Alberta Conservatives, with the current premier being a key figure, were involved in setting the rules for the very equalization program they now are complaining about?  


    How many times does it have to be pointed out that decisions made by Albertan governments, almost entirely from the conservative side of the aisle, have made their bed and now they want the rules changed mid game?


    Man what a bunch of whiny little snowflake babies.  Waaaaaaaaaaaa

  17. 28 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    All those things I mentioned are the majority of the money.

    Funny why both the cpc and liberals believe in lower corporate taxes. Provinces with lower corporate taxes have lower unemployment rates. Pretty obvious stuff.

    Wonder who donates all kinds of cash into political campaigns?  Wonder why Scheer had private meetings with oil executives while SNC lavalin was going on.  Money talks and bs walks.  That's why major political parties advocate for tax cuts all the time.  It's because knuckleheads buy into the bs while the rich fat cats run out the back with their extra bags of cash.  And you bought that bs hook line and sinker. 

    • Haha 1
  18. 40 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    @thedestroyerofworlds also the low corporate tax rate prior to the ndp made Alberta the most invested in place in Canada. That means they created 10s of thousands of jobs making life better for all those people. This has been proven over and over again, lower corporate taxes creates jobs and makes life better. Higher corporate taxes causes job losses and brings living standards down and directly hurts people. 


    Alberta's flat tax rate is the best way to go.

    And yet we have examples like Brownback's Kansas tax cuts that dont result in what you say here.  So much so that bordering states outperformed Kansas economically and resulted in Kansas conservatives eventually repealing most of Brownback's tax cuts.  Even in the face of mounting evidence that those tax cuts failed, there are still some Kansas GOP members who think Brownback didn't go far enough.  But hey, keep believing in voodoo economics.   They work according to you. 

  19. 32 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    More anti Alberta stupidity. We have no taxes, the nicest hospitals, roads, hell the nicest everything. We pay our life savers and life teachers very well so they go above and beyond, that is investing in Alberta!

    Again  you can't compare Norway, they don't give away 20-30 billion annually to a place called Ottawa.







    The graph was showing possibilities for the Heritage Fund vs the actual fund or lack there of.


    If Alberta actually saved some or all, there would be a nice nest egg for current and future Albertans.   As it stands, yes, Alberta blew its load on low/no taxes and other crap ON TOP of those things you list.  Not AntiAlbertan.  Pointing out flaws in previous Albertan governments policies.  You fail to see this.

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