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Everything posted by drdeath

  1. Brock sure looks more Enter Sandman-ly with that beard.
  2. Yeah that was a lot better than I was expecting. Still doesn't redeem the other fights though.
  3. We go to the judges scorecard, all three judges rate tonight's card so far, by unanimous decision: B-O-R-I-N-G
  4. drdeath


    Haha go figure, they're playing Dave Pierce's "Medals" piece from the olympic medal ceremonies.
  5. That's a pretty weak deal if the rumor if true, but as others have said the card was shaping up to be a waste of time anyway.
  6. Only GSP would dominate every second of a 5-round championship bout and apologize to the fans for a poor fight haha. Props to Hardy for not tapping even when his arm was discovering all kinds of new uncomfortable positions.
  7. Update: it is currently NOT snowing in Vancouver.. stay tuned for details.
  8. If it holds the pace it's on all night I really wouldn't rule it out because a lot of people would be hosed for getting in. It's snowed about 3 inches so far in a couple of hours, if it hits close to a foot it'd probably be enough to eff over University Boulevard/10th again. Shame this couldn't have happened 24 hours earlier because now I don't care anymore for exams
  9. Yeah it's givin'er good here at UBC.. and now it's sticking too.
  10. Agreed. Had enough CDC awkwardness with UBC.
  11. Creepy. That means almost certainly we've liked, walked past each other's houses and junk. I'm on monterey towards the fire dept but that's probably enough GPS assist for today haha
  12. Like 50 feet from The Blethering Place cept I wont be goin back this summer.
  13. How's it lookin' in Oak Bay?
  14. Upgraded to full on sticking snow.
  15. It is curently... I guess I'd call it sleet... it's currently sleeting right now at UBC.
  16. Big time snow up here at Point Grey.
  17. I think we've lost our phone service out here at UBC.
  18. It's hammering down now here at UBC.
  19. It's letting up here at UBC but it's really been givin'er.
  20. Heh. Go figure. I scored your puck off the wall at the Celeb dinner last night and I have to say your auto looks pretty good. Thanks for the photos too and good luck this week.
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