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Everything posted by Otis

  1. Sick job, have a good draft and the BJ's are looking pretty unreal.
  2. It was an inside joke that caught on haha // wow 9 points by Top Titty and Moore to Carter's none! We're on the board at least!
  3. Ya I was the lackey too lol. First time. I'm getting so bored of being mafia I miss be TP.
  4. Missed this.. sorry to see you go Arby. So is greensman an agent once again? Nice!
  5. true. doesn't help that I can't keep myself together during the games speaking of triple crown did you see that losing horse's owner after the race? what a great rant.
  6. It isn't over yet. I will probably be 2nd lul
  7. Nope. Regardless of what happens there won't be much going down in Florida. Young players are just that, as I woke up I realized , it's a game of inches, sometimes you get em sometimes you don't.. just enjoy the process. I might get a bit too emotional sometimes but it's only because of the passion(and that I'm a bit crazy ) //MISCONDUCTS, GOALS, ASSISTS, PLUSES WOOO GOOOOOO TOFFOLI AND MOORE SPREAD YOUR WINGS AND FLY.
  8. That's amazing.. great story buddy. "cheer up, you're above average" I lol'd. thanks for that.
  9. I'm just used to losing. Try not to get my hopes up anymore it never works out
  10. Yeah I'm just heartbroken. Sometimes I think I should just give up on sports. Anyone I cheer for or what I compete in never wins. Sigh. Back to crying. My head keeps showing Zuccarello missing that empty net I can't take this!
  11. jk don't kill me, but u can if you want I won't stop you, my ghost will haunt you if you do tho dw.
  12. Yeah I'm done. I haven't been this upset for a long time.. probably game 7 in 2011 After Zuccarello missed that open net off the Moore shot I knew i was in some trouble lol. not my series, not my year I guess. Life of a canucks fan, FLA pretty much the 2010-11 Canucks of this season, presidents trophy, lose in the finals.
  13. It's not humour it's my pain my heart is in shambles.,
  14. OEL, Karlsson, saad, Toews, Kane, Neal, Crawford, Coyle, Toffoli, Zibanejad ALL ON THE BLOCKKK. JK fml though going to take me a while to get over this. The tears are aplenty
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