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Everything posted by Joker

  1. YOU.



















  2. Well then, don't get mad at me next time when I miss spell your name. =)

    I bet they do. That's why I rarely, hardly never, get in trouble.


    I just tell them it's a 'brown thing' and that it's CONTAGIOUS! Lol.

  3. Congrats on becoming a Super Mod. You deserve it. =)

  4. Congrats on becoming a Super Mod. You deserve it. =)

  5. yourself checked out. 0_0

  6. I was just trying to help out. It would make your life a whole lot easier. ;)

    Exactly! I'm just sweating away at my desk and they think I'm working super duper hard so they think, "Hey, that kids trying really hard. Nice!"

    Suuurrreee....'good girl'. Suuuuurrrrreeee.....

    It's not gross. Don't you sweat profusely? If not, you should get yours...

  7. WTF!? This damn comment crap!

    Anyways, like I was saying: It would kick me straight in the head. I'd get a concussion...and cry.

  8. If no one spells it right, change it to how everyone spells it. Problem solved!

    I'm not usually late. But once in a while I am, but the teachers know I'm a good kid so they let me slide. =D

    So how many times did you skip last year?

    No. It's still in her belly, but you know sometimes the baby kicks while inside. That's what would happen to me. It would kick me ...

  9. It would kick me straight in the head. I'd get a con

  10. the phone when the school calls you so no one will know.

    Yup, I'm terrified of my pregnant teacher. You never know when she's gonna stand beside you, looking at what homework you've done, and WHAM! The baby kicks you right in the head.

  11. It was one little mistake, and I fixed it. It's not a big deal. =P

    It's not mean. It's funny. Then the teachers like, "Why are you late?" They're like, "I didn't know the time." Teachers says, "Get the heck outta my classroom!" Lol. Good times. But that would get really annoying after a little while.

    If you skip, just be ready to pick up...

  12. What part(s) do you find interesting in Socials? I find it all to be tedious. Damn! A whole essay in French!? That must really suck. Are you allowed to use Google Translator? =P

    I can't remember, but did Spain win the World Cup?

  13. CAN'T.



















  14. Yeah, we don't really have a heavyweight. But I think Desbiens is a pretty tough guy. Ah well, Skill > Toughness I guess.

    I wonder if the Twins (either one of them) will get another 100+ point season. I hope so, though.

  15. But it's funny to see them hanging out acting like a bunch or numbskulls. Lol. And seeing them fight and go to the clubs is just a bonus.

    Overrated by ME! I donno, I just don't think he's that good of a player. And I wasn't sad to see him leave.

    Hordi for who!? When did this happen?

  16. See, I am smart for seeing that. =D

    Lol. I don't really care if other people are late, it's fun to see them get in trouble. Oh whoops. I meant to say, "She doesn't like you skipping?" =P Oops.

    It's not my pregnant teacher that makes me nervous. It's when I hear my name get called to answer something, no matter who the teacher is.

  17. Yeah, I realized that after I took the picture. Sorry, Clare. =D Yay! It's cute! My job here is done. B)

    Yeah we don't. And teachers wonder why kids are late. Lol. Why? She doesn't you skipping?

    Haha. But people would be like, "WTF is wrong with that kid?" I don't really want to face public humiliation.

  18. NO! I want to send it to you on CDC! NOW DELETE, DELETE, DELETE!

  19. Oh, I see now. So you need to know like the physical regions of places, and how climate changes and stuff like that? That isn't too bad. I might take that. I remember doing a little of that last year in Socials. It was alright.

  20. todays NHL. There aren't many tough guys left.

    Same, hope he has a moderate season. Don't want him to show up the Sedins. =P Lol.

  21. But it's so funny. How could you not like it? Wait, have you seen an episode of it or do you just hate it in general?

    You got me. Lol. He just isn't that great of a D-man, I think. He was way too overrated, and I'm happy he's gone. Yeah, but Jovo is a great D-man and he helped Ohlund tons. Without Jovo, Ohlund is nothing!

    Yeah, young and skilled is the way to go in...

  22. Honestly, what place do you think you guys will finish?

    I knew it! =P

  23. Lol. You guys and your warfare. Don't you guys spend over $1 Billions a year of new warfare machines? WASTE OF MONEY! No wonder you guys are in debt to so many places. =P

    Hey man, I'm just restating what you said in the summer. But you can't expect to be a top 5 team in one year with a new coach. It does take some time. Haha. Honestly, what place do you think you guys ...

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