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Everything posted by Joker

  1. They changed their goal horn? What is it now?

  2. But if I kidnapped her, wouldn't she tell someone. And then they'd think I'm a freak.

    You say you're nice, and yet you say I'm not awesome. <_<

  3. My comments. I'm trying to cut them down. Duh...

    How shoooort?

    But doesn't everything require brainpower?

    That's a lame excuse for telling someone not to stalk you. =P

    I might watch it illegally. 0_0 That stays between us. ;)

    Okay. Then I don't have to waste me time taking a picture of me beautiful head. Your loss.

  4. Just give it a really good wash.

  5. Ah well. What'cha gonna do, eh? Where are you working now? Where'd you work before?

  6. Hope so. Can't wait to buy it.

  7. Damn, that sucks. I hope you live through it. =P

  8. Haha. Did you kick it around yet?

  9. Ouch. You done getting tutored? Or is it for the whole summer?

  10. Or maybe someone just put a lot of effort into making that scam site looking amazing. You never know, right? Haha. Well, did you buy something yet?

    I wonder if he was sad. You might give a mean glare. =P

  11. I still gotta say that NHL09 is the shiznit. It's > NHL10. But I hope 11 is better than 09. Or I'll be mad.

  12. Yeah right. You would love to see my head. I know it.

    Haha. I don't want to be called a freak by kidnapping her. I'm not that desperate. That's a last resort. I don't know. You're mean. But Lovie is pretty awesome, right? =D

    No I don't! I haven't been on for the past 4 days. And as I see it, you talk way more 'cause my comment is 4 pages back!

    2 REPLYS! WOO!

  13. I'm trying to cut them down, but it's hard.

    I guess you're normal. Girls are usually shorter than boys. ;) How tall is your bf, I wonder if I'm taller.

    Well, I don't think Science homework is too bad. Only 'cause I like Science. =D

    Haha. Okay. I won't stalk you.


  14. Haha. Nice. Dude, Boston's GM is so dumb (in the game). He traded Zdeno Chara! Hahaha! And got Joe Sakic, who plays on the freakin' forth line! Hahaha! It's so messed.

  15. Ouch. That must suck. Is your tutor pretty? If it's a girl. Haha. Is so, make her your gf. You can do it!

  16. Just admit that you want to see it. I know it's killing you inside that you can't. ;)

    Haha. Maybe I should've. Next time I go, she can come home with me. Are you making fun of what she calls me!? Meanie...

    Ah-ha! Now you talk a lot!

  17. 5'4, eh? Shawty!

    Nah. It's just that not all homework is boring, well, I think. You might not.

    I'm not a stalker. Just when we were talking on MSN once, your display pic was you. And that's it. Unless, you want me to start stalking you?...0_0

    Every movie makes you cry! What's wrong with you? Crying while driving, and now kiddie movies. Are you really 16?

  18. Well, technically, they aren't paragraphs. Just 1-2 sentence answers. Just sayin'. =P They just look long.

    I'm so sure. I see you were talking to SmirnoffIce when I was gone...doesn't sound that fun. My hypothesis is that when I am gone, you're extremely bored, and you go to the lowest of measures to get entertainment - even if that means talking to Smirnoff. =P Hahaha.

  19. I never trust buying something online. You never know when it'll be a scam.

    Yeah! It was awesome. I kept getting dirty looks from Flames fans. Haha. It was great.

  20. Well have fun. Haha. What if it pops? 0_0

  21. Haha. Yeah, I just noticed that. Good name change. It fits.

    Just looking at your recent comment, are you actually brown?

  22. Hmm...not bad. You gonna kick it around? Haha.

  23. Nice! How much was it?

  24. Haha. That's a good assumption...but no. Too many people pick their favorite team. I decided to do it differently. After all that picking your position and stuff, when you get to the actual team picking, I randomized it. I got Chicago. I played with them for a year, and once that was done, and I started to get offers from other teams, I chose Boston 'cause they're my favorite Americ...

  25. I chose Boston 'cause they're my favorite American team. And I've stuck with them since (On 3rd year). How about you?

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