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Everything posted by Joker

  1. It's going pretty good. The only thing wrong is that school is pretty close. Man, summer went by quick, eh? How about you? Same here. Can't wait 'til they kick some arse! Yeah, and I'm so excited to get it! I'll have 09 and 11. Woah, that's not good. Lol. Get it? Lol. You getting it?

  2. I see. Those are the worst types of Demon. =P Haha.

    So, I'm assuming you have your 'L'?

  3. Oh sweet. You gonna make it to the big times? =P

  4. If she's my age, and you think she's a demon child, how old are you?

  5. Why were you playing near a thorn bush, anyways? I could've told you that was a bad idea.

    I see. Like exorcist demon? Or like annoying demon? Lol.

  6. I see. Are you good at soccer? Or are you one of those people who just stand around and once the balls come close you just wail it down field? Lol.

  7. Haha. Not all Canadian girls play hockey. There are some very cute girls. Google Images is your friend. =P

    Lol. That's freakin' hilarious. I think I saw a thread he made. Got everybody here irratated. And some guy found out that he had like 4 other accounts. Lol. Ah well, only a few can survive on CDC.

  8. Well, maybe you could ask your cousin for some seats behind the bench. I'm sure if you begged he/she'd do it. Oh, and if you do get to sit there, make my name stand out so I can see it. =D

    Excellent. I'm actually making that right now. It allows you to see through computer screens. You could be my very first customer, if you'd like. And, btw, I have amazing, innocent brown eyes.

  9. Me too. You made me confused. =/

    Haha. That'd be pretty mean if they actually said that to you.

    So, let me get this straight, people ask you on a date, and then don't even bother to show up? What's wrong with the world, these days?

    That's very true. I'm way too young for dating. I still live with my parents, you know.

  10. Nah, but I'll probably be going this Saturday.

    I've finally started the gym...and I'm freakin' sore. =/

  11. Maybe you should get shooting lessons. =P Lol.

    O M G! That's pretty insane. So, is she available? =P

  12. Haha. Wait, what does that have to do with anything? Oh well, doesn't matter. Haha.

    How? Do they recognize your number, and just not pick up? Or they answer, but they say they already have plans?

    You've actually got stood up? That must've really sucked. The person who did that to you is a real jack.

  13. I dare you to do that. It would be awesome! And I could brag on here that a Wild fan worships me enough to make a sign for me. =D

    I'm not innocent? Have you seen my innocent eyes? They're too innocent. Fine, I'll trust you. She better be hot, or else! Haha. Like you never wanted to kiss a Canadian. Admit it. You like Canadian girls.

  14. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! What happened!?

  15. Is working at the PNE fun? Or is it kind of crappy seeing everyone else go on the rides and you have to watch them? Have you got barfed on, yet? Lol.

  16. I see. I think I go back around that time too. Have you bought your school supplies yet?

  17. Why does it suck? Lol.

    Maybe you should start making the plans and tell your friend not to. And if she cancels, tell her that bad things will happen. 0_0

    Haha. Why don't you contact them? Maybe they just lost your phone number...and forgot who you were. Haha.

  18. Oh frack. I completely forgot about school. I am not looking forward to it. =/ When do you go back?

  19. Lol. Right...I think I know 4 people on here who live in Kelowna.

    What did you do? No, not yet. I don't think I'm going 'cause I'm not heading to Vancouver anytime soon. Maybe next year, I guess.

  20. Joker

    Yeah, probably. And also, when hockey starts, going on here just kills time when you're waiting for the game to start.

  21. After this reply, no more replying to you until you reply to me. =D

  22. Yeah, I guess. Some aspects of it are stupid.

    So what's new, man?

  23. Woah, must've been quite a fun week, eh? You know, I've never seen any of the God Father movies. Weird, I know.

  24. Yeah, it was kind of biased. It you saw someone with a popular rep, you probably wouldn't read what he/she posted and would just give him/her the plus. But I didn't mind the system, and I'm not just saying that 'cause I was at a +247. =P But it doesn't hurt. Lol.

  25. What? Who else lives here?

    I am sure you have friends, and I'm sure that they would be more than happy to go to the PNE with you. C'mon, do it. It'll be fun. =)

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