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Everything posted by Joker

  1. You google it for me. Just briefly explain to me what it is. That's not too hard, is it?

    I'm not lying! Just tell me the ending. =) Please?

    Chicken getting in your hair? Were you throwing it around while you were high? Or bathing in it? =P Sure..."for dinner"...right...

    Right there! Liar! 'Trustworthy' person. LIAR! I'm trustworthy. =D

    No. I can't budge from 7.

  2. Yeah, HST really sucks. My cousin told me that shopping in Seattle is very cheap. But what are you planning to buy?

  3. Yeah, most likely. At least when there's school, there is some hockey things to talk about.

    Well, I'm going again. 'Cause the first time I went, it was only for 3 days, now I'm staying for a week. I hope I have more fun 'cause this time my cousin isn't working while I'm there.

    You going anywhere in the rest of the summer?

  4. I agree too.

    I'll probably be done with CDC on Saturday or Sunday, for a week or so. Should be fun to not have to check CDC 4-5 times a day.

  5. Well, (post) less until the real hockey season starts.

    There just isn't really anything to talk about. I get sick of CDC from time to time. That's why I'm absent so often. I need a break from lame-'ol CDC.

  6. Whoops, wasn't done writing my reply. Anyways, if you really want to enjoy your summer, then why do you come on CDC so often? Instead, you should sit with your family, have fun, go out, and not check CDC for at least a week. That would be how I would describe 'enjoying my summer'.

    That's why I'm going to Calgary. I probably won't be on for a while. Don't you sometimes get sick of CDC?


  8. Yea, it does look kind of cool. I wonder if it's real. Like they changed the name of the school just to hide it in the movie. Hmmm...this is something I need to find out.

  9. I SAID 7! Take it or go!

  10. YES! I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS! Jeesh, some people nowadays... If it was such a classic, I would've heard of it.

    I watched it. Now tell me what happens at the end, I walked out on the movie 'cause it was so boring.

    Doing drugs isn't cool. YOU DRUGIE! Great, you start off by smelling chicken, and then you'll be eating the couch.

    It's hard to believe that you aren't lying.

  11. I want to go to Vancouver to go to the PNE. And just see my cousin, who I just saw last week. But visiting her doesn't hurt.

    No, I live in BC though. Try to guess where. =)

    Haha. Yea, it's kind of boring. But I'd probably just hang with my cousins, and go watch movies or something. I usually have fun there.

  12. I'm sure you can pull off 100 posts a day, if you really wanted to. And I KNOW you can do it! All you have to do it, everytime you're on CDC, post a lot. Let's say you came on CDC 5 times a day, then all you would have to do it have 20 posts per visit. Easy-peasy. You can do it.

  13. What is that? Some sort of movie? I hope you don't cry. =P

    What happens at the end 'cause I was joking about watching the movie.

    Are you sure? How do I know that you aren't 'on' something right now?...

    7 is the best I can do.

    I'm trying. But it isn't really working all to well.

  14. Just to visit for a longer period of time. But, my plans got changed. My family is going to Vancouver soon, and they wanted me to come with them. So I can either go to Calgary or Vancouver. Don't know which one yet.

  15. No way! You've got it the other way around. I'm the cool one. B)

    How sad can they be? I'll watch that Despicable Me movie, and I'll tell you if I cry or not. If I don't, then I'm too good for you.

    Sure... You were 'on' something. Admit it.

    Okay then, wait 10 years.

    I'll try to believe you.

  16. I have no idea where they shot it. Try checking it on Wiki, they might have it. But, if you don't mind me asking, why do you care about that shot?

  17. Haha. Considering how much I post, that wouldn't be impossible. So, are you in? All you have to do is post 100 a day for seven days a week. And you'll be caught up in no time.

  18. Nope. I'm much better than you. I know that for a fact.

    How is that possible? You always cry when you watch movies, I'm too good for you.

    How could she have been my niece? That means my brother had to have had a daughter... When you wrote that reply, were you 'on' something?

    Well, buy some now. And I'll get you some later. =)

    Exactly. So are you lying?

  19. No, no, no. You've got it all wrong. Lov >>>>>>>>>> Clare. Everybody knows that.

    We'll just see about that.

    My niece? Don't you mean my cousin? Lol.

    Calm down. You'll get your chocolate. Just wait a while.

    How do I know if you aren't lying right now?

  20. Haha. Well, they'll have to mooch off me when I start getting my own cheques. But until then, I'll be the moocher. But I don't think they really mind if I waste their money. Well, I hope they don't mind.

    In other news, it looks like I'm going to Calgary again.

  21. HA! You should be happy that I'M responding to you. Lov > Clare.

    Oh I will. Don't worry about that. ;)

    Well, you better strike soon 'cause I'm headin' off to Calgary again. Very soon. Mwuaha!

    Well, I've got to earn the money to pay for that expensive chocolate. Duh.

    Saying that you're truthful means that you're lying.

  22. Haha. It's 'cause you post a lot, and I come and go. But once I get to 10,000 posts, I think I'll be done with CDC.

    First to 10,000 wins! 0_0

  23. Yeah, I think I will go. My cousin's comin' down with my grandparents, and he really wants me to go as well. So, I think that I should. Thanks for the help. =)

    Haha. Why? You know another movie that never gets old for me is 'She's The Man'. That movie is awesome too.

  24. Like it involves so much brain power...

    LOL! What a fail. What I meant to say is, Sweet names*. He won't last long. Guaranteed!

    Alright. Well, I'm waiting...

    Give me about 10 years. Then you can have your chocolate.


  25. Nice. I hope they win. Haha. I remember when a game was on my B-day...let's just say that the Canucks lost. <_<

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