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Everything posted by Joker

  1. Well, it really doesn't shock me. They treat the bulls like crap. No wonder some of the bulls go balistic. Did you know, they tie their balls together with string so they're that hyper. And they feel that sting and that's why they kick, to get that string off. Poor bulls. Screw the riders. They get what they deserve. That sounded a little dark. Lol.

  2. Yup. I suggest you go buy something small, nothing huge - like a closet full of clothes. But more like a miny appliance. How about a toaster!? Toast is always awesome. You can't get enough of it, eh? =D

    Oh yeah! I brough my no name jersey. Just in case those Calgarians didn't like 'ole Luo. Haha.

  3. Did you fail that class? Or do your parents just want you to get some further help in English, even though you're average? Haha. I hate English so much. Such a crap class. <_<

  4. Haha. She actually wanted to come with me. She said, "I want to go home and watch a movie with Lovie!" (<- that's what she calls me). Well, yeah. Random little kids. But not family.

    And I raise you another 4 replies!

  5. Oh yeah, I'd look hilarious if I were completely bald. But no, I have the buzz goin' on.

    What the...? How'd it make you cry? Was your dad like shouting at you? Or punching you while you were driving? Lol. That's the weirdest thing I've heard.

    Hardy har har. No! My head looks sexy. You should see it. ;) But that cowboy hat does look snazzy on me. =D

  6. What!? How is calling someone 'Homework' mean? You know, sometimes homework is fun. =D

    I'm on MSN sometimes. But the times I'm on, you aren't. That's not my fault. You just aren't on at the right times. Oh, but I have seen your picture. You just don't know when I saw it. Mwuahaha! Be afraid. Very afraid.

    Oh yeah, I'd look hilarious if I we...

  7. Well, I give you something to work with. I answer your question, or responses, fully. Unlike you! You give me like a 5-10 word sentence, and I make a long response to it. I'm sorry that I have a lot to say. =(

    Sure...I know you missed me. You don't have to admit it. I already know.

    EAT MORE! No wonder you are small. =P Jk.

  8. Haha. Yeah, I think you should just save it just in case you'll need it in the future. I bet you have a ton of clothes, you don't need anymore. =P

    There weather sucks. It can change so fast. I guess. When I went I didn't see too many of those, so I was okay. But yeah, my cousins see a lot of those around.

  9. You're very lucky.

    What's the first thing you'll buy!? Clothes?

    It's pretty nice. But it's not hot enough there, and there are way too many mosquitoes. I've got this huge bite on my leg. But it's finally starting to go away. Oh, and it's really flat. I like having mountains. It's just safer.

  10. I wonder if someone jacked some money from it. =P Nice! Your first credit card?

    It was great! I went to Calgary for a few days, had lots of fun.

  11. Haha. I see. So how did your weekend go? I see that it was your birthday - Happy Birthday. =) Hope you had a good one.

  12. Okay. Okay. You've broke me. There were a few times when I did bet against the Canucks. But I never bet against them when they played the Wild, that's like comon sense. =P Haha. This year I'll make some more money.

    Never thought of that. That's interesting. Then what are Canadians? Not villans, not heroes. The innocent bystanders?

  13. I see. Haha.

    Are you the tutor? Or are you getting tutored? And in what subject? I might be able to help. =P Lol.

  14. He's so freakin' good at center. It really pisses me off. That's why when I'm always on the ice, I go for him! Mwuahaha!

  15. It was great! I went to the Calgary Stampede and got a cowboy hat. Haha. Visited my cousins and grandparent. Played some ball hockey with my cousin, and we played some 360. And just had fun.

    Yeah, that kind of sucks. But it's good 'cause I don't loose face-offs too often. I usually lose to Crosby, though. He's so freakin' good at center. It really pisses me off. Tha...

  16. I played some ball hockey with my cousin, and we played some Xbox 360. My baby cousin absolutely LOVES me! It's crazy! She wouldn't let me go. But it was kind of cute. =)

    Woah, a 4 response!? I'm too good.

  17. Nice! Was it fun? Don't tell me you just drove down the street and back 'cause that isn't driving. I do that all the time.

    So, I'm assuming it's a good movie? No, not yet. But I did watch Grown Ups. That's a funny movie. Gave me laughs.

    Okay, I visited my cousins and grandparents. I went to the Calgary Stampede - I got a cowboy hat! Yeah! B)

  18. I haven't been on MSN for a while. I only go on to check my inbox, but I do talk occasionally. If someone is on, and if they want to talk to me. Are you sure I don't know what you look like? Mwuahaha!

    Well, not technically bald. I do have some hair. I got buzzed, not completely bald. Like in the army - my hairs like that. I DON'T LOOK FUNNY! Short hair actually suits me.

  19. Did you miss me? =)

    Those pills/gummies you were talking about. Are they like a substitute for the daily amount on veggies you need to eat?

    Haha. Go bug your friends. I'm sure they wouldn't mind. I'm not minding right now. =P

    So is that what you're calling me now? "Homework". Hahaha.

    I haven't been on MSN for a while. I only go on to check my i...

  20. How was your weekend?

  21. I think I know what you look like. If I can remember that picture of yourself on MSN. =P Haha. I got my head shaved a few weeks ago. I love having no hair. Long hair is just weird. It always gets on your ears and on your forehead and it's just a pain to take care of. Conditioning and stuff. I like my hair bald. Oh yeah, you know you like it too.

    And I had tons of fun! How was your...

  22. Are they like the ones that substitute vegetables? 'Cause you don't eat enough of those!?

    No! YOU ARE!

    Haha. For what? Not letting you get that new jacket? Aww gurl, hold my earings. Haha. Or are they just annoying?

    But...but...I thought we had something special. Just go with me. You know you want to.

    You love when I interupt. Just admit it. =D

  23. Well, looking at my last comment, it was something like how I would never bet against my fellow Canucks, and how they would never lose to the Wild. =P

    Haha. Last time I checked, those psychotic zombies were always American...doesn't that tell you something? YOU BLOOD EATING ZOMBIE! Hahaha.

  24. No problameo. And why are you so shocked in your response? Haha. =O

  25. Yeah, I did. Those Calgarians didn't like me that much. Haha.

    So how was your weekend?

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