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Status Updates posted by Ashleigh

  1. Give ‘em the ‘ol razzle dazzle. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dazzle


      @Ashleigh This place has been thriving on different levels. If you want to see trolls, they are definitely around. If you want to see familiar posters posting about their same opinions over and over again, this is also the place.

      You love us, don't you? What team did you cheer for again? The Wings?

    3. AV.


      Good to see my time machine is working and we're in 2010 again.


      Welcome back!

    4. Ashleigh


      If this is true, then please go back about 10 years to when our respective teams (Wings/Canucks) were actually good. Please and thank you. :(:P

  2. How do people on here have over 5,000 reputation points?

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Uhhh i will + the hell out of you :)

    3. Master 112

      Master 112

      tfw you just got 5,000 reputation points

    4. Ashleigh


      Well goodie for you. :P

  3. What would happen if the Sedins played on two different lines? Mass chaos?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xbox


      They did 1 game last seasom

    3. Xbox
    4. Newsflash


      I think in 08 the Canucks tried that and went on a tear. I was on vacation then, so I wasn't watching. It was towards the end of the season, and it was looking like the Canucks could make the playoffs. But then Raymond, who had been so valuable, got injured. It fell apart.

  4. Hi. I would like to give you a cookie. What's your favorite kind? :)

    1. Froggy Fresh

      Froggy Fresh

      Woah, what happened to only getting a cookie when you reach post #5,000?

    2. Ashleigh


      I've decided to be nice. :D

  5. Now get in the pit and try to love someone.

  6. Hi!!! Yes I am!! Are you? :P


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shift-4


      he is going to rest

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Were was Shanny and his crew during our cup run ???

    4. InSoM-
  8. Had a birthday last week and I am now 27. I feel old. :\

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. kanucks25


      But look on the bright side, you'll be 28 in 51 weeks.

    3. Ashleigh


      lmao. I feel better. Thanks, guys. :D

    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Actually life begins in the dirty thirties and so far it has been epically long for me . i am 37 now and feel like the last 7 years have taken forever . I loooove it :)

  9. I need to call the wahhhhmbulance for some of you guys on here.

    1. Shift-4



      More like most!

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JUGYmuwxvU - Aren't you guys embarrassed by this? Damn.
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. kanucks25


      The few idiots don't represent the majority.

    3. Ashleigh


      No, I know that. But it's still an embarrassing mark left on the city and most people are going to look at the rioting and judge solely on that. I'm embarrassed watching it and I'm not even a Canucks fan.

    4. Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      Shattenkirk's Bald Spot

      Venom - come on. Don't be a bitch when losing.

  11. You're welcome! :D I live in Pennsylvania now. But I'm almost 100% sure that Detroit is still a sh*thole. :P

  12. Do you really live in Toronto? And why are we not friends on here? OMG! SO MANY QUESTIONS, SO LITTLE TIME!!!

  13. lmfao@your sig. Stampkos. The Wings totally should have gotten him.

  14. Ohh, so now you're gay and you can't even let me know that? Awesome.

  15. You better freaking bring it against the Sharks, Canucks. All of Detroit is cheering for you!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      lol as if Det fans are cheering for us lmao , best thing I have heard all week :P

    3. Ashleigh


      Why would Detroit fans cheer for the team that ousted us? I never do. But that's just because I'm a bitter person. Canucks all the way.

    4. Dazzle
  16. Your username is effing amazing.

  17. I have noticed that! haha. Hurts my eyes if you scroll up too fast. So, what's your name?

  18. Because I'm in my 20's and didn't want to be a pedo. :P

  19. I just have to make sure you're not 16. :P

  20. Just call me Ashleigh. Wait, how old are you?

  21. Ask me properly.

  22. You need a new username.

  23. lmao. I can never take any of your posts seriously because of your avatar. I think we're always getting trolled. :P

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