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Bertuzzi Babe

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Everything posted by Bertuzzi Babe

  1. I'm gonna run right to, to the edge with you Where we can both fall far in love I'm on the edge with you....
  2. lol Let me guess, it was the fins, right?

  3. Yeah, I know the Bulkley is gone but she was a grand ole girl while she still stood! lol The Lions did it for us, now roll on the Canucks! I'll tip a Stella at puck drop for you, Joe! *hugs*

  4. Happy Birthday, Joe!! I hope you're getting to spend it doing something you love! Wish I were in Smithers today so we could have a birthday toast in person! We'll take a step up from the Bulkley Hotel and hit the Aspen instead! lol *mega birthday hugs*

  5. Stealth has been in the building!! Hopefully he read your PM right away!

  6. They were tweaking around with the board the other day but that shouldn't have affected your account. Hang in there, (though I know it's frustrating as hell! *hug*) and I'm sure as one of them gets here, they'll get it straightened out! *big hug*

  7. I understand the frustration, Joe - I hadn't used an account on another board for awhile, one I used to use all the time but I'd recently changed the password, couldn't remember which email account I'd registered with & spent a week trying various scrambles of my usual password trying to decipher it. Luckily, here, we have Deb, Stealth & LH to try and sort it. It's probably something simple!

  8. No doubt you're a frustrated camper :-( I would be too.

    You are STILL our very own smithers joe, Joe!! I'm sure Deb, or Stealth or LH can straighten this out as soon as one of them gets here! Have you PMed them? With this account, I mean...

  9. Hang in there, Joe, it'll get sorted! *hugs* ;-)

  10. You've put in your usual log in name, right password, right? Not stuck on cap lock when typing in the password? Checked the right email you registered with? Still nothing? Very weird..... maybe pm Stealth or Deb to see what's up?

    Your smithers joe account is still here and I can still post on your profile...... I'm sure it's still intact - might just need some Admin o...

  11. Don't tell me you've been locked out, Joe!

  12. Thanks, Sully! Tis grande indeede to be a Pirate! Especially on the day we all get to talk like one! lol Cannot wait for this season to start - on the one hand it feels like the last game was forever ago, on the other, it feels like we just finished playing! Hope all is well in Sully2Kool World! :-)

  13. Tis a beauty o' a morn' to be toasting th' day wit' a dram o' th' grog, me cutlass at th' ready n' a grande ol' sea shanty on me lips! Surrender th' lovely booty …....... tis a grande day to be a Pirate!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      did yee forget cap'ain, that you've had me clamped to the yard arm?..for a fort night now....and you've been drinkin my grog....ain't you got no shame?

    3. joe of the north

      joe of the north

      is there any hair of the dog left?

    4. Bertuzzi Babe

      Bertuzzi Babe

      Aye, laddie, there be a clump or too, tis not entirely a hairless chihuaha just yet! Jes tip ye back the bottle and drown the sorrows o' the day, mate!

  14. TGIF, Joe, hope it's a good 'un! :-)

  15. should have read Chapter 1 of _____________ For Dummies much more clearly......

    1. Shift-4


      that book probably wasn't meant for you ;)

    2. The Wizard of AZ

      The Wizard of AZ

      Potatoes for Dummies

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      pirates for dummies......how to keel haul naughty sailors and walking the plank for charity.....

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