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Status Updates posted by Canuckette_84

  1. I dunno! Complete mystery to me...lol.

  2. Started off terribly, was then taking a turn for the better, then my posts started disappearing.. magically!


  3. That you did, my friend. So how's your night treating you?

  4. One that gave me a good chuckle :)

  5. +1 for the excellent post, you and I should definitely be friends.

  6. Purdy please Mr. Wiggles?

  7. Fiiiiiiiiiiine, I'll return it. If you were so nice, you'd share >.<

  8. In my defense, I did not know you were nice.... but I can't give back something I've already stolen, especially something I really like!

  9. :( I'm nice too... sometimes.

    Besides, I stole it for my own personal use, I won't display it.. here anyways :P

  10. I like your quote. I'm stealing it.

  11. How long did it take to make a brand spanking new profile so you could make yourself look like an idiot?

    Waita go champ.

  12. I will do my best, have a good night!!

  13. Lol, sounds like a ton of fun :P

    The uniforms must be nice ;)

  14. I bet you do! I'd love a job like that!

    The weekend is almost here , yay ;)

  15. I see!

    I hated doing 12 hour shifts, I never did get adequate breaks >.<

    Well, I'm excited for the weekend then


  16. Really!? It's supposed to snow here soon... I'm NOT looking forward to it at all!

    My day was.... okay. Got a lot done in the morning so it flew by but the afternoon just dragged!

    Do you work 5 days a week? Seems like you're always working lol.

  17. Good! Now you can keep me company! Lol!

    Well, that must've been very nice!

  18. I did, but just barely!! Feeling rested today?

  19. Boo!!!

    Lol, I'll survive... I hope so anyhow.

    Well, get a good night's sleep


  20. Where are you?! No one is posting in the threads I like :(

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