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Status Updates posted by Canuckette_84

  1. Sorry! That post was honestly not directed towards you :)

  2. Life goes on.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Canuckletux


      Light even goes on and off.

    3. Canuckette_84
    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      life is like a box of chocolates....my mommy says so...

  3. I didn't disregard your question btw, I just didn't feel like complaining about my stupid frivolous problems on CDC. Your sympathy is definitely appreciated though, thank you.

  4. Happy Diwali :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AntonRodin.


      Back at ya ;) Happy Diwali guys!

    3. winter


      Happy Diwali! :D

    4. The Wizard of AZ

      The Wizard of AZ

      So put on your saris, it's time to celebrate Diwali.

      Everybody looks so jolly.

      But it's not Christmas, it's Diwali.

      The goddess of destruction Kali stopped by to celebrate Diwali.

  5. Lol, we are. I was referring to a post you made, disregard that comment.

  6. And I thought we were friends


  7. I figured smart cookies should be friends lol

  8. Schneider's looking purdy good.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Y.Strahovski


      ^^ even more funny

    3. Y.Strahovski
    4. Canuckette_84


      Strahovski, are you implying I don't look purdy good?!

  9. Too bad, I made an executive decision, and now we are :P

  10. Why exactly are we not friends yet??!!

  11. Well, now everyone knows your secret. Good job! *rolls eyes*

  12. LOL, right.. how'd you manage to slither your way to the front of the line.. budger!

  13. Sigh, you're not the first to admit it...

    Sure, buy me a super huge cup of coffee.

    And some halls while you're at it.

  14. Your a-hole act doesn't fool me.. I know you were overwhelmed with joy when I added you.

  15. Come on day, speed up!!!

    1. BruinsForCup2011


      Stop watching the clock and it will go by faster :P

  16. Well, then I'll retract my previous boo's.


  17. Even more reason to Boo you! (Tonight anyways, otherwise I'd be indifferent lol.)


  18. Y thank you sir, Carly is very talented :)

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