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Status Updates posted by Canuckette_84

  1. Pft, I'm not getting stood up again meanie!

  2. So I've officially been stood up! :o

    Not nice Super.. not nice at all :(

  3. I suppose miserable people get amusement from those sorts of things.

  4. that's getting pretty old now, don't you think?

  5. I think I know most of them... lol!

  6. Wondering where to watch tomorrow's game...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AntonRodin.


      ^was just gonna say that.

    3. :D


      Sultan's house

    4. The Wizard of AZ

      The Wizard of AZ

      :D with the shot to the kidneys

  7. Most of them.. I think anyhow lol!

  8. I think it would be fun :)

  9. Mr Sandman, bring me a dream...

  10. red, red wine

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Slender Man

      Slender Man

      ^ Thank you for that, I laughed

    3. Super19


      ^ I laughed for that thank you.

    4. Coconuts


      ^I laughed thank you for that

  11. I could... but I won't.

  12. Now why would anyone want to diss me?!


  13. Guess who got the red rings of death :(

    I miss black ops!

  14. Zomg! I'm going to tomorrow's game too! :0

    On another note, I like my comments on your status updates... lols.

  15. You sure did! But it's forgivable.. we all noob it up from time to time :)

  16. No, : D didn't ask me anything. He made posts quite similar to you. No need to apologize btw, I was just saying you could've simply asked me lol.

  17. You could have simply asked me.

    He took advantage of my trust, pretended to be someone he wasn't, lied through his teeth and was caught. He's clearly ashamed and isn't man enough to own up to any of it and has decided disappearing is easier.

  18. what is with the fascination over SoS exactly... it's getting old now.

  19. Not to worry, you aren't alone!! Lols.

  20. You ruined the story :o

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