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The Wizard of AZ

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Status Updates posted by The Wizard of AZ

  1. ???? 10-4 on that brother.

    But it sounds like things are going good none the less.

    But yeah, make sure she likes you before you go there so you don't get stranded.

  2. If you can, wait til you're there. Although, it might help if to know sooner rather than later. Are you going there just to hang with her or hang with friends?

  3. You better not be contemplating it *mad face*

    How can you be an Edmonton fan AND a Canucks fan? Sounds like she can't make up her mind. Or she was just tryna please you.

    I don't know. You guys can't really go on dates.(Unless it's internet dates. Go to a Yahool pool room and chat). So just keep talking to her for sure. If you can't wait, make your move earlier

  4. Oh man, that's crapty. What were you doing in Calgary(besides reppin the 'nucks, harrrrd).

    It's creepy when people are thinkin' about marriage after a week.

    Maybe coold girls aren't common in Calgary. Just keep cool and sane. Canucks gonna win tomorrow, no? Is she a Canucks fan?

  5. You gotta make sure everything is reciprocated mang.

    Gotta take a step back or else you'll get burned bra.

    Too soon to decide on wifey material. Maybe ex-wife material.

    Where does she live anyways?

  6. Awwww muffink

    Go get a massage or something. Happy ending and all.

    Get drunk and furiously masturbate to pictures of her. It's what I do.

  7. How far is far away?

    Did you guys meet at a party?

    Don't drink your sorrows away.

  8. Make love to her mind :3

  9. Love the Sharks goal song.

  10. Stay calm.

    With who? and Why?

  11. What day of the month is it?' he said, turning to Alice: he had taken his watch out of his pocket, and was looking at it uneasily, shaking it every now and then, and holding it to his ear. Alice considered a little, and then said `The fourth.'

  12. If you ever would come to my house, at the end of the old mountain road. You'll be on top of the world, happiness a la mode.

    1. Slender Man

      Slender Man

      Bravo on the re-post.

    2. The Wizard of AZ

      The Wizard of AZ


    3. Slender Man

      Slender Man

      It was too confusing. Didn't know what to say.

  13. Thanks a lot. You're right, that Rachunek picture is awesome. I wanna make it a sig. If I ever do make it one, do I have your permission to use it? Thank you in advance.

    Havlat didn't get a penalty, did he?

    Wow, the Germans are playing out of their minds. That would be great if they got a medal, eh?

    Good luck against Finland tomorrow, you guys should beat them easy(Please do)

  14. Nice. Sounds like it was perfect. Was this the first time trying it out?

    I'd love to see the pictures as Rachunek and Rolinek are my favourites.

    Did you manage to get any pictures of cute Czech or Latvian fans? haha.

    I can't believe Denmark beat Sweden. That's huge. But Sweden have a habit of getting upset. It was nice to see Boedker and Ekman-Larsson play each other.

  15. Is my timing that flawed, our respect run so dry?

    1. moz


      Yet there's still this appeal that we've kept through our lives.

  16. Fushigi!

    1. The Hornet

      The Hornet

      I just love juggling some balls!

  17. Oh man, I'm so jealous. You get to be in the same room as Rachunek. I'd love to see some pictures of the game. How big is the aren the game is being held in?

    The smaller teams play so big in this tournament. I hate when people say it's unimportant. I think Canada's goaltending might be the thing that makes them lose.

    Good luck.

  18. Oh god. Can't wait for Alice: Madness returns.

  19. Same way here. I'll be cheering for Latvia once they play the Czechs. Are you making it out to any games or will it be too far away?

    I love how Germany beat Russia. So much fun to watch. Germany always plays hard and I think that's why I like the World Championships better than Olympics some times. Sometimes the little teams get no respect.

  20. Man, I'd hate to be Kate Middleton's sister's boyfriend right about now.

  21. Looking forward to playing you first again.

  22. Shea Weber has the greatest playoff beard this year.

    1. :D


      I want a sweet beard like that. One that says, yeah, I've raped, what of it?

    2. edler rocks

      edler rocks

      "i get the whole playoff beard thing, but a beard like that usually comes with chains and orange coveralls" loved that.

    3. Venom52


      ^Yeah that comment was pretty good by Hughson. And yeah that beard is easliy the sexiest one so far.

  23. You know too much, too much, too much

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