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The Wizard of AZ

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Status Updates posted by The Wizard of AZ

  1. Calgary chick = FWB

    Gah, that's such a lame way to go. "Start off as friends". If you want to date her, you go straight in for that. None of this friends bull. Do you honestly, deep down wish to be her friend? OR would you always be trying to get her to like you?

    Trust me, you do not want to be in the friends zone.


    U ain't no monster.

  2. Can I have Calgary chicks number? I told you she seemed crazy. I got yo back playa.

    Now, do you actually want to pursue something with this gym chick or just have sex with her?

  3. Haha that song is so cheesy it's awesome. It's a song you'd put on before hitting up a club to pump you up. Playing in your head while you're waiting in line.

    I miss the Eurovision competition. Well, not really just the way England shut down for that weekend. I remember that Ukrainian band.

    I hate how all the Eastern European countries vote together. So who ended up winning.

  4. I can't use YT at work:(.

    But is it those greek guys who pretend they're black? Because that's always a good laugh. Like when he picked up the Black chick in the airport pretending to be black.

    It's not cheating if you're not even dating. But know this, if you start dating Gym Chick, you can't go to Calgary. Not that you're going anyways.

  5. Can I owe it to you, all I got's a fiver

  6. 10 minutes to downtown is 10 minutes too far

    1. The Brahma Bull

      The Brahma Bull

      i haven't heard that song in so long! about the time it takes me to get to Roger's Arena. :D

    2. moz
    3. The Wizard of AZ

      The Wizard of AZ

      I didn't know The Rock was a fan of such a pansy ass song. But it is a great song non the less.

      Have you ever played the Emogame? Where Steven Tyler steals The Get-Up Kids and Chris Carrabba,Conor Oberst, Chuck Ragan, Cedric Bixler, etc have to go and save him?

  7. You're just jealous. Admit it.

  8. <('_'<) unce ^('_')^ unce (>'_')> unce ^('_')^ unce <('_'<) unce ^('_')^ unce (>'_')> unce

    1. kanucks25
    2. The Wizard of AZ

      The Wizard of AZ

      just like my first time. nyoro-n

  9. Yes. But use your Silver condoms this time please.

    Awww yeah ruv untir we breed :3

  10. It meaaaanss theeee wooooorrrrrlllldddd toooo meeee. If we don't make up we'll never make it back in time for the Battle of the Bands in San Dimas!

    Also, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rGvq3cdJkk <3

  11. Ted! You're not dead!

    Yeah, I fell out of my suit when I hit the ground



    Sounds good, sounds good.

  12. Turned you on like most of the porn you watch. Involving chicks crying and what not?

    I meant cheesy in the good way. Like a Plain White T's song. Of course I send you my best wishes. I want to be involved in your when if it happens.

    this is us duuuude. Of course I'm Bill and you're Ted(and Neo, I guess)
  13. You killed Ted you medieval Dickweed!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. moz


      <5 ... or am I going too far?

    3. HockeyChick8


      <1 <2 <3 <4 <5 <6 <7 <8 <9 <0 teehee

    4. HockeyChick8


      <1 <2 <3 <4 <5 <6 <7 <8 <9 <0 teehee

  14. I did. Well... I mean I tried.

    I didn't know sawing through bone was this hard. Does acid or bleach burn fingerprints?

    Do you live near a pig farm?

    Was it really cheesy? Raising the "D'awwww" factor to 11? You(not to be confused with you and her) don't need to talk about commitment cause you're hooked, line and sinker. I never saw Carrie Underwood cry.

    Was it hot?

  15. Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to not have to do all the work in a relationship? Well relish this moment and bask in it's glory.

    Once you get married, you will have to do all the work with none of the reward.


    Good to hear she's done being hot 'n' cold.

  16. Dude, I totally did that. But she hasn't woken up yet. I don't know, is that normal? Well, she did kind of wake up. She was moving around and dry heaving. There's also something red leaking from her ears. It doesn't taste like blood.

    Since your my wingman, will you also be my alibi?

  17. My hairdresser was really cute today. And she loves Rise Against and Rancid.

    Looks like I'll be getting my hair cut every 2 weeks now :bigblush:

  18. Release the fury fi'sho.

    She a solid 7?

  19. Well you're probably blind from all that sexting(heh heh heh).

    Good good. Remember not to get down next time she goes "cold". Because there will be more times like this to come!

  20. You call it a compromise, well what's that? Two shots of happy, one shot of sad.

    1. Barney Stinson
    2. kanucks25


      What's wrong with that? One happy and one sad cancel out and we end up with happy :)

  21. Sounds like she can't make up her ???? mind.

    Be wary bro, be very very wary.

  22. Your interests make me laugh


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