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Posts posted by falcon45ca

  1. 1 hour ago, Jiggs50 said:

    Went to the gym and when signing in, a woman at the front asked how I was doing today. I had earbuds in, so I pretended like I couldn't hear her and just smiled. But then for some stupid reason I decided that I should reply. 5 whole seconds after some awkward eye contact, I yelled FINE really loud. 


    Never making eye contact with her again. That sucks too because she was pretty hot. 

    Never give up.


    If I had a nickel for every girl I inappropriatley yelled at, I'd have waaaaaaay more nickels than any of those girls I inappropriately yelled at...plus, now I can afford to buy them dinner.

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  2. 15 minutes ago, Wild Sean Monahan said:

    Ah, couldn't remember the number but knew there was some sort of time frame for it. I think sometimes it's just unavoidable...Back in November I did deadlifts for the first time in probably a couple years and despite a decent cooldown on a stationary bike, foam rolling, and considerable stretching I was unbelievably sore for 2-3 days.

    You're right about that! Especially since you can't really tell until after the workout that you're going to get DOMS, I've had workouts that felt really good at the time, and then I'm in pain the next day just picking up a glass of water!

  3. 6 minutes ago, Wild Sean Monahan said:

    I don't think it's DOMS until like 48+ hours post-workout. Until then it's just regular soreness.

    24 hours and beyond is considered DOMS, but really I don't think you should ever be sore for more than an hour or so...you can be weaker for sure, but if you're walking around 6+ hours after a workout & you're in pain, I'd say you're in the early DOMS stages.

  4. 16 minutes ago, riffraff said:

    Right right right.


    i haven't weight trained in a few years so haven't kept up on some of the lingo.


    i used to experience that in the early  stages of leg days especially but not as much with regular training...maybe because I wasn't adding enough weight.


    all I do is run and swim now alternating days about 5-6 days per week...now I experience doms as you say, after runs if I don't stretch properly.


    interestingly I've stepped it up the last six months and have actually gained approx 4-5 lbs.


    im an outside worker (carpentry) so I'm burning calories all day and eating all day so I would suspect that this is a bit of a jump in muscle mass - hopefully.

    That's the name of the game! You have my gains-prayers

  5. On February 12, 2016 at 2:06 PM, Tre Mac said:

    I hate working out but I want to shed some pounds.  Started at around 230lbs. now I am down to 208 but have been stuck for around 3 weeks.  It's true when they say the first 10lbs are easy lol.  Not looking to pump up, just want my six pack back like I had in my 20's.  I started eating cereal for breakfast which is helping immensely, and now my weekends are my cheat days for dieting.  Looking at those body builder pics think I rather be obese then to look like that, probably more healthy too.

    A cheat weekend is waaaay too much cheating, and is probably the #1 thing holding your weight loss back after 3 weeks.


    Try a cheat meal, not a day, not a weekend, 1 meal. Dinner's my favourite cheat meal to have, but whatever floats your boat, just try and keep it at 1 meal.

  6. On February 12, 2016 at 4:57 AM, SAMCROringal said:

    What do you guys think of Mr. Olympia now compared to back in Arnold's time? Side by side of  Ronnie and Arnold. Crazy how much steroids have changed lol. Arnold looks like your average Natty guy compared to Ronnie especially the quads.


    That's not from steroids, that's from HGH...and no, Arnie does NOT look like an average "natty"...if you know people claiming natty, but they look like Golden Age bodybuilders, they're taking stuff.

  7. 13 hours ago, LuckyLuciano said:

    Soo much doms..not sure if I should be happy or crying

    Do you do much stretching?


    I've found, for myself at least, that dedicated stretching time really helps prevent/ease any DOMS I used to experience. It's been quite awhile now since I've had any significant DOMS since I started my stretch routines.

  8. On January 5, 2016 at 0:33 AM, CanuckianOne said:

    Anyone know of a good beginner bodyweight workout? 

    Pushups & chin-ups, toss in some skater lunges. Finish off with some planks, those 3 movements & planks will hit pretty much every muscle group.

  9. On January 5, 2016 at 1:15 AM, riffraff said:

    Do you like the exit wounds album?

    Yeah, it's pretty damn good, but not in my top 3 The Haunted albums...I don't know, it just seems to be lacking a groove that was all over "One Kill Wonder"...like Shadow World? I feel like I could lift a planet when that tunes pounding. 

    "Exit Wounds" is pretty damn solid though.


  10. On December 18, 2015 at 7:36 PM, GLASSJAW said:

    speaking of re-watching shows, I just finished Deadwood season 1 for probably the 500th time. The single most rewarding show I've seen in terms of re-viewings. So many jokes and references and tidbits that I miss out the first 400 times. Easy 10/10

    Deadwood is Dynamite!

  11. 2 hours ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

    I wished Batman: Year One was done better. The comic just has more depth, and emotion. Bad choice in voice actors? 

    I though Bryan Cranston was good, but the movie just didn't quite meet expectations. Not bad, but not great. I'd give it a 7.5/10

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