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Posts posted by falcon45ca

  1. 3 hours ago, J.R. said:

    Watched Inside Out yesterday with the boys and that has to be Pixar's best effort in YEARS. Great family flick 9/10

    Yes that film is amazing! Pixar really knocked it out of the park. The way they're able to animate emotions (not the characters themselves, but the human reactions), it's on another level I've rarely seen in animation. My youngest quotes the movie constantly.

    • Upvote 1
  2. On December 4, 2015 at 3:04:42 PM, poetica said:

    Even if those numbers were accurate, I would think they would likely spend all of their profits traveling to the US and Canada for games. And, all of the other teams would suffer from increased travel costs as well, especially those in the same division. As a result, the entire league would see drop in profits.

    It's simply not financially feasible to have Eurpoean teams in the NHL.

    Not to mention hard core jet lag

  3. 35 minutes ago, J.R. said:

    Is your first quoted paragraph of little/no concern to you?

    Why people insist on getting caught up on the semantics of the problem while completely ignoring the very real and alarming problem is beyond me.

    When people say things like 'save the planet', instead of rolling your eyes and assuming that those people are complete morons who think the planet is somehow going to implode or something because of us, maybe assume what a logical person might and that they mean something along the lines of:

    "Save the planet in something resembling the livable state humans and most current life thrived under".

    That's kind of the important part, not the label given to it ;)

    What a waste of time and energy to argue about....

    Clearly & accurately defining a problem is paramount when addressing the issue & trying to rally others to the cause.

    When environmentalists use scathing rhetoric to define & correct the problem of human environmental impact it has an adverse effect, & polarizes people on both sides of the issue. That's not how you come up with a long-term solution, it's how you set up a long-term dispute.

    Labels are very important, if you dispute that I encourage you to check out the Muslim/ISIS/Mass Shootings threads. How we label things is crucial to how we treat things.

    I literally spent more time & energy washing the dishes this morning, so I'm not too worried about it.

  4. 2 hours ago, Mr.DirtyDangles said:

    Yes because converging galaxies is the same as cleaning up your backyard :picard:

    We dont live in the earths mantle, we live on it's surface. I once thought the same. How could humanity only occupying 1% of the total surface of the earth could make any measurable difference to the environment.

    Well in the last 100 years we have eaten nearly everything into extinction.

    Empirical proof C02 is not escaping the atmosphere causing the most rapid changes overall. Currently, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing by around 15 gigatonnes every year.

    Oceans are becoming carbonated. Go down to the beach an scoop up a glass see what I am talking about. I grew up on the beach and never once saw a fizzing coastline. Well guess what that has happened only in my lifetime.

    The PH level of the oceans is becoming extremely acid as well. Forever changing seas life globally.

    Do you know what an ocean dead zone is ? Mans endeavors to grow food has resulted in billions of tons of fertilizer spilling into the oceans yearly causing massive phytoplankton blooms bringing hungry sea life to these areas causing ocean hypoxia. The sea life cannot breath so they die in these killing fields. There are over 50 massive dead zones where there is no sea life anymore.



    Do I have even have to go into deforestation ? Mineral and resource extraction ? Genetic manipulation of any and all organic life ? 

    There is mountains of proven data to support these findings. One only need to look in any direction on the web.




    CO2 levels during the Carboniferous Period were 18 times higher (aprox 7000ppm vs 400ppm) than they are today, average global temperatures were about 8 degrees warmer (20c vs 12c), anaerobic bacteria were the rulers of the ocean for hundreds of millions of years. There are no ocean "dead zones", they are rich with anaerobic life, there are "oxygen-free zones". Ocean pH & O2 levels are not permanent & fluctuate easily, the Black Sea recovery in the 90's took about 5 years to see massive changes in biomass.

    All the minerals extracted remain on Earth or its orbit (save a handful of probes). Over 99% of all life that has ever lived on Earth is extinct & humans are responsible for a tiny, tiny fraction of that total. The Great Permian Extinction event wiped out anywhere from 80% to 90% of all life on the planet at the time, yet the Earth spun on completely oblivious.

    On a macro scale humans are like a tiny child with a plastic spoon, secure in the delusion they can chop down a redwood.

    This planet has been hit by asteroids with the force equivalent to several million nuclear weapons detonating at the same time. Humans can kill ourselves & lots of other life on Earth, but we have very little ability to actually harm the planet Earth.


    One asteroid with 14,000 times more destructive power than every nuclear weapon on Earth, & life still survived.

    If this thread was called "Earth; Getting Hard To Live Here", or "Humans Screwing Things Up For Almost Everyone" I'm on board, but the idea that humans can really damage the planet  is very ego-centric. The Earth will scrub our mess clean a lot quicker than we think.


    • Upvote 2
  5. 18 minutes ago, Mr.DirtyDangles said:



    The irony that you have gif of spiral galaxies colliding, yet think humans have any real ability to damage the planet....humans can't even drill half of half way through the crust...on a cosmic scale we have no ability whatsoever to damage the Earth.


    Humans can, however, make life impossible for aerobic life forms...anaerobic life gets along just fine with the pollution humans create.

  6. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 1

    The quintessential adaptation of Frank Miller's 80's classic, if you're a Batman fan it's must watch...even my wife enjoyed it. Animation is great, action is punchy & real, voice acting is top notch...frankly it's probably the best Batman screen adaptation, makes Nolan & Burton's versions look campy by comparison.


  7. 21 minutes ago, Alflives said:

    Stomach day.  Not a lot of time either:

    2 bags nachoes

    16 Oreos - I went hard on this one

    6 Twinkies

    6 Coke

    I always re-hydrate after a workout.


    What, no cats?? You're letting your protein slip

    • Upvote 1
  8. Back day! Didn't have a lot of time, so today was short but sweet

    6 sets of rack pulls 10-12 reps

    6 sets of rear felt flys 10-12 reps

    5 sets of barbell rows 10-12 reps

    12 minutes of cardio, in & out of the guym in 35 minutes

    Best song of the workout


  9. 7 hours ago, RRypien37 said:

    I used to do 7-10 exercises too.

    Took some advice from a 30 year gym going OG recently. Switched to about 3-5 exercises with 5 sets per exercise. Definitely noticing improvements with this approach. 

    I switch it up fairly often from less exercises/more sets to more exercises/less sets. A lot depends on how I'm feeling that day energy wise, how busy the guym is, & what my routine has been lately. For instance there's days where my arm/chest routine consists of bench, wide grip barbell curls, & preacher curls for 5-8 sets, other times I'm doing 3 chest & 3 bicep exercises for 3-4 sets.

    I keep the cardio the same, but at a relative intensity keeping my heart rate in the 140's. Sometimes less resistance keeps my heart rate there, sometimes more. 

  10. 2 hours ago, LuckyLuciano said:


    Wes Gilbertson @SUNGilbertson
    Interesting tidbit on #Flames prospect Oliver Kylington — he's added nearly 10 lb. of muscle to his 6-foot frame in first season in AHL
    2 months 10lbs of muscle while playing hockey? Is 18 year old testosterone really that high? 

    How much of that is just from growing and maturing naturally? He's only 18, likely his body isn't finished developing 

  11. Shoulders & Triceps day!

    3 sets of lateral delt raises 10-12 reps (made a small adjustment & absolutely crushed the medial head)

    3 sets of front delt raises 10-12 reps

    3 sets of seated overhead tricep extensions 10-12 reps

    4 drop sets of tricep pulldowns 8-10 reps, super set with 4 sets of overhead tricep cable extensions

    3 sets of seated shoulder press 8-10 reps

    3 sets of external shoulder rotations 10-12 reps (no resistance, just the movement)

    16 minutes of cardio on the bike, in & out of the guym in 45 minutes

    Best song of the workout


  12. 20 minutes ago, taxi said:

    The key there is staying lean. If you look at natural body building competitions with actual testing, the athletes are never all that big. You always here people worried about getting that football look if they work out to much. That only happens if you let your diet go to crap and get fat. There are also a lot of people with "10% body fat" walking around at 15-20. 10% body fat is actually quite difficult to achieve. 

    Totally. As a mesomorph I find it very difficult to go below 12%.

  13. 10 minutes ago, taxi said:

    I don't use steroids either. The closest things I've taken to enhancements are creatine and whey powders. I don't take those any more either though and rely on whole foods.

    You can't argue with the results though. Unfortunately we live in a society obsessed with short term results. You will definitely attract more women on steroids. 

    I've also used whey/casein powder & creatine in the past, but now focus on whole foods. The cost just didn't seem to justify the gains, as I got just as much or more gains eating tons of food, & I've never touched pre-workouts. Coffee works just fine.

    There's fine line though for muscle that women find attractive, a "bliss point" if you will. Too much muscle, i.e.. looking like you're on steroids, isn't all that attractive to a lot of women. I've heard from natural guys also that they've noticed a drop in ladies attention after they got to a certain size... if you look like you go to the gym, that's perfect, but if you look like you live in the gym it's a bit of a turn-off.

  14. 12 hours ago, taxi said:

    You can achieve a lot of different looks on roids. Generally, it makes it much easier to get and stay lean, which usually leads to better looks. Overall, I'd say that roids just give you the ability to mold and change the body much easier.

    Gives you the ability to really mess up your body's chemistry as well. Sometimes permanently.

    Honestly, unless your career is on the line, I wouldn't touch the stuff. Not because I'm against it in principal, but the potential for amateurs to really damage their bodies just far outweighs the benefits of having a more aesthetic physique.

    In the end, do what you want, just don't get any on me. I've also reserved the right to say "I told you so" (not to you specifically, just those who mess themselves up on steroids)

    • Upvote 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Wild Sean Monahan said:

    I've made homemade weight gainers that I found to be just as effective at a fraction of the cost. Toss some combination of milk, oats, bananas, peanut butter, honey, protein powder, chocolate sauce, maybe ground flax, etc. Whatever the heart desires really. I'd keep the sugars (honey, chocolate sauce) low but still be able to get like 700-800 calories, bunch of fat, protein, etc in  here. 

    Using 2% milk helped me a lot. 

    BOOM! That's how you do mass gainers

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