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Status Updates posted by Canuckletux


  2. Nah, I've got no clue, especially considering the one who is absent from the thread is you!

  3. Watcha talking about, dawg? :P

  4. How 'bout a Lamborghini? :P

    Nah, I'll see what I can do. ^^

  5. hm.... the best thing I could come up with right now... http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/5042/sidarilogo.jpg

  6. Nothing, just the casual 12 hr shift. :D

  7. Hm, depends on what you want.... Deliver your wishes and I'll see what I can do the day after tomorrow (tomorrow's gonna be a long day). ;)

  8. It's not my job, I'm an addict (=volunteer) ^^.

    Anyway, it's partially rewarding, yeah. But despite the reanimation being successful there's no guarantee the patient is going to make it through the next week. I'm keeping my hopes up, though.

  9. Thanks, Siddy, and a happy new year to you! All the best for 2012 (I'm really looking forward to seeing your face when you'll finally realize the world isn't going to end... just yet ^^). I couldn't really stay up a lot longer than normal yesterday, since it was quite a brutal shift... well, at least we brought someone back to life, maybe it's gonna be a new year's miracle.

  10. Yeah, you know, I'm sorry, but it guess the first version is always the best one, considering I put a lot of thought into what would look best... consequently, nothing else can look as good as the best version already there. ^^

    But anyway, Happy New Year, Sid The Ferrari User (STFU). ^^

  11. The version from 06:33 AM is too simple and the one from 06:58 AM doesn't really get the idea of Crosby actually BEING the Ferrari across.

    Well, to cut a long story short, it's really up to you to decide, I'm certainly not in a position to do so for you. ^^

  12. Hm... no, I haven't got any idea which one you should choose... why do you think I made more than one? ^^

    But to throw in my 2 cents: I prefer your current one. ^^ While I still like the idea behind the one from 06:05 AM, I think it looks kinda creepy... and I'm not really pleased with the aesthetics of it....

  13. OK, the last attempt for today: http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb341/Canuckletux/sigs/sid_the_ferrari_4.png

    You see, the sig you've got right now is still the best. ^^

  14. I must admit, it's getting less and less creative, but still... you asked for it :P... http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb341/Canuckletux/sigs/sid_the_ferrari_3.png

  15. Yeah, but the fact that there's room for interpretation doesn't mean you actually have to interpret anything into it, lol.

  16. I could feast happily for a long time on a single big buck, no need for more than one! ^^

  17. Aha, you're daring me, I see. Well, get ready to get blown. Whoops, was that a little to ambiguous? :P

  18. hm, I mighty try, although it's hard to exceed the expectations now! ^^

  19. lol, I know. I'm not sure anyone thinks the world is actually going to end in 2012 (or at any other given date) - although there are enough lunatics out there. ^^

    Still, a little background knowledge can never hurt, can it? :D

  20. That's the other weird thing... the minus button seems to be gone. :S

  21. The reputation thingy is back? Hm, but I used to be esteemed at 500+ oO... Anyway, who gives a damn ^^

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