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Status Updates posted by Canuckletux

  1. Besides, I've also applied with the city-owned Viennese Ambulance service and the national Air Navigation Service Provider.

  2. Yeah, it's so sad to watch our great threads go down the drain... Anyway, how do you like your new job with the insomniacs?

    I'm fine, too. My civilian service has ended, but I stayed with the Red Cross as a voluntary paramedic. I've got lots of time on my hands now, as I signed up for University (to study English) and the new semester starts in October.

  3. how are you doing, though?

  4. DRN has become so dead / boring :(

  5. Yeah, I don't like the new clientele, either. The threads are now even more infantile than they already were. :P

    Anyway, I pretty much retrieved from them.

  6. The 2 year old. whom else?

  7. who are you calling an old timer, youngster?

  8. The parrot sketch is pure brilliance! It's hard to pinpoint it down to one, but two of my absolute favourites are the lumberjack song and the pilot sketch.


  9. For sure, Monty Python rules! :D

  10. Happy Canada Day, Super19!

  11. Happy Canada Day, Bure who?!

  12. Happy Canada Day, Canuckette!

  13. Good luck with your finals!

  14. Thanks! :D

    You were a day quicker than me back in April. :P

  15. Sounds great. :D

    Though, now I have to leave, it's getting late for me. :(

  16. Too long for my liking. :P

    I'm doing fine, but DRN could use a little BW? & C84. ;(

  17. Hey, buddy, how are you doing?

    It's been quite a while.

  18. btw, what about Winnipeg getting an NHL franchise again? So great, this season is really ending on a high note... 'Nucks in the final and another team to Canada. :D

  19. Woot, the game stars at 5 pm? Alright, make that getting up at 2 am... no, staying up until 2 am... or rather until the game has ended at around 5 am... hm... I dunno... I've got tomorrow off, though

  20. I'll definitely watch tonight's game, but I'm not too sure whether I should get up at 4 am tomorrow in order to watch it live or whether I should settle for the tape in HD.

  21. No, I won't be working this weekend. Well, not job-wise, that is. I'll be working on the GDT for game 4, though.

    Speaking of which, are you interesting in co-producing it again?

  22. How are you doing? It has been so long.

    I'm so excited for the finals. :D

  23. Oh. :( I hope your son will get better soon! And try to stay healthy yourself. ;)

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