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Status Updates posted by Canuckletux

  1. You mean because of my age? Keep in mind, the Austrian education system is different from the Canadian. The earliest we can graduate with is 18 or 19, depending on the type of school.

  2. Why am I lying? lol

  3. Thanks!

    I really enjoyed your video, very impressive (especially for a 1st)!

  4. Nice, I'm looking forward to seeing it :)

  5. Thanks, buddy, you gave me the inspiration for my new sig ;)

  6. Yeah, I know. Would have been cool, though.

  7. Sorry, the link seems to have been cut off:



  8. It's an old city with a lot of history and culture. I don't know whether there is a city with more opera houses than Vienna, lol. About 2 mio people live in Vienna, so it's comparable to the size of Metro Vancouver, although I think Vienna is more densely populated, because it extends over a smaller area.

    There are some nice pictures on the Wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.o...

  9. No, not yet :(

    Hopefully I'll be able to visit it around next summer.

  10. I found out about the Canucks through a Play Station game called "Blades of Steel" long time ago, lol. And once I started informing myself about the city behind it, I totally fell in love with Vancouver and B.C. :D

  11. Hi there! Nice to see you on my friends list ;)

  12. Thanks, buddy, that site is great! You've got a very nice dance in your sig, lol.


  13. You'll have the sig by 0800 PST. =P

  14. I made it a little less obvious ;-)

  15. Hahaha, that's great. And the link is a lot funnier than rickrolling :D

    I'm gonna use it for sure, thanks a lot! (#16 is perfect ;-) )

  16. Yeah, I heard about that. There have got to be a lot of kids or infantile adults on CDC, lol (Sorry, I know it's not funny for you mods).

    And I agree with egatti ^^

  17. Wow, a reputation higher than 1,000? I always thought Lager Hog had gathered most pluses, lol.

  18. Nice, camping in BC must be a lot of fun, considering how beautiful nature is there. Driving a Rhino must be fun as well, though I've never actually been in an off-road vehicle.

    I've got no big plans 'til October; just chilling and hanging out with friends ;-)

  19. I'm melting in the heat (it's got 32 °C right now) :-(

    But at least I will never have to go to school again and I don't have to start working until October :-)

    How are you doing?

  20. Sure, no problem ;-)

    I hope you can find some useful stuff there :-)

  21. Those JABs are so amazing, I always enjoy them ;-)

    Kudos to you!

  22. happy birthday!

  23. yippee, now I've got a friend on CDC :-)

    (please don't be jealous, Eh Team ^^)

    3 more GDTs during this series and at least 8 more after it's wrapped up ;-)

  24. yeah, taking a second look at your GDT, I can definitely see some kind of similarity as

    well... we both used the jumbotron on top and GM Place's ice as background lol

    you can rest assured, however, that I didn't try to copy you ;-) (despite the fact that your GDT was amazing)

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