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Status Updates posted by Canuckletux

  1. You're writing too fast for me today. :P

    I could try again next year, but I'll wait and see how my application as air traffic controller will work out. Either way, I'm going to start studying English in October as the ATC course wouldn't start before next April, anyway.

  2. Well, I'll continue volunteering, then. Now I'm eagerly awaiting Sept. 21, when I've got the second round of the ATC selection process.

    Canuckifying your office space sounds fine. Wish I could do that... ^^

    It'd be great to see you back in WN, but spending time with your family is precious, so I totally understand it if you're absent for a while. ;)

    Broke? Oo

  3. Unfortunately, I didn't pass the cycle ergometer test, where I scored 80 % and would have needed 90 %. I get why they check for drugs & alcohol, measure the Body-Mass-Index, vision, blood pressure and blood sugar and also understand the test, where you have to carry a stretcher 2 1/2 stories up and down again. But I never needed to sprint for like 10 mins on the job. :(

  4. Cool, that would mean I'd be some kind of a prophet, right? I think we could attract a lot of people by keeping the costs for travelling to heaven low, which we could compensate for by having hidden heavenline fees. Muhahaha!

  5. I'm fine, too. I have successfully taken the psychological entry test of the Viennese Ambulance Service. The medical examination is coming up on Thursday.

    How's your life at the clinic going? Have you already settled into your new position?

    I haven't seen you in WN for quite a while now. Well, it's not what it used to be.

  6. Your heart has to stay on earth, either way. As far as I know, there is no religion that offers a carry-on body service. You're only allowed to bring along your soul. :P

  7. It means you're denied to enter hell and you have to go to heaven. My condolences.

  8. Hey, C84, how are you doing?

    You're also unfortunate enough to now be most active in the "terrible threads". :P

  9. Nice post count, man. The evil 666 really suits you. :P

  10. Haha, that's mean. But you're in the same boat. :P

  11. No, I haven't... But the fact that Will Ferrell is in it is telling me that I should. :D

  12. Great, see you there! :D

    Nah, I don't know where you got your name from. Would you care to explain, 'cause it sure sounds odd. :P

  13. Sounds great, too. :D

    There's nothing better than getting some rest. :)

  14. I got up at 4 am, took the second tram at 5 am and spent my Sunday from 6 am to 7 pm on one of our emergency ambulances - well, and at quarters. :)

    How's your Sunday going along so far?

  15. Which is why only like 5 per cent of all applicants receive a chance to start the 3 year training.

    Plan B for me is the Viennese Ambulance Service and plan C to study English.

    I hope you don't have too much work to do in the clinic, so you have a smooth transition from being on vacation to working. ;)

  16. Well, I've always had a healthy interest in aviation... and controllers simply have the smartest job. :P

    Tuesday was really exhausting, evidence of how mentally fatiguing the job really is. Not a lot of controllers are older than 40.

    So, are you still on vacation or do you have to work again?

  17. Awe, you got a sunburn? Well, at least you have enjoyed your time in the sun. :P

    I passed the first series of tests for becoming an air traffic controller on Tuesday. :D

    The second day of testing (of potentially three) is coming up midway through September.

  18. I couldn't stay out of those threads any longer... maybe you should pay them a visit again, too. ;)

  19. Yeah, it sounds great. ;)

    I'm doing fine... My civilian service is over, but I'm a voluntary paramedic right now. I've applied for a position as air traffic controller (passed the 1st of 3 test rounds - the 2nd is coming up in the middle of September). I've also applied with the Viennese Ambulance Service (plan B) and signed up for University (English - plan C).

  20. Comment vas-tu, mon ami?

  21. Have you finally figured out who the Russian Rocket was? :P

    So, I'll have to call you CMM from now on. Well, how are you doing, CMM?

  22. Are you back from Arizona? Or hasn't your big week arrived yet? :)

  23. You lived in Arizona, eh? Well, I guess that counts as having been there before. :P

    I guess you're rather looking forward to meeting old friends than gazing at the landscape. :D

  24. So, have you been to Arizona before or will it be your first time around?

  25. It's great to hear that you like your new job. Being busy isn't a bad thing, I suppose, as long as the pressure isn't too high and you like what you're doing. :)

    Arizona, eh? Though it's way too hot down there for my flavour, I hope you'll have a great time. Are you going to visit the Grand Canyon?

    I don't have any travel plans for this summer, just pursuing the jobs I've applied for.

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