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Status Updates posted by Canuckletux

  1. Ah, now I see what you mean. I don't think I can un-see it again. :P

    The left part of what appears to be forming the Danish flag is just the part of the design element that's supposed to create some kind of a motion blur.

    Maybe that's a better pic:


    I think I'm gonna see the Danish flag from now on, though. :D

  2. I'm Austrian, but my avatar isn't related to that. It's a closeup of a Viennese ambulance; the rod of Asclepius (the snake on the stick) with the surrounding emblem is just the EMS logo. ;)


  3. I'm shocked to see the Canadian election results. :o

  4. No worries... everything alright?

  5. Poor Panthies have it tough enough, lol.

  6. You're so heartless :P

  7. Nah... That's unfair toward the Panthers community, no matter how small it might be. :P

  8. And yeah, I'll be on MSN. It took me so long to make the previous comment due to CDC's blinding speed so that I consequently forgot what I had initially wanted to say. <.<

  9. Same here. It's so frustrating to try getting a post across. :(

  10. Ring, ring. Where are you at? :(

  11. Much better, thanks. I've been working again today, everything's fine now.

  12. Don't worry, I know that. Maybe you'll have some time on the weekend. :)

  13. I've been lying in hospital after losing too much body fluid with a nasty case of gastroenteritis. :(

    I'm back now, though. :)

  14. I am on! Very much so, in fact. But I don't feel like having monologues, so I have to wait for someone to join me. :P

  15. I have missed everyone, too. :(

  16. Yeah, very much so, thanks. I'm looking forward to working again tomorrow, can't stand being trapped inside.

    Happy birthday in retrospective, Caboose!

  17. I'm much better now, thanks. Hopefully I can start working again on Thursday, I miss my job so much. :( And of course I missed CDC, too (I was still quite dizzy the last couple of days, so I didn't really feel like posting). ;)

  18. I case you have wondered where I have been these days... I spent the last three days in hospital after losing a lot of body fluid by throwing up the whole night. I'm back home now, but I guess it's gonna take some time to get back into CDC mood. :(

  19. I have to go to bed now, sorry. I've got a nasty nausea since an hour, I guess I must have eaten something bad today. :(

  20. Sorry to hear that. :(

    Hopefully you don't have to stay a one-woman-taskforce for too long.

  21. Great, thanks. :)

    Hopefully your workload is gonna reduce itself.

  22. Who the heck decides to put up a GDT at 2:30 am? :0

    Anyways, thank you very much for putting it up early enough. :)

    At first I didn't know whether to give you a +, since I was involved in doing it, but I figured now it accounts for 1/2 a + from me for your half and 1/2 a + from you for my half. :P

  23. It's perfect. ;)

    Sorry I didn't reply yesterday, I had already gone to bed. You made the right decision, just as would have expected from you. ;)

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