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Status Updates posted by German_Canucks_Supporter

  1. More sleep, no money needed for Game Center Live and Paul Stastny most likely playing for my hometown team. Lock Out ain't all bad after all... ;-)

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Time for AAA games go Wolves !!!!

  2. One step at a time. Win tonight and build on that! GO CANUCKS GO!

  3. The one game I couldn't watch was the one game we won. Question: Should I watch the next one?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. German_Canucks_Supporter


      But yeah, ESPN America has completely let down the fans of Western teams.

    3. Newsflash
    4. NightHawkSniper


      You can listen to the game, but your eyes must not defoul the outcome. :P

  4. I'm honestly shocked. If this playoff run fails, AV must be fired. Can't say I'm optimistic...

  5. It'll be our first playoff-game tonight! (Let's just forget that there has been one already...) Go Nucks!

  6. These headlines on nhl.com contain the worst word plays on this planet. After the great success of "Enough Sedin" today: "Luong and Prosper" *facepalm*

  7. Facing off against two Bruins fans in my German forum. I frackin' hate these guys!

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      DOnt bow down to their level stay strong my friend show class and let them look like the scum that they are :P

  8. This is not the night for revenge! Revenge will come in June.

    1. German_Canucks_Supporter


      On second thoughts, it isn't even a night for you guys over in B.C.

    2. Scheiderfanforlife
    3. The Wizard of AZ

      The Wizard of AZ

      When we slash Milan Lucic's tires and run away cackling.

  9. Happy new year, CDC! We are only 5 and a half hours away from 2012, you'll have to wait a little longer. See you on the other side! :)

  10. Happy new year to you as well! I think that Ehrhoff knows that he took a paycheck over a realistic chance to win the cup, so I don't feel sorry for him at all ;-)

  11. The kissing-couple-riot-photo headlines the sports page in my local German newspaper today! Obviously the sports photo of the year, even without any sports on it...

  12. Regular season game of the year (maybe). I'll be watching. GO CANUCKS GO!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Nucks are always #1 for me ..but hte Leafs have always been my other team to watch. Should be a barn burner ! GO NUCKS !

    3. Scottish⑦Canuck


      I've seen more Canucks fans than any other team in Glasgow. And I've met/seen Sharks, Canadiens, Oilers, Wings, Senators, Flyers, and Bruins fans. In my experience in Scotland it's pretty mixed. There are quite a lot of Leafs fans though.

    4. Tigs


      Well, at least there are no Chicago fans so all is forgiven, even though they may indeed cheer for those other horrid teams.

  13. Schneider = franchise goaltender!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shea Weber

      Shea Weber

      Its funny how people in vancouver are finnaly realizing cory is a franchise player!

    3. Shea Weber

      Shea Weber

      Its funny how people in vancouver are finnaly realizing cory is a franchise player!

    4. canuck_trevor16


      sorry schnider trade value goes up!

  14. My wish for tonight: 60 minutes of Canucks hockey, not only 20 or 40!

  15. Thanks for handing us that win, Calgary, but we'd rather want competition, not victims!

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      What Ari said. Anytime we can get handed 2 divisional points I am dancin' in the streets !

  16. Sturm is like a 10 Dollar bill that changes its owner several times a week :-D

  17. I want the Oilers' goal song ("Chase the Sun") Way better than ours and Toronto's and Winnipeg's and...

  18. NHL Gamecenter Live is working fine for European viewers!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. moz


      and do you have to agree to a whole year?

    3. German_Canucks_Supporter


      @TGC: 120 Euros, or 14,75 EUR per month (=$19.95) in eight payments.

      @little.comet: Yes, it's a contract for the whole season and the playoffs. If you don't cancel, it will be renewed automatically in October 2012. Blackouts are still uncertain, depends on the TV-contract. But they are very unlikely.

    4. moz


      Sod that then. ESPN was a sweet deal, you could come and go as you please. I don't need it for the whole season as I'm moving to Canada in February. Cheers for the info :)

  19. Any news on European NHL broadcasting rights?

    1. Scottish⑦Canuck


      Still nothing. ESPN are giving no information. However, NHL Gamecenter will be broadcasting to Europe next season, suggesting that ESPN won't get the rights.

    2. moz


      SC has got it, from what I know it's be ripped off for GCL or nothing at all.

    3. moz


      Well, I say "ripped off", that's by going off other NHL things for us on the other side of the sea. Hopefully they won't charge the same in Euro & Pounds as they do in Dollar.

  20. It couldn't be any worse in the world of hockey right now, could it? :-( R.I.P. Lokomotive

    1. Bombastik der Teutone

      Bombastik der Teutone

      R.I.P. Pavol and Robert..and well all the others

    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      In complete shock right now :(

  21. Going to Scotland for three weeks. When I get back, and there is still no NHL broadcasting deal for Europe, I'll be so mad!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. moz


      Yeah, I dunno how I did it one season. I didn't even read your username when I replied, assumed you were coming over from Canada. I'm sure it won't be too bad. If all else fails you can listen on the radio.

    3. German_Canucks_Supporter


      If all else fails, I'll go with Sopcast & Co. But wouldn't it be a disgrace if the NHL forced all their European fans into watching illegal streams?

    4. moz


      I know yeah, it's stupid that it's so late on now and there's no agreement. After January I'm okay as I'm moving to Vancouver but from now until then it'd be nice to have the option of signing up to a service as I never know my work hours until the week before!

  22. While I think Sturm is overrated, I also think that Sulzer is underrated. He might be a good addition for our depth! :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. German_Canucks_Supporter


      Yeah, at least Sturm wasn't expensive ;-) He's just the one German I didn't want in our roster for some reason (as I said in the Sulzer-Thread: he played for Ingolstadt. Derby rivalry!)

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i like that gillis will take chances on what a player's potential can be.....nothing ventured, nothing win.

    4. canuck2xtreme


      I love the Sulzer signing. Great move by MG.

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