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Status Updates posted by German_Canucks_Supporter

  1. San Jose traded Setoguchi and Coyle???

  2. Am I the only one who doesn't give a beep about these NHL awards? Actually, I think that every awards show on this planet is just boring.

    1. BananaMash


      I really don`t care about the awards show. I'll read about who got what tomorrow.

    2. Rey


      Agreed. About the only NHL thing that i don't bother watching. I can understand celebrity award shows, but media does not go well, with hockey players.

  3. 'nucks in seven was my original prediction. Please, guys, rally behind our team and support Luongo! He just seems to hate the Garden somehow. WE ARE ONE WIN AWAY!

  4. The Vancouver Canucks have never lost a game six in the Stanley Cup Finals! ;-)

    1. Rented Mule

      Rented Mule


  5. Will this be the "German Day" in American sports? Dirk has done it, Ehrhoff can do it. And I have a good feeling about tonight!


    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      WOOOOOOO! i will be very drunk for this game as i my nerves are completely shot :P

  7. I HAVE A DREAM! (maybe because I am tired as hell -_- )

  8. I hope that solar storm won't destroy my satellite signal during tonight's game...

    1. rampage


      that would suck

    2. Bombastik der Teutone

      Bombastik der Teutone

      solar strom? have i missed something?

    3. Bombastik der Teutone
  9. 8-1 loss, 4 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work & studying, I'm so done with this day!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bombastik der Teutone

      Bombastik der Teutone

      ich habe zum glück urlaub..die beiden ertsen spiele haben aber an meinen kräften gezehrt..gestern nacht bin ich erst im 3. drittel wach geworden. mittwoch versuch ich wieder durch zu machen..schade das du kein frei hast :(

    3. German_Canucks_Supporter


      Na ja, Semester dauert noch bis Anfang August, da gibt es kein Entkommen. ;-) Am schlimmsten war es eigentlich gegen Ende der Nashville-Serie - da habe ich wirklich totalen Schlafentzug gehabt.

    4. Bombastik der Teutone

      Bombastik der Teutone

      na...studium geht vor :D

      hoffe du packst das alles ;)

  10. Tonight we can equal the success of 94. Then we would have FOUR chances to surpass it!

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Excellent point of view :)

  11. On the 9th of June, our annual fair called "Bergkirchweih" will start. Two weeks of drinking excesses! Hopefully the Canucks will have finished the Bruins by then. It's hard to watch games in the night when you are completely wasted :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. German_Canucks_Supporter


      You gotta take your chances. IF we have the chance to finish them in game 4, we should gladly take it. I'm sorry for your dad though.

    3. Master 112
    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      except, if they lose, you just don't give a damn....i think they do it on the tenth....happy drinking.

  12. Dirty 2:1 win against Austria. Meh, we take it. ;-)

  13. According to NHL 2K11, we are going to win 4-0... (hall of fame level)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. d^/ > _ < \^b

      d^/ > _ < \^b

      Not likely to happen though...

    3. HockeyChick8


      dude have some faith!

    4. HockeyChick8


      dude have some faith!

  14. Let's go Boston and Tampa! Play your hearts out! I suggest a five-OT thriller tomorrow...

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      You read my mind :) lets hope they brutalize each other to the point of exhaustion lol !

    2. Bombastik der Teutone
    3. Apricot
  15. A good day (or, as I call it, "night") to write some history, eh? :-)

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      I am wearing my world cup Germany hat :) The colours are a perfect match for the old school van jersey's ! ACHTUNG ! SJS we are coming for you >)

    2. Scottish⑦Canuck


      Die Canucks sind um den Stanley-Cup-Finale gehen. That's probably wrong... I studied German at school but haven't spoken in years.

  16. San Jose: Cheap team of goons trying to injure people. Zero credit for this bunch of losers! I miss Nashville so much. :-(

  17. Had a great night out, and now I'm waiting for the Nucks to clear the way to the SC Finals. GO CANUCKS GO! Cheers...

    1. LouGongShow


      Hail Erhoff!!!

  18. Only 7 wins to the Cup!

    1. Shift-4


      Over half way there!!!!

  19. We won... I don't care about everything else! ;-)

    1. :D


      That's very callous.

  20. Germany leading 3-0 against Slovakia. History will be made! The German community on CDC is going crazy! :D

  21. On vacation for the next two weeks!

  22. Und auch an Dich ein herzliches Hallo aus Nürnberg ;-)

  23. So eine unterschriebene Fahne hängt bei mir auch zu Hause! Grüße aus Nürnberg, glad to have you on board!

  24. Very positive about everything!

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