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Posts posted by Gollumpus

  1. 2 hours ago, wildcam said:

    Another prospect D man we give up on... How about Forsling 25. 6'0 #4 D man with Florida,  Benning drafted 2014..I was so disappointed when they traded him before playing a NHL game....

    I can't say that I'm losing any sleep over this one. Chatfield always impressed me as being a potentially good, offensive AHL d-man. Maybe he's finally developed enough after four years in Vancouver's system to be a good AHL d-man (of course, his slow development is all on the Canucks).


    And I'm still not caring about Forsling. Five years after he was traded to Chicago he's (finally) starting to produce points... kinda'


    I looked up his production back in November and I was most impressed. He had double figures in assists, which suggests Hughes level of play in puck movement/passing etc. Most of his points (assists) were 2nd assists, which aren't a bad thing, but in Forsling's case they came from plays like, the other team takes a shot, and Forsling gets hit by the puck (while trying to get out of the way of the shot, rather than trying to block the shot). Another Panther then grabbed the puck, and skates it down the ice and passes to the eventual goal scorer. There was also a first assist where the puck came to him him, and (perhaps in a panic), and he fired it to Barkov, who fought his way out of the Panther's zone and skated down the ice and scored. I was seeing good fortune, not good play.


    Frankly, I'm seeing him having a Garrison type of season, being lucky with the team he is with, his D partner and the situations in which he has found himself rather than a lot of ability on his part. 


                                                    regards,  G.

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  2. I'm assuming that the Oilers move McDavid for lots of stuff, tank, and get Wright in the draft.


    Where does McDavid go? I'm thinking it would have to be a team close to winning a(nother?) Cup so McDavid would want to leave. Tampa comes to mind. To start, maybe Point. One of those big d-men (Cernak rather than Foote?). A 1st (not necessarily from this year. Maybe some exchange of picks/prospects to balance out contracts. Perhaps a bit of cap retention (if necessary). 


    TB loses some talent, but they can sorta' kinda' afford to. They lose a 1st, but that guy would be a lower third of the first round selection. And they get McDavid to fill up all of the goal production they lose in trading Point.


                                                                     regards,  G.

  3. R&B afternoon:


    Fever - 



    I'm Shakin' - 
    Need Your Love So Bad - 
    All Around the World - 
    Home at Last - 
                                                                regards,  G.
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  4. 16 minutes ago, CRAZY_4_NAZZY said:

    I really like the Dickinson-Lammikko-Motte trio. Has speed, grit, tenacity, and defensive awareness.


    I like Highmore, but I prefer him as a 13th forward. If you can keep that trio above together, it does open a door to find another top 9 forward to bring some more offense.


    Pearson-Miller-Boeser have really worked well off each other that allow for a very defensively responsible and heavy line.

    Podkolzin-Pettersson-Hoglander was great tonight, lots of speed, skill, and puck control line


    You add Horvat and Garland together, you are missing just another top 9 guy and that forward group looks solid.

    Well, there is talk about Toffoli being available, and not at too huge a cap hit, but I suspect that the asking price will be too high.


                                                         regards,  G.

  5. 4 hours ago, Drakrami said:

    Why are we buyers? Trading more draft picks and prospects (opps we have none actually) so we nudge ourselves into the playoffs? Benning has been doing that for 8 years, sure worked out well. 



    So, as they are beneath being noticed, I guess it wouldn't hurt to trade away guys like Lockwood, or Klimovich, or Rathbone or Woo?  :P


                                                                     regards,  G.

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  6. On 1/14/2022 at 7:54 AM, Jester13 said:

    Gawd, I hate even thinking about this, but I'm starting to wonder more and more if we might need to do a much larger retool than originally thought? Trading any of our top guys means that we can get some very nice returns, but - as you mention - any one of them will leave a gaping hole in their position, so if we trade one for a really nice return, it might be something to think about trading more than one of them and just biting the bullet for the next few years+. The only other option, really, is to stick with our current core and try to bolster the guys around them, but even that isn't going to be easy. And, I feel as though all of Bo, Petey, and Boeser are underperforming a lot with what we truly need out of them to be a contender, so it's a pretty big risk to hold onto them all and hope they regain their form and outperform their contracts rather than under, and then we're eventually forced to sell low and start a rebuild in a few years without any sniffs at the playoffs/cup. JR & Co. have a very tough job ahead of them. 

    Apologies for the late response, I was being nibbled to death by guppies... or I was kidnapped by gypsies. One of the two.


    Short answer: yes, they do.


                                        regards,  G.


    Longer answer:


    The team is (again) in a state of flux, which as you have observed, trading one guy to fill a hole in the roster would only lead to another hole/weakness elsewhere. I suppose the question would come down to which moves (assuming there are moves) will provide the most value/return for the assets moved and the overall team needs.


    I see there being three guys who could be moved, for varying reasons, Boeser, Huighes and Pettersson. Ekman-Larsson has a NMC, so unless you have inside knowledge of why he would consider waiving there's no sense in any further mention of his name. Myers has a NTC, which allows some wiggle room, but his camp probably has most/all of the teams with lots of cap space who might be willing to take him on, for a price. How much does anyone think the Canucks should pay out to another to take on Myers, and what becomes of the very large hole he leaves on the right side?


    Horvat isn't a worthy candidate for trading (this year), unless someone comes up with a really huge overpayment. He's also my favorite player on this team, so if he were traded it might well use up the last of the goodwill I feel for the Canucks organization.


    In some cases current cap concerns could be part of the decision to move them, or not. Boeser is the guy who is at the top of the list, in part because of his pending RFA status. If Boeser wants more than what would be deemed a reasonable amount (maybe $2 million raise?/term), then trading him makes a lot of sense, depending on what comes back (of course). Of the three players mentioned, Hughes is probably the easiest guy to move. He's young, playing as advertised (he scores a lot of points), and he has a fairly reasonable contract with term. (For those who keep bandying his name around, Miller is currently the team's best player, so moving him anytime before the last year of his current contract doesn't make sense, unless there was also a huge overpayment.)


    * By "huge overpayment" I'm thinking a 1st, a blue chip prospect, and a fairly good quality roster player - the quality of the latter two would depend on the potential level of the 1st round pick. If the level is bottom third (assuming no significant progress in the playoffs) then the prospect and player's value goes up.


    * If Boeser were moved (atm I'd prefer that he wasn't), the team loses a lot of production from the RW. The team also gains a lot of flexibility as far as cap issues go. Who does the team have to fill that void left by trading Boeser? Podkolzin (eventually)? The cast of thousands - Garland, Motte, Hoglander etc. Lockwood? There doesn't look to be a lot of promise here, but I would be very pleased to be shown to be wrong in my assessment.


    A RW might be an ask for the prospect/player in a return for Boeser.


    * Moving Hughes should bring back a significant return. Depending on who is coming back the other way. Moving him clears some cap, and frees up the left side D, depending on who comes back in such a deal.


    * Pettersson could be difficult to move, partly due to his contract, and that he isn't playing as advertised (at least not currently). He isn't performing as a top-6 C, and he isn't performing as a top-6 LW. Why? I dunno, but he isn't. He is making himself expendable. Maybe it's COVID related, maybe there's some other health concern. Maybe he's just lost his desire to play (it happens). Maybe he'll find his touch later this season, but if he doesn't, and a really good deal comes along then I suspect he will be gone. Either way, I wish him well.


    *Cut to the chase, I got stuff to do*


    Assuming Arizona were the trading partner (as is the topic of this thread), I'd be very happy were the Canucks to acquire Chychrun and Crouse. I'd start the dangle by offering Hughes for both of those guys+. I'd let them laugh themselves out before letting them put forward a counter offer, or to make an addition to the initial offer. I'd then offer Pettersson, and see how that goes, and so on. I'd be looking for Chychrun, Crouse and a 1st (at a minimum).


    My belief is that while the Canucks would lose points scored by a couple of individual players (Hughes/Pettersson), overall team goals scored would go up with Chychrun and Crouse.


                                                            regards,  G.

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  7. 12 hours ago, shiznak said:

    I think ideally, you’ll have to move OEL if we acquire Chychrun. He doesn’t fit with this team’s window to compete and his play doesn’t really account for his caphit. He’s been fine defensively, but offensively he has been nonexistent. We could’ve just re-signed Edler, and he’ll probably be doing the same thing OEL been doing for us, but without the huge caphit.

    Having said that, Chychrun has played on the right side before in juniors and most recently last year, where he had his best offensive year. So, maybe he’s more comfortable playing on the right side?

    Now, the question is who does he play with? I don’t think he will mesh well with Hughes, as both players like to carry the puck and go on the attack. Phoenix/Arizona tried playing OEL with Chychrun before, but it was a failed experiment. Although this was when OEL was more of a puck carrier and Chychrun was just breaking into the league. I could see them working well in the present day.

    As mentioned above, trading Ekman-Larsson is a great idea (for those who want to do that), however, his NMC complicates things, so I don't see it happening. And even if the Canucks could convince him that playing in a different city is a good idea, there's going to be a cost to the team:


    * The Canucks will lose Ekman-Larsson (which is the point of the exercise), but does their play improve by a substantial amount by having Chychrun over Ekman-Larsson? In some ways, yes it likely/probably will, assuming Ekman-Larsson doesn't ramp up the offensive side of his game.


    * The Canucks would potentially (likely) lose another high pick in moving Ekman-Larsson, as well as some prospects (maybe).


    * Salary retention. I'm thinking the Canucks would have to retain at least $1 million, and possibly even $2 million to unload Ekman-Larsson. For another five years. 


    I'm going to go with "the jury is still out" as far as Chychrun playing on the right side. It would be great if he could do it, and do it well. This being said, if he was acquired at the cost of moving out Ekman-Larsson, then Chychrun could just as easily be played on the left side, so problem solved.


    Who does Chychrun play along if he is on the left side? Dunno. There really isn't a lot there. If he is on the right side, then I would agree that trying him along side of Ekman-Larsson would be the best shot.


                                                                 regards,  G.









  8. 9 hours ago, Jester13 said:

    I agree with everything you've said, except that I don't believe Petey is a top 6 C. I don't see him as a centerman at all anymore. He's not strong enough and is terrible at faceoffs, which is why we saw him play wing tonight. Miller and Bo are out top 6 Cs.


    Petey could eventually be replaced by Klimovich or someone else via trade. For me, at this point when we'll have to make important decisions such as Miller, Bo, Boeser, or Petey, I choose the three former and trade the latter; with JR loving to trade struggling player for struggling player, Petey for Chychrun might make sense. But, I agree that I don't think Arizona says yes.

    Yeah, there is a discussion to be had on that point by team management. This being said, whether Pettersson is a top-6 C or not, there still ain't anyone in the system who looks like they could replace Pettersson's point output (at least from what we've seen from his first two seasons).


    Klimmovich will (very likely) play at the NHL level, but I don't see him as being a replacement for Pettersson as far as point production on the from the wing. It would be nice if I was wrong. :)


                                                       regards,  G.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Jester13 said:

    I'd do this trade. 


    And this one.

    I suspect that Arizona wouldn't bite on either of those offers. I would be strongly tempted to acquire Chychrun, even at the cost of Pettersson. Getting Crouse for a 3rd would be very tempting. This being said, I do have reservations, and some questions would need to be asked before I made such a deal. (I may have missed some things, but I'm distracted by my need for pizza).


    * Chychrun's health status (obvious). He looks like he has missed a number of games.


    ^ While Chychrun's point totals over the last couple of seasons are impressive, will that kind of success transfer here? I'm thinking different TOI/PP and PK time, partners and change in system.


    * Ice time. All that talent on the left side makes it a bit crowed. Granted, everyone playing around 20 minutes could add to player health/durability over a season/playoffs.


    * Can Chychrun play the right side, or for that matter, can Ekman-Larsson or Hughes? And can any of them play well on their opposite side, or can they move there for a shift or two, maybe even the occasional game?


    * Who replaces Pettersson, if not right away (likely won't be the case) then in 2 - 3 years? There aren't any top-6 C type of guys in the system. This is impacted by the (likely) 1st being moved in either of these proposals, so getting a future top-6 center via the draft doesn't look like it would happen soon.


    * Chychrun's cap hit isn't really an issue ($4.6 million), but with him coming in, that would mean that the Canucks are paying out around $20 million just on the left side of the defense. Something's gotta' give there,


    ^ Trade Ekman-Larsson? Sure. Have we heard that he will gladly waive his NMC in order to facilitate the Canucks acquisition of Chychrun? Nope.


    ^ Trading Hughes doesn't make a lot of sense, unless there's a whack of value coming back, like at least one 1st, a replacement C prospect/young player who is as good (or better) than what Pettersson could become, as well as additional assets (eg. a right side d-man prospect/player). 


    * Trade Myers, obvious target for some, mostly for cap reasons, which aren't as relevant with Pettersson being moved out  Meyers is the best right side d-man on the roster (and will be for a few seasons to come, barring trades), so moving him doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I include him here just because some folks like to talk about trading Myers, perhaps just out of habit.


                                                                                      regards,  G.

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  10. The January tournament is underway.


    There is a TWITCH streamer showing today's matches (Monday night here, Tuesday there), which may be seen here (2330ish our time):

    https://www.twitch.tv/crazy_japanese I don't know if she will be showing further days.


    You can get caught up by watching previous day's matches from sites such as this:


                                                               regards,  G.


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  11. 7 hours ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

    Gollumpus at a Band-Maid Concert. 

    Air Guitar beside Kanami Misa, which is short for Misa Misa Misa (repeat). I can see it now.

    Ghosts will be just drowning in drool as close as he can to the front of the stage. 

    "Slight" correction. 


    I'd also be down for front row, just staring in adoration.


                                         regards,  G.


    Small venues, big venues, they look like they put on a great show.







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