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About Sully2Cool

  • Birthday 07/10/1987

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  • Location
    Vancouver BC
  • Interests
    Watching Canucks Hockey,Shopping,Long walks at the beach Listening to music,Watching Movies and Watching some football-BC Lions and maybe some Baseball and Many more.

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Canucks Prospect

Canucks Prospect (5/14)



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  1. can't wait till game 1 starts tomorrow it will be very wxciting and entertaning.i hope Manny is playing it will be very sweet i also hope the Canucks continue there streak tomorrow.I predict a 5-2 win for the Canucks.WOOOOOOOOO GO CANUCKS GO.:)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      i dont think Manny is cleared to play game one , he didnt practice today :(

    3. HockeyChick8


      Manny's not playing, Mike Gillis cleared that up =,(

    4. HockeyChick8


      Manny's not playing, Mike Gillis cleared that up =,(

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