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Posts posted by ChuckNORRIS4Cup

  1. 27 minutes ago, IBatch said:

    Sad to see Burrows thread left in the dust on a hockey site a few months in (this thread)... 50 million died last time this happened with a population less then 1 billion.   Last year 700k died from the flu, as of right now Covid has killed 1.7.   With a population of 7.5 billion.   Not trying to say this isn’t a serious issue ... yes it is.  But come on folks ... talk about hockey more.   That’s what this site is supposed to be about..  there are plenty of good discussions available.   Feel like 2020 had hi-jacked this site.!   And and a little surprised at how many regular contributors have made this their mainstay.  B!tching about this and that.   Yes masks should be mandatory in schools.  But what about the WJC and the NHL which is just about to start?  Anyone care to talk about that instead? 

    Hockey is still a thing? :bigblush:


    Well covid has hijacked everyones life right now, it's the hottest topic in the world right now, kind of hard to think or talk about hockey when people are dying and people are worried regarding this world pandemic. 


    And if I went to the hockey topic you wouldn't want me, because I would still be wanting Green fired and that would anger many people here and of course getting ride of Eriksson and that still angers some people here who think he's usefull when hes not, but it's an endless conversation I'm not really interested in, so I'll stay here :lol:


    Alberta supposedly said covid has killed more this year then the flu has in the last 10 years combined, this virus is pretty serious imo, more serious then sports right now.



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  2. 1 hour ago, bishopshodan said:

    Yep, that new strain in England is causing more concern...


    Several EU nations halt U.K. flights, fearing virus variant


    BERLIN -- One by one, several European Union nations banned flights from the U.K. on Sunday and others were considering similar action in a bid to block a new strain of coronavirus sweeping across southern England from establishing a strong foothold on the continent.





    Not good news, this worries me a bit because normally what happens over there first with covid issues then about a month roughly later it starts happening over here in North America. And who knows who has already traveled from there already before they shut it down, and where those people are now, possibly spreading this newer strain of the virus in different locations already. 

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  3. 14 hours ago, Wilbur said:

    Actually, I think it'll be the teenagers where it'll be hardest to enforce.  They're more defiant (generally...there are always exceptions).  IMO, a mandatory mask policy could lead to some of our most vulnerable students (lower income, behavioural issues, etc) not showing up/getting kicked out for not wearing a mask.  I think that may be why the province is balking at implementing a mandatory mask policy because it could leave these students behind and if it goes on for close to a year, you'll lose some of those older students forever. 


    Now, this could totally be my bias showing as the father of an 8 and 6 year olds that are super compliant and a teacher at an Alternative High School where many students are anything but.  That being said, I do support mandatory masks in schools and would hope what I said above would be wrong.  Just theorizing a possible reason why masks haven't been made mandatory yet.

    Yeah I definitely see what you're saying teenagers are difficult at times :lol: they don't like being told what to do I know I used to be the same, but at least the teenager can stay home if they chose not to wear a mask and the parent can still work and not have to be home to look after them. Then it's up to the parent to enforce it to their teenager or maybe put them into online schooling if they continue to refuse to wear a mask, but at least the teenager can do the schooling on their own at home still and not have a parent staying home to watch them. I was just thinking of the burden of elementary kids and parents who have to be home if their kid isn't at school because someone has to look after them and I know not everyone can do that. Some kids are compliant good to hear yours are, but not all kids are and it could be hard for some parents I would believe.

  4. 1 hour ago, kingofsurrey said:

    Be careful.... many  of the people that post here do not like factual information.... LOL....     


    Not sure what is worse...  a. Premier that doesn't know his governments own covid policy.... or a  PHO that doesn't support mandatory masks for 9 months and still not in highschools.......

    I'm going to lean towards maybe confused, and I'll admit some restrictions have been a little confusing, and them changing them last weekend made it a little confusing again, but it really was only for people who lived alone, so if you don't live alone the restrictions were still the same still.


    Yes I'll agree he should know, but he also did ask the health minister if it was ok to do first, and Adrian Dix is the one who told him that he could do that, I found that very alarming. As for the mask one yes another alarming one I didn't agree with, they played that one wrong for a while, at least they finally budged and changed for public spaces well most. As for Schools I do hope they can find a way to enforce the masks there a little more, again it's tough with young kids I get it, but parents also need someone looking after their kids so they can work, it's a catch 22 in tough times with the way this world works and the economy, and bills and keeping a roof over your head, but let's hope they can get a little stricter on masks in school would be nice to see.


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    3 hours ago, Jimmy McGill said:

    King - the people he was going to have diner with are in his bubble. He cancelled due to optics, not safety. 

    I have to jump in on this, because what KoS is saying and implying is correct, what Horgan was planning to do was go against what restrictions they have in place for B.C. right now. 


    The only exception right now is for people living alone or if you are caring for someone, there is no other exceptions. If you "live" with 2,3,4,5,6 etc people that's your bubble that's it, you can't bring over people, the only people who can bring people over is people who live alone and that's 1-2 people max only in their bubble. 


    Last weekend they did change something for Christmas for people who are living alone basically allowing them to go see family now but only if you live alone, didn't hear they were changing anything for people who don't live alone and that would mean they still can't have people over, unless it's someone who lives alone and is family. 


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  6. Just now, Wilbur said:

    I think we know exactly what to do.  But it gets in the way of a) business b) personal freedoms (at least in some peoples minds).  I think with business/capitalism, we as a society have let it become too big while at the same time seemingly unresilient so we don't want to rock the boat.  While with "personal freedoms", social media has let certain people galvanize and strengthen their defiance more than it normally would.


    I'm sure there are many playbooks out there that would work, but it would get torn to shreds by people/governments/corporations screaming of fairness, freedom, etc.  I don't see it as a science issue but rather a psychology issue.



    The way this world operates for the economy is what's the bigger problem, it's broken and wrong, but that conversation is for another time, but that's what's influencing the problem more, it actually sucks.


    Greed over People that's the system they created.

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Amaneey said:

    I agree, and I hope that will be one of the positives that come out of this, a plan to help deal with future pandemics.

    I think we also have to remember that times are very different now, the world is a much smaller place. Back in the 1900s how often did people travel out of their city, let alone their country? Now I can fly half way across the world in hours. Also, I think the mentality has shifted over the years... Maybe it was considered more patriotic to wear a mask and think of the common good and well being. Nowadays it's about "my rights." on top of that there is so much misinformation out there that spreads so fast, and so many loud conspiracy theorists.

    I guess better late then never, but still I would of thought after this world dealt with something similar a 100 years ago, that they would have a better understanding of how to deal with it a bit, but it's like they have no idea and still figuring out how to handle it. 


    It's actually a little scary that the means of transportation a 100 years ago wasn't anything close to how it is now. Boats were the main and only real way to travel out of country and that virus was able to last almost 2 years by boats, now we have planes and people traveling way more than a 100 years ago. If the virus lasted 2 years a 100 years ago with only boats for traveling, million dollar question is how long will it last now with our means of transportation... My gut says it will be longer then 2 years now. 

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  8. 6 minutes ago, Amaneey said:

    Honestly, I am so tired of people complaining about every little thing. There wasn't a playbook for this pandemic, it's all trial and error, that's how policies and how science works. I think Dr. Henry and almost everyone else is doing the best they can. Maybe let's focus on doing better and being better instead of focusing on all the negatives.


    Well everyone has the right to their opinion, but I'm surprised there isn't a playbook tbh, this world dealt with a pandemic very similar to this 100 years ago, what happened to all the information they collected from it.... Did the world really not learn anything from it back then? Like nothing for the future if they have to deal with something like this again.... 


    I'm more tired of the anti maskers and their agenda, people can run their mouth all they want that doesn't bother me, but when people are physically doing something that puts others in danger because of their actions, now that's something to be upset about imo.

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  9. Agent Scott Boras: Blue Jays are pursuing ‘group of players’ to bolster roster


    Once a regular target for Scott Boras’ biting barbs, the Toronto Blue Jays are now drawing praise from arguably the sport’s most powerful agent for their aggressive posture in the marketplace.


    “I think they really feel this is a now time for them, and I said before that they built the lamp and now they’re looking for the right light bulbs,” he continued. “I think they’re in ready pursuit of a group of players that they think can be additions to the core that they built, and I think they’re very confident that those additions will lead them to levels that they haven’t been at for some time.”


    The Blue Jays have been engaged with all the top free agents in play, including George Springer, D.J. LeMahieu, J.T. Realmuto and Trevor Bauer, but have also explored options at a variety of tiers. Boras doesn’t control the market the way he did last off-season when he negotiated in excess of $1 billion in contracts, but has a handful of players on the Blue Jays radar including Bradley Jr., reliever Trevor Rosenthal and Canadian starter James Paxton.



  10. Jays invite three players to Spring Training


    The Toronto Blue Jays have agreed to terms with outfielder Forrest Wall, and infielder's Richard Ureña, and Tyler White, the team announced on Friday.



    All three players agreed to Minor League deals with invites to 2021 Major League Spring Training.


    Ureña, 24, returns to the Blue Jays after spending the 2020 season with the Baltimore Orioles.


    The native of San Francisco de Macoris, Dominican Republic, batted .243 in 30 games for Toronto in 2019.

    Ureña originally signed with the Blue Jays as a 16-year-old in 2012 and holds a career .253 batting average over 91 Major League contests. 



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  11. Even Premier Horgan doesn't even know the restrictions over Christmas and he says he wants to enforce it over Christmas :lol:


    B.C. premier backtracks on his own Christmas plans, illustrating the confusion over health orders


    "Ellie and I are planning to get together with my son and daughter-in-law," Premier John Horgan, referring to his wife, told News 1130 reporter Liza Yuzda during the traditional round of year-end interviews with media organizations.


    "My daughter, I have to confess ... is anxious about that because she doesn't want to break any rules, but I checked it with my buddy and he said it was OK. So that's our plan, the four of us will eat something on Christmas day and that'll be about it."

    In this case, Horgan's "buddy" was Health Minister Adrian Dix — but a day later, the premier changed his mind. 





    Funny if he didn't say anything to the public he probably wouldn't of had to backtrack, but his buddy originally said it was okay, and his buddy is health minister Dix wow.


  12. This is a little alarming imo.


    Paul Alexander former health advisor to Donald Trump, who is a Canadian health researcher that's the alarming part, was pushing for herd immunity in USA to tackle the Coronavirus. He wanted children and kids to not wear masks to hopefully have herd immunity for the virus, why is this guy a Canadian Health researcher.....


    In August and early September 2020, Alexander sent several messages to press officers at the National Institutes of Health attempting to direct Dr. Anthony Fauci's media comments.[3] Among his demands were that Fauci should refrain from promoting the wearing of masks by children in school and COVID-19 testing of children.[3] Fauci later said that he had not received the messages and would not have been influenced by them if he had.[3]



    Former Trump appointee encouraged herd immunity strategy for Covid-19, internal emails reveal



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  13. 30 minutes ago, Duodenum said:

    Lol where's that dumbo from before saying masks don't work. 900s down to 500s in less than a month since they were mandated. 



    I'm definitely curious in the next few days what the numbers will be, the amount of people who went shopping this last weekend was a little crazy imo. White Rock was a zoo on Saturday, New Westminster mini mall had people walking around in there with no masks on..... 

  14. 4 hours ago, Warhippy said:

    Okanagan Valley central/South has ZERO availability through VRBO and Air BnB due to snowbirds....


    A big cause of concern for interior health is how many came from or live in covid hotspots on the lower mainland, alberta and sask.  They fully anticipate that families from those hot spots will come to visit and that will spread the virus in our area like wildfire

    Well what's the first thing they're going to do when they come here? Go straight to the grocery store or stores to stalk up for their visit here and risk possibility spreading the virus more here, and that's very alarming imo. This is why I got into an argument with a poster here about us being so proactive, when the other provinces that aren't being as proactive, but those people can just come here now, and possibly help spread it more and then we have to be even more stricter because of it maybe. I just don't agree with all provinces having different restrictions, when they're still allowing people to travel from one province to another still.

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