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Posts posted by ChuckNORRIS4Cup

  1. 2 hours ago, Dumb Nuck said:

    Hmmm, could have swore it was in January, maybe that’s when they were in last place still or maybe the ‘Nuck drove me to drink too much that year.

    January is when they finally started turning it around, but they struggled under the new coach at the beginning probably just getting used to his new system and trying to implement it as fast as possible, but they were dead last at Christmas, then after that they were unstoppable. 

  2. 1 hour ago, 180sret said:

     A few folks on here demanding big changes because losses hurt their poor little egos. Watched the NHL since 1970 and seen this many times, a team has some success and starts cheating offensively. Petterson and Huges right now are trying too hard to generate instead of " playing the right way defensively" and letting the game come to them. Av's are a recent example. Thats on the players, not the coaches, as there is some of them not buying in. Might take half the season to get their heads straight, but I believe they will be a force again once they all pull to the same direction ( think Blues 2 yrs ago). All the "NHL experts and coaches" on this board, in my humble opinion, should relax and let it play out. If your whole life crashes or rises with a loss or win, maybe you need a life. I do not see a coach or GM, available as of now, that I would consider an upgrade.

    It's sports, people, played by infallible humans much like all of us.

    Yeah and what did the Blues do that year to win the cup.... They fired their coach :lol:

    • Haha 3
  3. I do believe there is a reason why Green has not been given an extension yet, management isn't sure so they're evaluating it this year, the only question is how long will they want to evaluate it for. My gut tells me if Canucks continue to struggle Green could be on a short leash, it all depends on how bad they struggle but obviously if they can turn it around Green will be given the rest of the year to be evaluated more, but if they don't turn it around I do believe a quarantined coach might be brought in to help turn it around if the Canucks keep struggling.

  4. @King Heffy Ok I was wrong the run and gun doesn't work when the defense is banged up like it is, maybe would of worked if Edler and Hamonic weren't injured but yeah doesn't work when the D is beat up like it is. I guess back to playing a defensive game and our goalies getting peppered with shots, I guess will just have to hope for the goalies to bail us out going forward, like Marky did for 2 and half years.

  5. 14 minutes ago, J-23 said:

    Is Price going back to back?

    All I could see was this from 2 hours ago still just speculation, maybe at 4pm they'll find out more info on that.


    Jake Allen is expected to make his second start in goal for the Canadiens when they face the Canucks Thursday night in Vancouver (9:30 p.m., TSN2, RDS, TSN 690 Radio, 98.5 FM).


    Coach Claude Julien didn’t confirm it when asked the question directly during a video conference Thursday morning from Vancouver, but it only makes sense. Reporters are only allowed to ask one question each during game-day video conferences, so there was no chance for a follow-up question with Julien to confirm Allen will be in goal.

    • Huggy Bear 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, Wayne Jetski said:

    Having Edler and Ham out could be a bit of a blessing - 1 show us what we have in some of the young guys. 2 - motivate (force?) us to play a more structured game. It’s CDC, so sorry to be positive ...:emot-parrot:

    But I don't want them to play a defensive structure game lol, I want them to play like they did yesterday back and forth hockey, yes defensively it will cost some goals, but maybe it will help keep the guys scoring and it's just much more exciting hockey.

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