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Everything posted by shiznak

  1. Rumour has it, that the WWE creative team is pushing hard to turn Ziggler face, because people are starting to get behind him. For the love of God, don't turn Ziggler face. He's a natural heel, showing off and being an arrogant prick is his gimmick, don't take that away from him. People cheer for him because he can sell moves like a pro, and has excellent wrestling abilities. Not because he's a crowd pleaser to kids.
  2. The thing with The Rock is that his schtick for all these years IS his whole persona/character. When you take away that, he's just Dwayne Johnson and no one really wants to see that. It's like telling Austin, you can't say your catchpharses anymore, drink beer and open a can of whoop ass on anyone. Or telling Undertaker to get rid of his gimmick and we all know how well that went. His schtick might be lame and out-dated, but people will find it humorous, simply because he's The Rock. There will always be people that will say The Rock has loss his touch, but you can't deny that no one in the WWE right now can entertain the fans like The Rock. Cena, at times can do that, when he's not acting like a total idiot.
  3. Yep, Punk never uses dumb jokes to win people over, like calling someone clown shoes, right? I get that you're a Punk supporter, but Punk isn't that great on the mic without him breaking kayfabe. Name me one promo Punk did in his babyface run that made you say "wow that was great."?....... And that's the one disadvantage of being a babyface, you rarely see them put out a good promo, because they can't break kayfabe (unless you're Cena), they have to make these "lame" comments and try to win the fans over. The Rock however is on another level, because like I said previously, he has the charisma for just about any promo he does. He doesn't go out there and make these jokes, while acting like an idiot like Cena does. I was never really a fan of The Rock in the first place, but when he went to Hollywood and came back for a short heel run, he won me over. His last heel run was just epic, The Rock Concert, the match with Stone Cold at Mania, and his feud with Goldberg and Hogan. That's is why The Rock is nearly untouchable on the mic. It's funny how Punk said, when he was feuding with Jericho, that he never plagiarize anything in his life. Yet, he stole his finishing move from Kenta, he copy the Macho Man's flying elbow, he was trying way too hard to be the next Stone Cold, and now he copy that line from the musical.
  4. Come on, that whole candy ass tattoo line was funny, classic Rock.
  5. The Rock has always used "lame" jokes to made fun of his opponents and no one ever compliant about it. What separate The Rock from Cena is that The Rock has tons of charisma when he says it and that people of all ages eat it up (ex. tonight). While Cena just makes it lame because he acts like an idiot.
  6. Time to tank the season now, and get one of those top 3 picks. No one wants a tainted Cup.

    1. Scott Hartnell's Mane

      Scott Hartnell's Mane

      A Cup is a Cup is a Cup and if the Canucks win it it'll still be a Cup. lol. I'll take it any way it comes.

  7. Wade Barrett does not suck, he's one of the best talkers in the WWE. They just don't know how to use him right, and kind of buried him when they kicked him out the Nexus. I remember reading that he was pegged to go against The Undertaker at Wrestlemania.
  8. Not really. For every 1 good promo he does, there's always 5 really lame ones. Anyone could be a good talker, if they "break the forth wall" and not get in trouble for it. There are plenty of guys who are better talker than Cena, who never gets TV time because they aren't entertaining to little kids, like JTG, him mentioning Ryback having pink eye was golden. Barrett is another guy who can put out a killer promo, same with Kane.
  9. It would be funny if they book Nexus vs. The Shield at Wrestlemania. Of course, The Shield would have to add more members and one of the group has to turn face, preferably Nexus. Barrett, Ryback, Otunga, Gabriel, Slater and Daniels vs. Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Richie Steamboat, Bo Dallas, Xavier Woods (Consequences Creed from TNA)
  10. Looks like The Rock might actually win the title from Punk at RR. It wouldn't be that bad of a move, just think how much media attention the WWE will get. The Rock walking down a Hollywood red carpet with the title, would be pretty bada$$.
  11. Going into 2013, the WWE need to do the following procedures to please wrestling fans: - Unify the WWE and WHC titles. - Scrap the brand extension (why do they still have it, I have no idea? Wrestlers show up on both Raw and Smackdown, anyways) - Less PPVs, to build up storylines. Scrap these gimmick PPVs and bring back oldies (No Mercy, Unforgiven) - More outside segments - Multiple wrestlers going after titles (storylines, within storylines) - Cliffhanger to end Raw (I remember watching Raw, just for the ending. It made me want to tune in next week.) And most important one:
  12. What makes GSP so dangerous and what separate him from the other fighters, is how well he prepares for a fight. He's probably the best strategic fighter out there. He doesn't need to be the best wrestler or have the power to KO guys, because he is able to adapt different gameplans for different opponents, so easily.
  13. I think Edge held it the longest. He won it at Wrestlemania, and cashed it in at New Year's Revolution (10 months).
  14. Remember those days where multiple wrestlers would go after different WWE titles, rather than just one wrestler after the other? That's why the WWE has become so stale, I don't need to see Punk vs. Cena, Sheamus vs. The Big Show, Kofi vs the Miz, etc, more than once.
  15. My money is on Lesnar returning to help Punk. Setting up a Ryback vs. Lesanr feud at the Royal Rumble, yippee!
  16. Kane and Daniels reminds me of what they did with Goldust and Booker T. They had some classic segments and it wasn't cheesy as hell. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRWi8sMA8_8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9nDmtEsanU
  17. No he isn't, Kane and Daniels are. Punk is vastly overrated.
  18. Sorry, but an ARMBAR doesn't cut it as a finisher.
  19. There's no guarantees in MMA. Sonnen almost beat Silva (the first time), when Silva was a heavy favourite going into that match. It only takes one mistake from Jones, to get knocked out by Sonnen. Sonnen doesn't need any training, because he's going into the fight with nothing to lose and is probably going to be swing away hoping he lands one on Jones.
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