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Everything posted by shiznak

  1. I think it's kind of funny that Main Event has better quality of matches than Raw.
  2. There's a storm brewing.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JensenFan2011


      I hope its a beer storm.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      Don't worry Batman is on it.

    4. Baka


      "Hurr raa blahrg rag!"

      - What Batman Sounds Like

  3. I got to agree with Smashian, Vicki's excuse me bit is getting pretty tiresome. Though, I also agree it isn't cheap heat. I think the crowd genuinely find her annoying as a person and a character.
  4. The good news about this loss is that Baltimore loss as well, so the Jays didn't lose any ground on the wildcard.
  5. Nash is signed to a WWE legends contract, doubt they would let him appear on TNA. Also, the BFG series tournament is pretty lame. Its basically their verison of the Royal Rumble mixed with the King of the Ring tournament. They should scrap that idea and just bring back the King of the Mountain match and the Monster Ball match.
  6. Anyone oppose of giving Mike Johnston a second try as an assistant?
  7. I used to piss my pants whenever Gangrel's music hits.
  8. Of course, they could tinker with the bullpen and send one of Wagner or Perez down and still keep all their bench players. But I doubt, AA tinkers his bullpen.
  9. As much as love watching Kawasaki play, he not that great defensively. He has already committed 5 throwing errors since joining the team and his arm isn't as accurate as Reyes or even Izturis. However, I do think he'll stay on the team once Reyes is back, as an insurance backup. Don't really know who will be the odd man out? McGowen will probably be sent back to the minors, once Reyes is back. But once Lawrie and Morrow gets back, AA will have a tough decision to make. One of Rogers or Wang will be left out (one back to the bullpen) and one of Bonifacio, DeRosa, Kawasaki, or Davis will need to be sent down.
  10. You are all hideous!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      teh tom selleck of wrasslin lol

    3. shiznak



    4. Ghostsof1915


      Rowdy Roddy Piper! I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.

  11. I saw it coming, but it was still awesome. Played the crowd like a fiddle.
  12. Bet you went apesh!t when he first arrived in TNA. Just watch his debut in TNA against Sting, and see what's the buzz about.
  13. Lame. Wished he won at least one encounter against Punk. I hope he wins the MitB briefcase (hopefully the WWE champion one), leaves to tour, and returns unexpectedly to cash it in.
  14. So, what did I miss? How was the Jericho/ Punk match?
  15. I would like to see a coaching staff of.... Head: Ruff Assistant: Gulutzan Assistant: Hay/Desjardins
  16. Not according to Bodogs odds. Jays were 15/2 And both LA teams were 17/2 The Tigers were 10/1
  17. Seeing how Jericho is going on tour in August. I don't see the reasoning for turning him heel just for a month, then possibly returning back next year just to be cheered again. Though, If he does agree to comeback, I say let him win a Money in the bank Briefcase next PPV, have him cut a promo the following Raw and leave with the Briefcase. then have him do an ultimate surprise cash-in whenever he wants to comeback (within a year).
  18. He will also be an assistant in Sochi, if NHL players do get to go.
  19. Nor do I want to see a heel Jericho feuding with a face Punk, again. I could see Heyman costing Punk the match by accident. Leading Punk turning on Heyman by blaming him for his past losses to The Rock, Undertaker, and now Jericho. Then, Lesnar comes out and defends Heyman, setting up a match at SS.
  20. I find it amusing that the three teams that had the best odds to win the World Series, are no where near in contention.
  21. I'm pretty sure Ruff is pretty well respected around the league, why do you think Team Canada keeps on asking him to coach the team?
  22. I admit that I didn't really pay too much attention to Vince's ECW, mainly because I didnt watch the original ECW. I knew about it and heard stories about it, but I never seen it, I didn't have the channel. Plus, I assumed the new ECW would be some sort of developmental brand, much like what NXT is now. Scrapping the hardcore belt was a mistake, because I love the creativity of the 24/7 rule. That was freaking hilarious, watching Crash Holly defending it outside the ring. But I understood, why they had to scrap it. It basically ran its course. You could only do some much with the title that it becomes repetitive. Dreamer was 40 when his contract was up. Typically, that's when wrestlers decide to hang it up. Anyway,I need some shut eyes. Don't know why I stayed up this late/early.
  23. 1. Just saying its debatable that you can say AJ is the face of the company, because many people feel he is the face of the company. He's been there from day one and won practically every championship from the company. 2. I don't know what you mean by Sandman and Dreamer were disrespected. Dreamer won mulitple WWE championship (Hardcore, Intercontential, and Tag). His contract was up and they didn't resign him. In his last match, he was forced to retire (kayfabe), they gave him tv time so he could do a farewell speech, as a sign of respect. As for Sandman, well he wasn't really a fit for WWE, since they decided to scarp the Hardcore belt, so he was released. That doesn't mean he was disrespected. Thats like saying, he was disrespected in TNA as well.
  24. Btw, TNA also had their little crappy duplicate of ECW, in 2010.
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