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Beluga Whale

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Everything posted by Beluga Whale

  1. I guess they're cutting Quentyn and replacing his part with Trystane. Why all the sand snakes but no Arriane? Yezzan looks like he lost a little bit of weight. It looks like the ironborn and griffin storylines might be getting cut from next season.
  2. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: 9/10 Absolutely incredible movie, matching the quality of the original and imo one of the best sci-fi movies of all time. Intense, emotional, intelligent and surprisingly unpredictable( considering we basically know how it ends). Dawn delivers a captivating conflict, and allows us to empathize with all sides. Even though most of the characters are apes the humanity in this movie is unbelievable.. Also the parallels to present and historical events are awesome to see.
  3. Correct. I'd stay away from this thread until you're done though, a lot of potential spoilers here.
  4. Believe in Benning.

    1. Kryten


      ATM I believe he might be Rob Ford's cousin.

  5. Her- 8/10. Very interesting and funny movie with great acting and writing, but it gets an 8 because the ending didn't leave me very satisfied. Drive is one of my favorite movies. The greatness of that movie goes so far beyond the plot. Great characters, great acting and writing, and an amazing soundtrack. The overall mood of Drive is just incredible.
  6. Lolol I meant CotF - Children of the Forest I think in the show she was more than a gold digger. I think she truly loved Tyrion but was so heartbroken when he called her a whore and told her to leave, that she decided to betray him. Both ways don't make a lot of sense honestly.
  7. Definitely agree about Mance, that was the best part of the episode for me, and it gave shred of hope for the storyline at the Wall next season. After I watched Bran's scene again I realized it wasn't great. So many nitpicks..the battle against the wights was pretty cool but it seemed like something out of a video game. I was excited to see the CotF but the fireballs were a little bit much. Summer showed up like 30 seconds after the fighting started, what was he doing? And Bran seemed completely unphased by Jojen's death. I really liked the dialog with the Three-Eyed-Crow though. I gave up on show Daenerys at the beginning of the season. Hey, at least Kit turned his acting around. I was prepared to redeem most of this season if they got Tyrion's scene right, but of course it was butchered. Imo all of these changes are D&D trying to appeal to the broadest audience possible. Unfortunately most of the viewers are casual fans who would hardly remember things from previous seasons (also why they decided to drop the Bran's assassin plot), so they try and make things as simply as possible, which drains some of the quality away.
  8. The show did a pretty poor job of explaining who the Children of the Forest were leading up to this, so it makes sense that most people are confused. In the books it was a pretty deal when they show up. This is right off the GOT wiki page so no spoilers here: The Children of the Forest are a mysterious non-human race that were reportedly the original inhabitants of the continent of Westeros. They were already living in Westeros when the First Men migrated to the continent, 12,500 years before Robert's Rebellion.[1] According to legend they were last seen during the Andal invasion six thousand years before the War of the Five Kings. In the present day, most believe that they are simply the stuff of myth and never existed at all. Even the few that do believe they once existed, such as Maester Luwin or Ned Stark, believe that they have long since gone extinct. Also they aren't actual "children", they are older and wiser than anything else in the world, they're called children because of their appearance.
  9. I disagree that Arya is a static character or has been "towed along". At the beginning she a rebellious tomboy, but she's changed by tragic events into a bad ass vigilante. As she experiences this journey we see her personality and principles come to the fore. While she's had people around guiding her, she's still carved her own path. I could find many examples of where she displays agency or her intelligence. I wouldn't say Sansa is great character but she still is a good character. She may not have done anything significant yet but we've watched her go through horrible things and now we see her start to change this season and become someone who does more than sit back. I find characters like that interesting and I think that great character arcs usually result in great characters.
  10. Such an amazing episode, my heart was racing the whole time. I'm sure all book readers were as shocked as I was when both Pyp and Grenn died. Grenn's death was one of the most honourable and badass in the series so far. I'll reserve my comments for certain changes until after everything has unfolded. Spoilers in white: I was surprised we didn't see Stannis this episode. Seems like they are packing EVERY in the last episode. It should be epic, hopefully it's not too much.
  11. Pretty much her whole family was brutally murdered, I think her reaction was perfectly fine. I definitely agree with any Sophie Turner appraisal, Sansa's storyline was really good this season and she did a tremendous job with it.
  12. Kane is a beauty

  13. As far as I know it was pointless babble. I think its the latter. I remember reading that she wasn't going to do anymore nude scenes. My criticism of Brienne's behavior is based off the change from how she was in the books, where she was always really serious.
  14. Pretty decent episode but I could go on forever with nitpicks on this one. - Tyrion's scene with Oberyn was perfect, incredible dialog (because it was all out of the book) and great atmosphere. - Littlefinger was great in this episode, one of the best villains in the series for sure. The part when he told Sansa she could have been his daughter and then proceeded to kiss her was so creepy. Amazing to see how Littlefinger slowly climbs the ranks during the "chaos" he essentially started. Nitpicks: - What was with the Mountain killing those random people? That didn't really make any sense to me. There could have been better ways of showing his battle prowess than killing feeble peasants. - No "Only Cat", one of the most iconic lines in the book. - Rorge standing there like post as Arya walked up with a sword and killed him...seriously? - Out of character Brienne, last sesaon she was always really serious (as she's suppose to be) and now this season with Pod she acting all happy and making jokes. - Everything Daenerys, her scenes are like watching a completely differently show...and not a good one. She says everything in an extremely arrogant voice that always has me cringing. - Sansa slapping Robert seemed out of place. - Any book readers surprised when Jon wanted the gate sealed? In the book he was completely against the idea.
  15. I heard some of you guys like nitpicking so I came up with some more. Yara at the end of season 3: "I'm going to pick the fastest ship in our fleet. I'm going to chose the fifty best killers on the Iron Islands. I'm going to sail up the narrow sea all the way to the weeping water. I'm going to march on the Dreadfort. I'm going to find my little brother and I'm going to bring him home." 1. That is a very long journey and it was ridiculous to find out that Yara would just give up after coming so far. 2. At the end of season 3 it was set up to be some epic mission and it turned out to be one of the most anti-climactic things of the show. 3. Ironborn are renown as some of the fiercest and most hardcore fighters, they would never run from a fight. Standing right beside who she journeyed so far to get, Asha/Yara would never have backed down, no matter what. 4. Ramsay fighting without a shirt was just ridiculous. 5. Ramsay would never have let Yara escape. Roose was angry with him earlier for ruining Theon as a trading chip and now he lets another one go? At least they're doing a good job of showing Theon's transformation to Reek.
  16. lol why would you vote out the new guy in the first round.
  17. 1. Go Faulk Yourself 2. King King Heffy 3. Otis 4. otherwise 5. Bo Hunter Booth 6. Where's Wellwood. 7. Drouin 8. JE14 9. BDM 10. VICanucksfan5551 11. Beluga Whale
  18. Tyrion's trail and the rest of the Kings Landing scenes were great. The Dreadfort "battle" was terrible, this scene was ridiculous on so many levels, There is no way Ramsay would just let Yara/Asha Greyjoy escape. So much build up and afterwards, by some miracle, essentially nothing has changed.
  19. A few people voicing their displeasure of an episode isn't "bitching". I know what Game of Thrones is capable of and when it doesn't meet my expectations I'm going to say so. On a different note, I think the change in Cersei last episode wasn't her being a better person, I think she's working the judges of Tyrion's trial to get a favorable result.
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