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Beluga Whale

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Everything posted by Beluga Whale

  1. Jon Sow is not done yet folks. He's the son of Rheagar and Lyanna and he's the song of ice and fire. He will lead the fight against the Others when winter comes and I'm certain Melisandre will resurrect him at some point in the future. Honestly I'm kind of disappointed with this episode. They tried putting in way too many huge moments in a 1 hour episode and certain things didn't feel as impacting as I was expecting. Also seems like they're just harming "good guys" over and over for shock value now. For example Shireen did not need to be burned alive, that was too far and unnecessary considering Stannis' fate. Dorne was a joke. Not happy with how Stannis went down either. Everything else in the last episode was decent. The walk of shame was especially well done. So did Balon Greyjoy wins the War of the Five Kings? Lol Despite my cynicism, not a bad season and it's still the best show on TV.
  2. At few changes have kind of bothered me but I understand that there's no possible way D&D could have made a coherent adaptation for TV while staying true to everything in the books. They've done a great job with this show imo.
  3. Yeah I found his youtube channel and he does a bunch of other great impressions of GoT characters. Check it out:
  4. Anyone playing the Witcher 3? Played about 2 hours so far, really good game so far. Game looks beautiful and from what I've scene, it's quite deep. I think a lot of the story would seem pretty confusing at first if you haven't played Assassins of Kings though.
  5. Mad Max: Fury Road: 8/10 - Without a doubt the most intense movie I've ever scene. Action scenes (basically the whole movie), were really well done.
  6. These reactions are stupid. You know what you're signing up for when you watch GoT. Rape is a horrible thing but it is a reality in this world, why should an adult show pretend it doesn't happen and steer away from it? This comment in particular irks me: "That's it, I'm officially not watching Game of Thrones anymore. It's no longer anything like the books and I can't watch ANOTHER rape scene" Seriously? The wedding scene with Ramsay in the books was much, much worse.
  7. I would add that I think Alfie Allen deserves a lot of credit for his acting this season. He's portrayed so much with so few words. Pretty much every Northern scene has been really well done this season. A stark contrast, however to certain other plotlines.
  8. Pretty decent episode aside from the Dornish plots. Christ those are just terrible. I've been able to come to terms with most of the changes but the Dornish plot line is just flawed and poorly written. Can two white dudes seriously just stroll into the water gardens where the Prince and Princess are? Really D&D? The battle scene was terrible and for a second there I thought Obara was going to start her big speech again, thankfully she just left it to the pointless introduction. Still wondering what the Sand Snakes ultimately plan to do with Myrcella; hopefully it's not too ridiculous. /rant Looks like Bronn got cut by Tyene's dagger, and considering the Dornish love for poison I don't think that bodes too well for him. Scenes at Winterfell were quite good. I thought they were going to take the bedding scene a bit further but it was still moderately disturbing. The scene with the Room of Faces was really well done and way cooler than I imagined it.
  9. Interstellar: 8/10 Good but falls short in certain aspects. Whiplash 8.5/10 Great film. The Imitation Game: 7 too many cliché's out of 10. Otherwise pretty good.
  10. Seems like there's been a lot more clue dropping and foreshadowing going on this season. Last episode I can recall 4 times they implied R+L=J. There's also been significant talk about greyscale/stone men so I'm certain that is going to have an impact this season. The scariest foreshadowing though is the hints at Shireen possibly being sacrificed. I will literally cry myself to sleep if that happens.
  11. I hope he's just taking a nap. But seriously, I'm bummed. Barristan is supposed to be one of the best fighters in Westeros and the unsullied are supposed to be exceptional warriors...yet the all get cut down by men in robes with daggars. Disappointing.
  12. I agree. Despite the major changes I still really enjoyed this one. And yes, Sophie's performance continues to amaze. Probably the only reason they thought they could pull off this new Winterfell storyline. Best scene was at the Wall. And we got the Stannis NOD!
  13. Wowzers! Apparently this is GRRM's original outline for ASOIAF from 1993: https://twitter.com/Waterstones/status/562985847390470145 Really interesting to see his original vision and how much it has changed. Even though the ending is redacted and the story is significantly different, there are potential spoilers so read at your own discretion.
  14. Nothing special in the trailer. Was Stannis even in it? Looking forward to Jonathan Pryce as the High Sparrow though. So no Arrianne for sure now...I can deal with cutting certain other storylines, but I don't see why she would be removed from the Dorne plot?
  15. There will be blood: 8/10 Gone Girl: 8/10 Nightcrawler: 8.5/10 -Incredible acting from Gyllenhaal. great cinematography and overall a solid film.
  16. Yeah more players doesn't necessarily mean more activity. If people were willing to be more active then any amount of players could result in a good game.
  17. 1. StevenStamkos 2. Time Lord 3. VICanucksfan5551 4. g_bassi13 5. Master Radishes 6. otherwise 7. King Heffy 8. Beluga Whale Looks like mafia is dying but I'll ride it out until the end. Imo we shouldn't start until we get 20 people.
  18. I'm sorry Kryten. Unvote; Vote Kryten
  19. Personally I think Kryten is mafia but I'll go with toews. Vote Otherwise.
  20. See I told you guys. Vote Time Lorde
  21. I am Jon Snow who has warged into a beluga.
  22. Dral is without question 100% mafia; trust me I'm a whale.
  23. Vote Dral If he's not mafia lynch me next round.
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