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Beluga Whale

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Everything posted by Beluga Whale

  1. He was severely injured in the Blackwater battle and he's still recoverying somewhere in Kings Landing.
  2. Exactly, anything that's been aired is open for discussion. Spoilers are for book content.
  3. Great episode! The scene with Oberyn talking to Tyrion about what happened to his family was really intense and well done.
  4. The place beyond the pines 8/10 Good movie.
  5. If you don't know who I am, then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      are you eli wallach?

  6. Yes Chronicle is a very good movie. Excellent character development as well as a great story. I'd give it a solid 8.2.
  7. Dumb move to get rid of the NHL 13 sub forum

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Go Faulk Yourself

      Go Faulk Yourself


    3. naslund.is.king


      DD....the bay in 15 minutes??

    4. :D


      Should make a Simpsons: Tapped Out subforum

  8. This is the End: 8.5 Funniest movie ever.
  9. Glen Healy is such an idiot.

  10. Well...at least I have Couture in my playoff pool.

    1. ChenWei91


      I have Canucks on my pool

      I es sad.

    2. peener


      go sharks

  11. Yeah that part was a little over the top, but it doesn't matter because the rest of the episode was incredible.
  12. Funny college humor Game of Thrones Wish-fulfillment. http://www.collegehu...ish-fulfillment
  13. The Canucks need to make a BIG change before the deadline or they're not going anywhere.

    1. lee goren rulez69

      lee goren rulez69

      maybe we should be the ones selling and not buying

    2. Zfetch


      They should trade Hamhuis IMO.

  14. As I haven't read the books, I'm really excited for this "RW". No spoilers please.
  15. First day of Uni tomorrow!! Any advice?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Beluga Whale

      Beluga Whale

      I'm going to UFV.

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Dont bring a sandwich to the smorgasbord :P

    4. PavelsElbow


      Read the material, Take notes, Go to class, Do the homework and youll be fine. Trust me it sounds easy now, but the freedom will get to you.

  16. Why is he such an a$$h0l3 if he doesn't want to be on the Canucks, he chose a team that is young like him and desperately need a top d-man ( if he chooses the oilers). But man is this kid gunna get booed when he comes to Vancouver.
  17. I find the xbox controller a lot easier to use and I like sittn back and playing it on a big TV.
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