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  1. Shoot.... Gaudette is opting to return to school next year and not turn pro

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alflives


      Read the kid is smart, and will be able to grad one full year early.  Does that mean he's a UFA after next season?  

    3. VanGnome


      Found the CBA clause:


      8.6 (c) (iv)

      If a Player drafted at age 18 or 19, who had received a Bona Fide Offer in accordance with Section 8.6(a)(ii) above, becomes a bona fide college student prior to the second June 1 following his selection in the Entry Draft and does not remain a bona fide college student through the graduation of his college class, his drafting Club shall retain exclusive rights for the negotiation of his services until the later of:

      (a) the fourth June 1 following his selection in the Entry Draft,

      or (b) thirty (30) days after NHL Central Registry receives notice that the Player is no longer a bona fide college student;

      provided that **IF** the Player ceases to be a bona fide college student on or after January 1 of an academic year and the Player:

      (1) is in his fourth year of college and has commenced his fourth year of NCAA eligibility,

      or (2) is in his fourth year of college and is scheduled to graduate from college at the end of his fourth year, then in the circumstances described in (1) or (2), the Club shall retain the exclusive right of negotiation for such Player's services through and including the August 15 following the date on which he ceases to be a bona fide college student.


      Basically, Gaudette going back to school for a third year means that if he chose to quit school early (why would he, he's chosen to go back to study/play), then his rights would still be owned by the Canucks until August 15th of the year he chose to leave college, I believe.

      The fact that the club and Gaudette are on the same page should quell any fears of Gaudette pulling a Schultz. 

    4. Green Building

      Green Building

      I'm not surprised. Good for him for furthering his education. It's not like the NCAA is like juniors, it's a fine league.

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