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Posts posted by ForsbergTheGreat

  1. 4 hours ago, aGENT said:

    Rather just trade Tanev +/- for a similar prospect straight up than have to take on Zaitsev's contract. Especially with the Luongo situation.

    Tanev to them for zaitsev, kapanen and a 2nd and I’d really consider it. 


    At worse he’s someone to gel with Podkolzin and Tryamkin. Best case he gains some confidence and gets back to his 40 point season. If not he bolts back to Russia and his cap comes of the books. 

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  2. 16 minutes ago, timberz21 said:

    Directly, no.   Indirectly, yes.  They make us a better now, they make us contenders for making the playoff.   


    They dont even make us a playoff team. 

    Such a short term focus as the expense of the overall goal....Winning the cup. 



    By making us a better team and getting a taste of that playoffs experience make Petey, Bo, Boeser and Hughes better.   



    See this is exactly what I have a problem with.you and so many others are under the impression that the core can’t do it own it’s own. Hughes played 5 NHL games. Petey just finished his rookie season.  Let the kids get their footing in the league before writing them off. 


    Hawks young core already got them to the conference finals before they went out and picked up high price players like hossa. 


    Kings already had a post season appearance before the traded big for Richards and carter. 


    Lets them learn how to be successful. If you need support good add some but don’t let it handcuff your ability to add in future. 



    Boeser will be 23 at the end of the season. So, he'll be 27/28.  IMO hockey player's prime is 24-28 (at least forwards are).  I'm not saying he's going to be a washed up has been, but he'll be at the end of his peak...hence on the decline.


    Better not sign him long term them. Boeser being on the decline in 4 years? Get that garbage out of here. 

  3. 2 hours ago, timberz21 said:

    Wow you really think that drafting a 2nd, 3x 3rd, 3x 4th a 5, 7th would have put the Oilers into a contender?


    Why are we paying Benning them....not team needs a GM for a rebuild.  Just hire a coach, a head scout and let them pick prospect and wait for them to develop magically.  No need to sign UFA or trade players.


    I mean if we are not competitive by 2021, we will never be.  I'd rather we try and make this team better than waiting and drafting and waiting.    I mean by the time our 2020/2021 draft picks make it to the NHL and are competitive, Horvat and Boeser will have started their decline already.

    Is Miller and Myers really going to make us into contenders? This team has a long ways to go and part of that is just letting our players develop and not handcuffing outsells to not be able to properly support them when they are really ready to make the next just. 


    Bo and Brock will be on the decline? Are you serious. Brock is 21 years old. He was making an impact in 3 years after being drafted. Horvat was also a 40 point player but his draft 3 years. That means 2020 and 2021 will be ready at 4-5 years. Do you really think Brock is declined at 25/26 years old. Wow what a high perspective of him you have. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, aGENT said:

    Good contracts for sure but they still need to move out a Nylander/Kadri etc and still have only 2 defensemen.

    I don’t see them moving out Nylander. After July 1st They will have already committed 20 million to him. I don’t see them moving on from him till the can get a better return on that investment. 


    I know TO is full of money but 20 million is still a ton of money to watch disappear after him having a pour season. 


    4 minutes ago, aGENT said:

    This is another reason I wouldn't hate us targeting Stralman over Myers actually. It could quite possibly allow us to retain Stecher, whom I like very much and I think would go through 10 brick walls for his home town club.

    It really comes down to term for me. Anything over 5 and it handcuffs us.  Stralman on a nice short term contract gives us flexibility without a loss of quality. 

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  6. 8 minutes ago, timberz21 said:

    Rushed the gun?  They drafted Taylor Hall in 2010 and traded him in 2016.  He played 6 years for them with with 3 others 1st overall and 2 top 10 picks in between.  I know a rebuild is a slow process, but not that slow.  Did they make mistake, absolutely, but you don't rebuild a team by drafting and waiting for them to magically turn the team around.  You need to build around these picks, which the Oilers failed to do.

    Hall was drafted in 2010 and by 2013 they were already giving up picks for the now. Perron, scrivens, fistric, brown, smithson fasth cost them 2nd, 3x 3rds, 3x 4th, 5th, 7th (sounds familiar) and they also signed pouliot who they are still paying off today. 


    8 minutes ago, timberz21 said:

    You seem to forget that the Oilers made the playoffs rightaway when they traded Hall and got Talbot and they were close to the Conference finals.

    Great and where are they today. Would canucks making the second round next year only to revert back to a bottom feeder the falling two years be considered a success to you?  


    Is the goal not to build a legit cup contender? Or have people giving up on that and are just desperate for a few extra games in April.  I don’t know about you but I’m more interested in hardware. 

  7. 2 hours ago, timberz21 said:

    My question is when does the losing stop?  When do we stop being the Edmonton Oilers who kept getting 1st overall, after 1st overall?


    People seem to forget that Part of the reason oilers are where they are at is because the got tired of waiting and tried to speed things up by filling holes to there projected core. 


    Hall for Larsson was to give there new core better support. 

    signing lucic was to protect there young stars. 

    Trading picks for Talbots was to shore up there goaltending. 

    Reinhart was stupid but also to solidify there young d group. 

    Signing Sekara was meant to improve there D core and he was the best option on the UFA market at the time (not unlike Myers this year)


    Had oilers not rushed the gun in the final few years they’d be in a much better position



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  8. 6 hours ago, luckylager said:

    Yeah, trying to build a winning team after a half decade of being &^@#ing awful is missing the mark. Sure.


    We've got a high quality young core, a few good players coming down the pipeline and a competitive environment for those prospects. Petey accelerated the rebuild in a huge way and I'm fine with trying to build around the studs we've got.


    The forward lineup is looking competitive, the D isn't. If we end up in the incredibly fortunate position of having too many good dmen in two or three years we get to deal from a position of strength. That's not a bad thing.


    Why do you assume JB was given the opportunity to eat contracts? Other factors could and probably were at play. Does Aqua want to pay a buyout for a late 1st round pick? 


    I don't know if we'll manage to snag Myers, but he would be a massive benefit to our defense. I'm so &^@#ing tired of just resigning myself to watching a loss before the game even starts.


    Teams build, grow, win in all sorts of ways and I don't care how we get there, but I'm tired if losing all the time.

    Yes it’s great to try and build a winning team, but it doesn’t happen overnight.  What happens when you give up big prices to start winning and it doesn’t bring any different results?



    Rebuilding teams often get into trouble when they see signs of light and start to rush things.  Look at the Oilers in 2015, after drafting McDavid they traded 5 picks in 2015 to help push that team into a playoff team by getting a goalie and a upcoming D and it failed miserable, costing them a player like Barzal in the process.  They then followed it up by trading away a ton of talent to surround their “new” core as well as making some big UFA signings and still they are a bottom team.


    Look at the Sabres as well in 2015 who just finished drafting Risto 6th overall, Rienhart 2nd overall and then Eichel 2nd overall.  They started dumping picks and prospects for Lehner, O’Reilly, Kane in order to help them start winning now and it resulted in them still missing 3 more straight years.  


    The point is, since drafting Petey, Canucks have been trending in the right position, so why are we in a hurry to rush it all of the sudden, what happened to rebuilding takes patience.  I don’t see nothing wrong with bringing in cheaper support players to help our young core but I do think it’s a bit of a mistake to start removing big pieces from our future support in order to do so….and that includes long term cap space.  Unless a player is young and elite, not free agent should be getting more than 5 years and no trade should be including high picks.  We will see how the rest of summer goes but with JB on the hotseat it would appear that we are going all in.


    Once our core has proven they are at the very least a playoff team, then we can start paying a high price for support players, but until then lets continue with the nice progression path we’ve been going down. We’ve already waited this long what’s another two years. 

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  9. 7 hours ago, PhillipBlunt said:

    Benning should trade for Brendan Dillon now and the defence is a lot tougher. 

    Benning should offer sheet McAvoy and screw the bruins over... 8.4 for 7 years and force them into a really tight cap situation leaving them with only 3.6 left to still sign Carlo, heinen and acciari. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, captainhorvat said:

    Go turn your radio on and listen to the morons on 650 and 1040 acting as if a 7×7 has been offered to Myers. Then they get thr so called "insiders" to come on air and crap all over the canucks management as if this did happen. You then get all these "fire benning idiots" on the radio or on this message board craping over management when they have absolutely zero proof that any of this happened. 

    Im more than happy to come on this board and discuss all things canucks related but to b#$ch and whine on things that we have no knowledge or proof of what was actually discussed or offered to myers is a fkn joke.

    I’m not in Vancouver so I don’t listen to 650. But from this board I haven’t noticed any posters calling for Benning head for a signing that hasn’t happened yet. I do see a bunch of people here weary about locking our team into a potential long term deal though.


    As for the talking media heads, most of them have a million times more credibility than anyone here.  Just because you might not agree with there opinion doesn't mean they are incorrect.  Botch (rip) called out the Dahlen trade a week before it happened and people lost minds "b#$ching and whining" about the claim ever making personal insults towards him, then a week later passes and Dahlen is traded, guess who looks like the "fkn joke" after that


    Every fan base has those panic idiots and pitchfork, but just as bad they are they white knights are almost as bad.  Criticism is regarded as hate, discussion is regarded as whining, opposite opinions are washed off as uncredible. Both sides come across off as spoiled 12 year olds.  

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  11. 52 minutes ago, canuck73_3 said:

    I love how everyone here jumps to the worst conclusion. There is no guarantee he's getting 7x7 or 7 years total or that much money. Whining about a signing before it even happens is ridiculous


    33 minutes ago, captainhorvat said:

    Typical whiney canuck fans. Its unfortunate but thrs a high percentage of these fans.

    Who’s whining about the signing? 


    If discussing the negative affects about potential overpaying a player long term is whining then a hockey discussion board might not be your cup of tea.  



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  12. 20 minutes ago, Alflives said:

    Actually our list of prospects is a lot better than most.  Look at the Leafs, Flames, and Oilers for example.  Ours has high end, and it's deep.  Our fabulous prospect pool was another reason why JB made the JT Miller trade, and gave up a 2020/2021 first.  We have young players coming up, who will be on ELC contracts, and will support our current core.  We are in a great position going forward, thanks to our prospects.   

    Flames have andersson, valimaki and kylington. It’s actually pretty good and that doesn’t include hanifin who’s only 22. 

  13. 1 hour ago, gameburn said:

    Without EP40 and the Boeser draftings?  Lol, the numbers would be much different.  These guys suggest a brighter future has already begun.


    They really would be. One has to ask themself, where would this team’s future be without Pettersson?  Petey is an elite talent that has sped up this rebuild by a few years.  Without him in the lineup, this year we'd be once again preparing for another bottom feeder season.  With that in mind, you then have to ask yourself another question, was acquiring a talent like Petey a planned focus our did we simply luck out.  Drafting wise, I give full credit to JB and Brackett for taking him but had the season gone as planned, we wouldn't have been in a position to take Petey.


    In the summer of 2016 Canucks made some big moves try and improve the roster.  We went out and traded a high price for Gudbranson, we signed a big name 30 goal scorer in Eriksson,. We made moves to make the team better in the now. 


    We had a lot of reason for optimism, We were finally expecting a healthy Sutter to start the season, a newly acquired Granlund, an addition of a puck moving  leading KHL scoring D in Larsen, Sven Baertschi was coming off his first break out season, Hutton was coming off his rookie 25 point season and even Virtanen was heading into his sophomore year after getting his feet wet with 55 games the previous year. 


    All the signs pointed towards suggesting our previous 75 point season (filled with injuries) was going to be a small blimp and Canucks would be back into the post season.  Even on this board in the season previews people were of the belief that playoffs were where this team was heading.  People lost there kind on any media outlet that suggested canucks would be a bottom 5 team.  


    But then what happened?  Canucks stunk, these building moves didn’t turn out at all and Canucks actually regressed to us having our worst season in the last 17 years.  This season resulted in us drafting the most promising player we’ve had since 17 years prior.  People often use the “if we drafted Tkachuk we wouldn’t have EP”.  Well in the same aspect had that team did what the GM’s expected it to do, we wouldn’t have EP either.  EP came about by an unplanned tank and it resulted in the head coach being fired.  The ironic part is, JB’s failure to build a playoff team that season likely bought him a few more years of a job, as EP is the shining star that fills everyone with so much hope. 


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  14. 1 hour ago, kloubek said:

    Wow. I am literally floored.  264-24 currently.


    The ones against him are clearly extremely vocal.  I would have predicted at LEAST a quarter to be against him when given this 2-option poll.


    Glad to see our fans at least generally understand what has been going on - despite the 2-3 wasted original years in keeping the "window" open. 


    Now if only we could convince the media what we already know... (TSN excluded. We know if it isn't the Leafs, it doesn't matter there).

    There’s a difference between not supporting and not agreeing with every move he’s ever made. Sadly this board seems to think if you are not blindly in love than you’re a hater. I support JB, always have but i do think he’s also made quite a few mistakes. 


    I do find it funny though how on the supporters side its split into two groups. One group who thinks the plans hasn’t changed and that everything’s been going according to plan (and if you disagree you’re a hater). And the other group who understands that in JB’s time frame here, there have been two different focuses between the first few years (attempting to compete and rebuild on the fly) and the following later half (one focus of developing the new core).

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  15. 2 minutes ago, aGENT said:



    If they are so desperate to save money then why not buy him out. They’d save 2.16 million over 4 years by only haven’t to pay him out 2/3 of his salary. 


    and if melnyk is a cheapo that is gone in 2 year then he’d only be out 2.04 million rather than the 5 LE will cost him for the next two years. And that ignores what happens in year 3 if melnyk is still there. That’s another 4 million on the books.  


    And on top of that lE signing bonus next year means cheapo melnyk has to fork out 3 million upfront to LE rather than spreading 3.25 out over 12 months like he’d be able to do with smith. 


    Sorry but there’s some major flaws in your logic.



  16. 18 minutes ago, Hutton Wink said:

    For all the despair over capspace, I have yet to hear a peep from the #assetmanagement critics on Dubas giving up a 1st round pick to move one year of Marleau. 


    But dollars to donuts if Benning had done that for Eriksson?  EPIC MELTDOWN!

    Signing marleau to three years was stupid in the first place. But that’s on lou not dubas. 


    If if your looking at asset mgmt then you have to consider what trading that first saved them. In order to move PM leafs were going to have to add value (as canucks are about to find out with LE). That meant they were either giving up a pick or a player from there roster such as kapanen. You are lucky to get a kapanen type after spending 4 years of developing a late 1st round pick, which is why they chose to trade the pick route. 


    So in-terms of managing there assets considering the cap crunch/ current window they are in. Moving the pick was the best route they could go down.  

  17. 53 minutes ago, Hutton Wink said:

    Didn't say it would be easier, but we also aren't in the bind Toronto is.  We can keep Eriksson for the entire term if need be, but the situation now with his comments and such have greased the skids on him moving out, and his agent will also assist in that process.  Sure, we might have to give up something to move him or take something ugly-ish back, but I highly doubt Benning would fork over a 1st (and can't really now anyway) just to do so.  Who knows, maybe tag a 2nd or one of the other low-salary value guys like Granlund or Motte. 

    We will likely have to give up some value. But even without LE. After our young guns get locked up. Assuming they don’t take discounts, We’d be looking at 40+ locked up by 6 players with Bo being the only real value contract. 



    Especially for tightwad teams, $3mil per isn't bad at all for a guy who can still play.

    That’s what most thought with marleau who’s only owed 1.25 million after July first and comes with a 6.25 cap hit. Didn’t work out so well. 

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  18. 40 minutes ago, coryberg said:

    Let's hypothetically say that you are correct in your assumption that the leafs are 1 top 4 shutdown D away.


    What do they trade to get said player? These players dont come cheap and the leafs just tied up their first for the next 2 years. Their prospect cupboards are getting empty so most likely they would have to lose a good player up front to add the the back end.


    If I’m the leafs I’m firstly interested in Tanev. He fits there need. And kapanen becomes trade bait. Reilly is a 70+ point defensemen. Put someone like tanev who players a simple smart game, next to him and that would a solid top pairing D. 


    But there are plenty of other options too. 

    Hjarmlsson, Larsson, pesce Faulk, Miller vatanen, stralman



    If they decide to go the UFA route a top 4 shutdown starts at about 4.5 and could go as high as 7. No cap space for that.


    Even if you somehow found a top 4 shutdown D with a dirt cheap contract and doesnt require you to lose a good price up front your top 4 dmen would be Reilly, Muzzin and mystery man. You only have 3 top 4 D. That is a step back from last year when you had Hainsey and Gardiner.

    That’s assuming zaitzev isn’t traded? He’s still a 20 minute guy.  Heck even hainsey could come back. They likely bring up Rosen and have dermott play on the right side. Sandin could also make the jump.

  19. 17 minutes ago, Hutton Wink said:

    ...and in the meantime, how much better does our cap situation look?  Even if we do ink Myers for big money we're still looking good.  Miller gives us a top-6 forward without losing anyone from the roster, and hopefully dumping Loui after July 1st frees up the cap just spent so we break even.  Seems a better way to spend cap, as opposed to tying up millions for a first round pick.  Then again, what if Toronto ends up heading back to the lottery :o

    If leafs had to pay a first to dump marleau contract for one year. What makes you think Eriksson going to be any easier. 


    Canucks are yet to sign EP, Boeser and Hughes which could easily add another 20-25 million to our books. We also have to extend him marky. If we throw 7-8 at a middle pairing guy like Myers our cap doesn’t look that good anymore. 

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  20. 29 minutes ago, oldnews said:

    your weak chirp game implying I'm too old to get your plan is ironic. considering your blue koolaid perspective of their blueline and the fact you've done nothing to qualify the absurd claim that they are 1 shutdown D from 'really contending'.    That is loopy as hell wadr.

    This has zero to do with a plan and 100% to do with your understanding of basic English. 


    Me implying they are one D away does not equate to me saying they can go back with the same D core and are set. It means they still are “missing” one piece.


    Now I have better things to do in my day then dumb down a statement to your level.

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