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Microsoft may not have made a big dent in the Japanese market this generation, but it hasn't been for lack of trying. Three more Japanese RPGs from well-known publishers Namco Bandai and Square Enix are scheduled to hit the market this year, with all of them coming to the Xbox 360.

New footage for Namco Bandai's upcoming Tales of Vesperia was unveiled at Microsoft's Xbox 360 RPG Premiere 2008 press event Tuesday, with a new Tales Xbox 360 bundle being announced to coincide with the game's August 7 release date in Japan. The game will also be dropping in August in North America. New footage included shots from the opening sequence as well as a few battles.

Tri-Ace fans were treated to info on the studio's newest IP, Infinite Undiscovery, which has been dated for September 2 in America. The featured gameplay included a real-time battle with soldiers and as the main character Aya escaped from an Ogre and battled a dragon.

The final RPG on display was the Unreal Engine-powered Last Remnant, which was presented by producer Nobuyuki Ueda. He announced that the Xbox 360 version will be a timed exclusive over the PS3 version, and that it will launch simultaneously in Japan, North America and Europe this winter. So far, no release date for the PS3 version has been announced.

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It will help in Japan, but not that much. They have already had limited success with Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata. Japan just hates the xbox brand. They haven't even broken 1 million sold in Japan. These games still look pretty interesting though.

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Looks like the 360 is getting some fairly decent RPGs. I think this will help it in Japan, and I know if I had a 360, I'd be pretty interested in these. Would get one if I had enough spending money. Good to see the 360's library expanding though, because as far as I know the only worthwhile RPGs on the system were Oblivion, Mass Effect, and Lost Odyssey. More is definitely a good thing.

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It will help in Japan, but not that much. They have already had limited success with Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata. Japan just hates the xbox brand. They haven't even broken 1 million sold in Japan. These games still look pretty interesting though.
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Yeah, Famitsu, one of the biggest Japanese magazines hasn't ever given an Xbox original or 360 game a 40/40. It traditionally gives one out to the best game for each console, Nintendo, Sony, hell even the Dreamcast, but nothing so far for the Xbox. I still don't understand their infatuation with Monster Hunter and WiiFit.


Should have actually read the article before I quoted it. Must have been written as the event was happening.

I didn't know the reason why the Xbox was so unattractive to the Japanese, that's interesting. Yeah, that's depressing that Blue Dragon was the best Sakaguchi could put out as an "extension of Chrono Trigger." I heard Lost Odyssey was better though.

360 RPGs=MGS4 killer Confirmed.

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The article missed that Star Ocean 4 (aka The Last Hope...an aptly titled name if you ask me) was also announced for the 360, much to just about everyone's surprise. What is interesting is that they didn't say it was Exclusive (or even Timed Exclusive) which Microsoft emphasizes for every game that is. The developers also gave some vague answer about a PS3 version. The general consensus is that there will be a PS3 version that will either come after the 360 OR since it was a Microsoft RPG event, the Developers were to avoid any discussion of a PS3 version.

Will it help? Obviously it cannot hurt, but in terms of Japan, it will have minimal effect. The Japanese dislike for the Xbox isn't about games, it's a cultural thing. They are an insular society and many of them just want nothing to do with a Western Product. Blue Dragon sold around 300k (the highest 360 selling game in Japan yet) and that is quite disappointing when you consider who made the game and the style of the game. Lost Odyssey and Eternal Sonata flat out bombed (the latter now going to PS3).

My Prediction? (in terms of Japanese Sales)

Tales of Vesperia- Very Bad Sales. will be lucky to break 100k like Lost Odyssey. The Tales Franchise is pretty Niche.

Infinite Undiscovery - Ok Sales, could get to 300k like Blue Dragon..I'm guessing in the 200k range

Lost Remnant - Bad - ok sales, they know it is heading to PS3 and many of them will just wait. 75k - 175k

Star Ocean 4 - This one is hard to predict, but it actually only has a moderate fanbase in Japan. It could sell as low as 100k to as a high 300k. If the PS3 version is announced at E3, expect sales to be poor.

However, I don't think Microsoft really cares how well they sell. They clearly got these games buy paying for them (the only way a Japanese Developer would release and RPG on the 360 exclusively/first) This is more of a preventive act on their part, trying to keep as many games away from the PS3 as possible. (or delaying them anyway)

I think Tales of Vesperia and Star Ocean 4 will end up on the PS3, one way or another. Lost Remnant is already going there. Infininite Undisovery will never be on the PS3.

Lastly, anybody else find it funny this all comes 2 days before the release of MGS4? Not surprised at all :)

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I purchased Lost Odyssey after renting it. Was very surprised by it, very solid RPG. Nothing amazing that you haven't seen before, but a decent story, fairly well told and with characters that aren't way to over-the-top as can happen in JRPG's.

Mass Effect is still my favorite for character developement, but Oblivion is a beast of a game. When there's a TES: V I will be a happy, happy man.

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I purchased Lost Odyssey after renting it. Was very surprised by it, very solid RPG. Nothing amazing that you haven't seen before, but a decent story, fairly well told and with characters that aren't way to over-the-top as can happen in JRPG's.

Mass Effect is still my favorite for character developement, but Oblivion is a beast of a game. When there's a TES: V I will be a happy, happy man.

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Wow, I'm embarrassed to say I spent a couple minutes trying to figure out what "TES:V" was, haha.

Yeah Lost Odyssey was very good and it should be considering it is helmed by Hironobu Sakaguchi and his predigree. Did you ever have framerate problems? Because I sure did. I also wish the story had a little more oomph to it.

It was definitely better then Blue Dragon, which had one of the most boring first portion of the games ever and the pay-off wasn't what I'd hope. I still had a decent time with it and beat it, but I don't see myself ever playing it again. Games can have boring opening portions if the the rest of the game gets a lot better. (like Suikoden V, Xenogears and Legend of Dragoon)

I've actually only had limited time with Mass Effect, i'm thinking of tackling it in August after i'm done my Semester.

LTE, is it you who is a big Star Ocean fan? Or was that somebody else.

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Not me, i've never played a Star Ocean game but have heard good things.

I consider myself to be a "rounded" gamer. I enjoy games of all types, my least favorite probobly being racing games. I putter around with one or two every console life-span but usually the allure wears's off pretty damn fast.

I have a decent size collection of 360 games:

- COD2, Project Gotham 3, Perfect Dark Zero, Tiger Woods 07, NHL08, Saints Row, Gears of War, Oblivion, Viva Pinata, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, Halo 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, GTA4, Lost Odyssey, DOA4, COD4.

I play a mix of sports, shooters, action, RPG, Sandbox... whatever is around.

I'm a big fan of older RPG's like Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger and the like (which I still play every so often on emulators).

If you're new to 360 and are looking for a fun game I strongly recommened Hitman: Bloodmoney.

It still holds the record of the longest i've ever rented a game (29 days). It's damn fun and while the graphics aren't great the gameplay is sound and the amount of variety is awesome.

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does anyone have the wireless headset for 360 (just the normal white one)?

My dad picked it up for me but im going to his place next friday and I was wondering whats the normal battery life for it? aswell as comments + feedback etc..

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