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How awesome is this Amir Sadollah guy on The Ultimate Fighter??? Anyone else watching this season?? Huuuge fight tonight!!

Yeah Amir is pretty fun to watch, hell of a chin and a very amusing sense of humor :P I'm rootin' for him to win for sure :)

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BTW whats with all the B.J. Penn hate?

yeah he can be a chatter box,he can be a trash talker before a match, but he is pure class and one hell of a fighter.

Personally I don't like him because of his mix of arrogance and endless trash talk. As for him being pure class, I'm not sure where you get that from. Most of the time he wins he cuts down his opponent as much as he brags about his skills, and when he loses it seems like most of the time he refuses to accept it with grace.

I guess I really started disliking him after the Pulver fight. Jens takes his loss well, heaps praise on BJ and even thanks him for putting the fire back in his belly. BJ walks up to mic and says (and I quote), "You want to know how I feel? Go to BJ Penn.com!" and then walks off. I found that to be pretty damn insulting to the fans as well as his opponent.

/shrug, that's my reasons anyway though I can understand his fan base...he is one hell of a fighter ;)

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So apparently, there's a video out there that kinda shows just how flawed and possibly "fixed" that Kimbo fight was over the weekend. It breaks it down in detail. I just CAN'T FIND IT!!!!

Pfize.... get to work, champ! :)

Also, after watching Ultimate Liddell, I've finally become a fan of him. He's too nice a guy to not like.

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So apparently, there's a video out there that kinda shows just how flawed and possibly "fixed" that Kimbo fight was over the weekend. It breaks it down in detail. I just CAN'T FIND IT!!!!

Pfize.... get to work, champ! :)

Also, after watching Ultimate Liddell, I've finally become a fan of him. He's too nice a guy to not like.

Kimbo's fight wasn't the only fight that was flawed on Saturday night.

Thumb in the eye, less than a minute or two later -> stop the fight cause he can't see. They didn't even give him his 5 minutes to recover. What BS.

Thank got for the Faber / Pulver fight on Sunday. Faber is a beast at 145, but I don't think he could do much against UFC 155 champ BJ

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Kimbo's fight wasn't the only fight that was flawed on Saturday night.

Thumb in the eye, less than a minute or two later -> stop the fight cause he can't see. They didn't even give him his 5 minutes to recover. What BS.

Thank got for the Faber / Pulver fight on Sunday. Faber is a beast at 145, but I don't think he could do much against UFC 155 champ BJ

Yah, that thumb in the eye was kinda crap. But IMO, Smith acted like he was upset, even though I'm sure he was happy the fight stopped. Lawler looked PISSED!!

Faber is a beast. Funny, cause he looks like a little pretty boy, and his name is very pretty. :lol:

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I like what Dan Wetzel, Yahoo! Sports wrote about the main event


What the main event lacked in quality it made up for in entertainment, unintentional or not. Here are my four favorite absurdly hysterical moments of the Kimbo-Colossus fight.

4. When the fight was called, Colossus, the loser, tried to fight the ref for unfairly ending it. Kimbo, the winner, collapsed in exhaustion as many in the once pro-Kimbo crowd in Newark, N.J., turned on their guy. Not exactly a victory lap.

3. The CBS announcing crew’s endless hyperbole reaching its pinnacle when one of them compared Kimbo to Tiger Woods.

This would be applicable if Tiger had gained fame hitting trick shots in putt putt and then was invited to a second rate club championship which CBS was conned into televising. He then shot a final round 124, after which he was declared the winner anyway.

2. The judges. Kimbo spent most of the second round getting his skull hit and thanking the heavens that Colossus could only manage weak punches and elbows. Anyone else and this ends ugly. Even with Colossus, the fight could have been called (ha) in this undeniably terrible round for Kimbo.

Naturally, one of the “impartial judges” scored the round in his favor anyway. If this had gone to decision, is there any doubt at least one of the judges would have scored the three-round fight for Kimbo, five rounds to zero?

1. The Ear. What, you’ve seen an ear like that before? When everyone predicted this would be a freak show, no one thought the Colossus would take it to heart. His cauliflower ear was massive, this huge ball of blood and puss hanging off his head.

Ah, didn’t anyone think to mention he might want to drain that thing before Kimbo whacks him upside the head and makes it explode? Which, of course, happened.

Organizations like the UFC have been trying to break the stereotype that MMA is human cockfighting, something they were responsible for during the iniatial introduction of the sport in the early 90's, and this last EliteXC debacle undid a lot of that work. PLEASE CBS, get rid of the freakshow and get a real MMA card to showcase on network TV.

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UFC 84 was so good, probably my favorite event over the past few years.

Yah, it was one of the better ones in a while. Although I wish the Wanderlei/Keith fight went much longer.

Not very psyched at all for 85. Hughes/Alves IMO is a terrible main event. Even Bisping/Day sounds kinda meh.

UFC 87 is gonna be the big one. GSP/Fitch, Huerta/Florian, Lesnar/Herring. Those three alone should make it on eof the more entertaing events in a long time. Huerta/Florian has the potential to be fight of the year. GO ROGER!!!

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Yah, it was one of the better ones in a while. Although I wish the Wanderlei/Keith fight went much longer.

Not very psyched at all for 85. Hughes/Alves IMO is a terrible main event. Even Bisping/Day sounds kinda meh.

UFC 87 is gonna be the big one. GSP/Fitch, Huerta/Florian, Lesnar/Herring. Those three alone should make it on eof the more entertaing events in a long time. Huerta/Florian has the potential to be fight of the year. GO ROGER!!!

Totally. I'm really looking forward to Huerta/Florian.

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Yah, it was one of the better ones in a while. Although I wish the Wanderlei/Keith fight went much longer.

Not very psyched at all for 85. Hughes/Alves IMO is a terrible main event. Even Bisping/Day sounds kinda meh.

UFC 87 is gonna be the big one. GSP/Fitch, Huerta/Florian, Lesnar/Herring. Those three alone should make it on eof the more entertaing events in a long time. Huerta/Florian has the potential to be fight of the year. GO ROGER!!!

The only bad thing about 87 is that my two favorite fighters are GSP and Fitch :P

Huerta/Florian is going to be amazing :)

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When the UFC first came out we got to see a Karate guy VS Kick boxer, Kung fu etc...but it slowly changed to be a specific style of fighting.

What i see in todays UFC is well trained street fighters. Truly this is can be called MMA but i think that it lacks in the Martial Arts part of the equation, sure we see a few moves that are call signs to a specific Discipline but the overall fight is a brawl.

While i still love watching the sport ( yes it is a sport ) i really feel that it doesn't showcase the best all round fighters in the world.

Anyone else share my point of view or have something to add ?

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i really feel that it doesn't showcase the best all round fighters in the world.

The rules are pretty clear regarding eye gouging, groin pummeling, face biting, etc. Beyond that, if somebody is a "better fighter," he ought to be able to get in there and exhibit his superiority. It doesn't matter if you're the world's best Jeet Kune Do practitioner if some random guy can just beat you up.

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It doesn't matter if you're the world's best Jeet Kune Do practitioner if some random guy can just beat you up.

we don't see that though we just see street fighter vs street fighter both with some martial arts training

UFC has been hyped and marketed to the point that we forget what a real Martial Arts is capable of.

Edited by anderz
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we don't see that though we just see street fighter vs street fighter both with some martial arts training

UFC has been hyped and marketed to the point that we forget what a real Martial Arts is capable of.

Yes, I'm clear on the concept. What I'm saying is that if these specific martial arts were effective, people would use them to win. The fact that you don't see UFC fighters using one specific discipline is a good indication that it's not a superior way to fight.

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When the UFC first came out we got to see a Karate guy VS Kick boxer, Kung fu etc...but it slowly changed to be a specific style of fighting.

What i see in todays UFC is well trained street fighters. Truly this is can be called MMA but i think that it lacks in the Martial Arts part of the equation, sure we see a few moves that are call signs to a specific Discipline but the overall fight is a brawl.

While i still love watching the sport ( yes it is a sport ) i really feel that it doesn't showcase the best all round fighters in the world.

Anyone else share my point of view or have something to add ?

They fight to win... You aren't going to win in the UFC using some ???? Karate alone. You need to be VERY well rounded. Striking, submissions, ground-game. There aren't ANY one-dimensional fighters in the UFC anymore because they get ????-kicked.

Who do you consider the best fighters in the world if not MMA fighters? It certainly isn't boxers.

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Kimbo really sucks. He couldn't even knock out Glass Jaw Thompson.. For someone who is to rely on his power alone, Kimbo sure looks pretty weak right now. I hate how much the UFC is hyping him, but lets just wait until he gets a legit heavyweight, not some washed up doorknob, and we'll see that Kimbo is nothing but a street bully.

On the other hand, I do believe that Lesnar will be the next big thing in MMA. His performance against Mir was impressive, but he needs to get rid of his ego. The only reason he lost the Mir fight is because he got cocky and got caught for it. But mark my words, Lesnar will be a force to be reckoned with soon.

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So apparently, there's a video out there that kinda shows just how flawed and possibly "fixed" that Kimbo fight was over the weekend. It breaks it down in detail. I just CAN'T FIND IT!!!!

Pfize.... get to work, champ! :)

Also, after watching Ultimate Liddell, I've finally become a fan of him. He's too nice a guy to not like.

Always been a Liddell fan up until his rowdy-party boy phase. But Ultimate Iceman was a great video to watch.

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Just saw the post-show press conference where Tito decided to act like a child in front of everybody. And apparently Jenna Jameson decided to get lippy too?? I can't find a video link.

Tito Ortiz ...

I've hated Ortiz ever since he got successful in the division. He's always acting like such a child. I loved that Machida completely dismantled him.

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Yes, I'm clear on the concept. What I'm saying is that if these specific martial arts were effective, people would use them to win. The fact that you don't see UFC fighters using one specific discipline is a good indication that it's not a superior way to fight.

At least somebody gets it. The fact that Kimbo Slice is a cave-man streetfighter, and he comes onto UFC and kicks donkey with no prior MMA "training" (not sure what training there is), shows how ineffective it would be in real situations. I would love to see a real martial artist fight one of these idiots.

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At least somebody gets it. The fact that Kimbo Slice is a cave-man streetfighter, and he comes onto UFC and kicks donkey with no prior MMA "training" (not sure what training there is), shows how ineffective it would be in real situations. I would love to see a real martial artist fight one of these idiots.

Kimbo isn't in the UFC.

He's in ????ing elite XC which is bush-league MMA.

EDIT: The president of the UFC Dana White think's Kimbo is a chump. He said something like "He'd get destroyed in the UFC."

Edited by FinFan
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