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The winner of Roger/Kenny no longer is guaranteed the LW title shot because Baby Joke has to have his rematch with GSP. I can't stand this little prick. Possibly the biggest mouth in the UFC and what really sucks is, Dana will give him the fight. It's garbage. Florian and Huerta are BOTH worthy #1 contenders, but now have to wait for til after the "superfight", or as I call it.... GSP beating the living snot out of Baby Joke.

Wow, what absolute horsesh*t.

Dana goes on and on about Tito being a prima-donna and let's this flow? I've said it before, saying it again now...BJ is a spoiled Rich female dog who doesn't deserve to be in the ring.

I don't care how good of a fighter he can be (when he decides to fight) he's an insult to the sport.

On top of that, what happens when GSP wins? Does he have to defend both titles?

I was really looking forward to watching BJ get out hustled by Roger, or split open by Kenny too :P

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BJ owns the lw division. A rematch with GSP is a must. Stop whining boys.

Interesting article about the Griffin/ Jackson fight.


I'm interested in why you feel he owns the LW division? He is an excellent fighter, I'll grant you that. But basically he won the interim belt in a fight with Joe Daddy, then won the actual belt off of Sherk. He's yet to defend the title, and there are plenty of guys that are capable of at LEAST going the distance with him.

I'm not flaming or anything, just curious as to why you feel that way and why he's deserving of fighting who he wants when he wants and not at least cleaning out his division like Silva has.

Hell, Silva's not even going after the champ if the next division and he's twice the figher BJ is.

As for the article, in many ways I agree. It's no great secret that using a boxing style judge system is flawed for MMA. The big question though is how to fix it?

Personally I think you'd have to start using MMA experienced judges only (seems obvious) and work out some coherent scoring system for grappling.

The problem with using MMA aficionados is you will invariably have some bias toward certain styles, a jitsu guy is going to *want* to give more points to a guy constantly throwing up submission where a muay-thai guy is going to *want* to award them to a more aggressive striker. That'd make the Cote-Almeida fight even more difficult to judge.

The other issue regarding a point system for grappling is that most likely you'll see the sport evolve toward highly specific types of grappling, the way that take downs favor NCAA wrestlers now...but worse.

Like I said I agree that it needs to change, but I think it's tough to find a good way...especially considering that MMA is still a "baby" sport.

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I'm interested in why you feel he owns the LW division? He is an excellent fighter, I'll grant you that. But basically he won the interim belt in a fight with Joe Daddy, then won the actual belt off of Sherk. He's yet to defend the title, and there are plenty of guys that are capable of at LEAST going the distance with him.

I'm not flaming or anything, just curious as to why you feel that way and why he's deserving of fighting who he wants when he wants and not at least cleaning out his division like Silva has.

Hell, Silva's not even going after the champ if the next division and he's twice the figher BJ is.

Well you'll notice I changed that, mainly because until he beats Heurta and Ken Flo, he doesn't own the division. BJ has been fantastic at 155 though. He beat 3 very talented fighters. Huerta or Florian will be the number one contender, Penn fighting GSP next doesn't change that. UFC fans want to see Penn fight GSP again, their ovation after Penn suggested it at UFC 84 said it all.

I can see why Penn wants a GSP rematch. He lost by a split decision to the current WW champ. After Fitch, who else is there really for GSP to fight? Penn is a very good fighter at that weight, so why not have then go at it again.

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Well you'll notice I changed that, mainly because until he beats Heurta and Ken Flo, he doesn't own the division. BJ has been fantastic at 155 though. He beat 3 very talented fighters. Huerta or Florian will be the number one contender, Penn fighting GSP next doesn't change that. UFC fans want to see Penn fight GSP again, their ovation after Penn suggested it at UFC 84 said it all.

I can see why Penn wants a GSP rematch. He lost by a split decision to the current WW champ. After Fitch, who else is there really for GSP to fight? Penn is a very good fighter at that weight, so why not have then go at it again.

I don't have a problem with them fighting again, I guess I have an issue with a champ not acting like a champ. I just think it's disrespectful for a guy who just got crowned champ to already publicly look past the guys gunning for his belt so that he can try and avenge an old loss. I would completely understand if he had already made two or three big title defenses and made everyone around him look like amateurs, but he hasn't.

My other issue would be that he's demanding a fight with another champion. If he manages to win, then he has to somehow defend both titles which means we get to see less championship fights overall (there's no way he's going to fight six times a year, three a piece at different weights) AND he manages to skip past all the contenders in the WW division based solely on his "star power" and the sway he holds over Dana White. All of a sudden all of MegaNuck's conspiracy theories only sound mildly retarded :P

Hope that made sense, it's late :P

Edited by Silverforge
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Anderson confirms he won't be staying at Light Heavyweight:


I'm kind of glad, but at the same time I'm not. There was some serious potential for him to have some verrrrry tough ooponents in the LH division. But, I like him staying where he is just dominating chumps.

Aye, in a way it's disappointing. It would have been nice seeing him trying to work his way back up the ladder...and there certainly could have been some devastatingly entertaining battles. At the same time, I think a stacked 185 division would be more entertaining than even the current LH division.

Hopefully having the best of the best at the top, starts making for a more motivated group of fighters. I am pretty sure Silva will destroy Cote, but I think it has a chance of being a fun fight. When Cote is comfortable with standing up with a guy...anything can happen. Almeida could be an interesting fight as I don't think Silva would be as conservative trying to avoid the take down as Cote was and that could be a Jitsu battle to remember.

After another few fights at MW and Bisping could be a serious contender IMO. His striking style could give Silva some issues as he is in and out fast and is less likely to get caught up in the counter attack battles that always go Silva's way. Though, I'm not certain he could handle Silva's ground game were he to choose to take it there.

Call me a fan-boy if you like, but a couple years of serious full-time training and fighting and I think Amir could be a force to reckon with for any fighter.

Hell, watching Jesse Taylor try to donkey kong his way to victory could be fun :P

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I definetly agree on Amir. With the right training, this guy could be awesome. He's got the right frame of mind already.

And I'm really starting to like Bisping. I'll admit, after his garbage win over Hamill and him bragging about it after really pissed me off. But he seems to have turned a corner since then. I could see him giving Anderson problems, but that's about it. Anderson is waaaaaay too good.

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So i saw the fight and i think forrest won even though it was a really close match up.

But with the way rampage fought he deserved to lose. This is mixed martial arts! not boxing. It was similar to the Keith Jardine/ Chuck Liddell fight. Chuck spent the whole fight trying to get that one punch that will end it and doing nothing else. Rampage did the same thing. He just kept waiting and waiting for that one punch. What happened to his kicks? What happened to him trying to go for takedown and then Ground and pound?

I dont know if his trainer Ibarra (sp?) is screwing him over or what. Hes a boxing coach and was one for Oscar De La Hoya I think. Yeah hes a good boxing teacher.. but Rampage needs an MMA coach to put everything together for him. Ibarra just keeps talking about Rampage's punching power has gotten better and how hes getting him to spar and work on his punches.

what about the rest of the arts? Rampage has a lot of talent and the dude should harness all facets of MMA and not just punching. I know Chuck has been successful but I find it boring when a guy just stands for the whole 5 rounds waiting for that one punch to end and doing nothing else. Forrest not known as a KO artist tried to work it all. Tried to get in the pocket throw punches, then kicks that hurt rampage, tried for the takdown (got reversed once) went for a triangle before almost getting slammed. It seemed like he was trying to work his all round game.

A complete Rampage is better than a complete Forrest but in that match Quinton deserved to lose. He showed nothing but punches. It was super close still but that round 2 domination is what gave forrest that extra point to win it. Other than that it was quite equal. Jackson kept Griffin at bay with his punches forcing him to retreat.


on a side note Japan's Dream 5 will have some good fights. Cro Cop was suppose to fight K1 heavyweight Jarome LeBanner (dude is strong) at Dream 4 but then bowed out due to injury. Then he was going to grapple with a blackbelt at Dream 5 but pulled out again.. :huh:

Heres how the card looks at the moment

The DREAM.5 fight card has received a few updates in the past few days. Scheduled for July 21 in Osaka, Japan, DREAM.5 will be headlined by the semifinal and final matches of the 2008 Lightweight Grand Prix.

MMAWeekly has learned that Denis Kang has been removed from the DREAM.5 card. Kang had been busy training for the fight and waiting for word from FEG on who is opponent would be. Last week, Kang was told by FEG that he was no longer on the fight card at all.

In another report by MMAWeekly, Mark Hunt revealed that he will make his return at DREAM.5 against Jerome LeBanner. Hunt has not fought an MMA match since the former Pride Fighting Championships was sold to Zuffa over a year-and-a-half ago.

The top light weights are in it. Aoki, Uno, Alverez, Kawajiri. (i think Dream's lightweight division is better than UFC's. Dont know much about Kawajiri) Pride heavyweight Hunt vs LeBanner should be wicked!

Dream 5 Grand Prix (meaning 2 guys will fight again on the same night for the final)

Here is the current DREAM.5 fight card:

* LWGP Final (Aoki or Uno vs Alvarez or Kawajiri)

* Eddie Alvarez vs Kawajiri Tatsuya

* Shinya Aoki vs Caol Uno

* Norifumi Yamamoto vs Joseph Benavidez

* Yoshihiro Akiyama vs Katsuyori Shibata

* Joachim Hansen vs Kultar Gil

* Motoki Miyazawa vs Kuniyoshi Kironaka

* Mark Hunt vs Jerome LeBanner

Kultar Gill is from Vancouver.

Vancouver's Denis Kang was also suppose to fight at Dream 5 but for some reason they couldnt find him an opponent. (Japan MMA has always been off like that)


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I've been wondering about Denis Kang. I've never seen a full fight of his, but a buddy of mine who is an amateur MMA fighter goes on and on about this guy. From the highlights I've seen he seems pretty slick, but I don't know enough about him to form an opinion.

Any fans of his out there? Anyone know if he is good enough/ready to jump to the N. American stage?

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I've been wondering about Denis Kang. I've never seen a full fight of his, but a buddy of mine who is an amateur MMA fighter goes on and on about this guy. From the highlights I've seen he seems pretty slick, but I don't know enough about him to form an opinion.

Any fans of his out there? Anyone know if he is good enough/ready to jump to the N. American stage?

heres a site where you can watch fighter videos :D


Yeah hes a really good fighter. He was undefeated or something from 2003-2006. Won basically like 23 fights in a row after his loss to mahem in 2003. Hes lost a couple of his latest matches though but they seemed more like brain cramps on his part. Got a basic triangle loss last fight. I have no idea what he was thinking. Probably overconfident.

UFC wants him. But he doesnt want to sign yet. Pride was paying him better and now that its gone UFC said if he signs he can no longer fight in Korea which he does. Hes really big down there. Undefeated in that league and has this celebrity status where they want him to do films and stuff. I think he would do really good in the UFC. I think his skill and personality is much needed in a dry middleweight division in the UFC. They need him and Mahyem Miller. Maybe even Frank Trigg for some more pizzaz.

his record: http://www.sherdog.com/fightfinder/fightfi...p?fighterID=935

Video of him training with America Top Team in Florida. (At the moment he is training with fellow Canadian GSP in montreal)

part 1- http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/searc...g-part1_extreme

part 2- http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/searc...ining-2_extreme

Here is another really cool site to check out. Combatlifestyle.com. This girl: tracey lee shows you behind the scenes with the fighters. What they eat, where they train, pre fight conferences, post fight celebrations. In this blog she comes to Vancouver to see Denis train for his Dream 3 matches that happened a couple months back. It shows his training facility in Langely... and man its pretty damn cool. Leather couches, big screen tv and a mini kitchen with a chef. Havent seen many gyms like that eh :D

His training in Vancouver.



If you liked reading that then you can read her blog further where she follows him to Japan in a 3 part series.




the gym seems to have its own hottub and steam room so the fighters can cut weight! One of the best MMA gyms i think ive seen.. and its here in BC. pretty neat.



training with fellow Vancouverite: Kultar (black mamba) Gill


signing autographs for the Korean fans here in Van.


at stanley park


and him training jiu jitsu at his Downtown Vancouver classroom


that site is really cool. More depth to the fighters than any other site ive seen... other than the UFC countdown shows.

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2 free classes with this coupon! B)


Heheh, I did see that bit. I'm definitely considering it, as I'd like to learn BJJ.

edit: I found it: For only BJJ it's $149 per month, or $135 per month for 4 months or $105 per month for 16 months, plus a couple more options. I kind of figured it would be that pricey. Looks like my MMA career will have to wait until I'm done school.


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Heheh, I did see that bit. I'm definitely considering it, as I'd like to learn BJJ.

edit: I found it: For only BJJ it's $149 per month, or $135 per month for 4 months or $105 per month for 16 months, plus a couple more options. I kind of figured it would be that pricey. Looks like my MMA career will have to wait until I'm done school.


nice. Theres more schools out there so maybe there are some cheaper ones?


here is the one that the Vancouver Canucks went to taught by a dude named Adam Ryan.

"Adam received his black belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu under 7th degree black belt Professor Marcus Soares who is Carlson Gracie Seniors highest-ranking student in the world."

Marcus is the one that taught Denis Kang. Ive heard one on one with Marcus Soares costs big time $$$.

Maybe Adam is a lot cheaper. I didnt see prices on the site though.

Im guessing the schools taught by he big time instructors (former mma fighters like Kang, guys taught by the gracies like Soares etc) charge a lot more.

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I know there is a Ju-jutsu club at UBC, which would be cheap, but I believe it's classical stuff. I've done classical martial arts in the past, so I'm more interested in the modern stuff.

you could take the bush league approach and watch Jiu Jitsu tutorials on youtube.

be the first youtube jiu jitsu black belt!

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nice. Theres more schools out there so maybe there are some cheaper ones?


here is the one that the Vancouver Canucks went to taught by a dude named Adam Ryan.

"Adam received his black belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu under 7th degree black belt Professor Marcus Soares who is Carlson Gracie Seniors highest-ranking student in the world."

Marcus is the one that taught Denis Kang. Ive heard one on one with Marcus Soares costs big time $$$.

Maybe Adam is a lot cheaper. I didnt see prices on the site though.

I know there is a Ju-jutsu club at UBC, which would be cheap, but I believe it's classical stuff. I've done classical martial arts in the past, so I'm more interested in the modern stuff. Thanks for the link, I may inquire there.

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