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Anderson Silva did well but he walks around at 220 so i mean this should be his natural weight class. It was great he knocked him out fast but seriously.. this should be his real division. He cuts too much weight to fight at 180. He fighting guys who walk around at 195. Hes much bigger than them frame wise. Even at 205 Silva looked slim. His manager said its possible one day he could fight at heavyweight.

I dunno its like Georges St Pierre winning the welterweight then dropping to 155 and beating people up there. If Silva wants a challenge he should stay at LHW. He said hes moving back down to middleweight to beat up some more cans in a weak division.

I totally agree with you. I am a fan of Anderson, but the complete and absolute domination of the MW division is really starting to get old. Anderson in the LHW makes an already stacked division an unbeatable pool of entertainment and big fights. I also think that the fight with Irvin was a bit misleading as an example as to what Anderson would look like in the LHW division. Irvin is by no means a top dog, but he's got scary power and IMO he made Anderson look scarier than he really is at that weight.

Irvin was obviously gun-shy from the get go, never let his hands loose, and made a very silly mistake against someone of Anderson's caliber (the lazy body kick) and paid for it big time. Not to take anything away from that scary donkey punch, but if Irvin had been a little more relaxed and got into some exchanges, I think it would have been a very decent test of Anderson's chin.

I think a great fight at LHW would be Anderson/Lyoto. Two strikers with good ground game that are very tough to figure out on their feet. In any case, I completely agree that Anderson would be more suited at LHW if for no other reason that he will find much stiffer competition there and that is a win for us fans, and a win for the UFC for marketing.

Edited by Silverforge
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Andy vs Wandy. Would looove to see that.

Curious too, who would be considered the next #1 contender for Forrest's belt? Would you give it to the winner of Machida/T. Silva?? I would. Problem is, Dana's probably holding off for a late year Forrest/Chuck fight, which is CRAP in my opinion.

And man, only two more weeks til GSP/Fitch and Huerta/KenFlo. I haven't been this psyched for a card in years!

Edited by Johnny.
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I just downloaded the single fight, have to agree...the man is a beast :) I would loooove to see Fedor and Randy fight in a cage. Two crafty "old" bastards with no ropes to slip out of...that would be awesome :)

yeah that rope thing is soo brutal. The boxing ring has no place in MMA. Affliction really screwed up with that. It sucked in Pride and it will suck in Affliction.

Have you ever seen Mark Kerr fights? hahah the guy was so feared at the time that people would climb out of the ring during the fight to avoid his vicious ground and pound. :lol: Its actually on his official fight record. Win via opponent "Crawling out of ring".


[Win --- Mestre Hulk --- DQ (Crawling out of the Ring) --- WVC 3 - World Vale Tudo Championship 3 --- 1/19/1997 --- 1 --- 2:21]

theres another video of this guy in pride that keeps crawling out of the ring against Kerr and the crowd starts booing. Kerr pretends to shoot and the guy falls back into the corner out of the ring. Super hilarious stuff. :D

It was later shown that Mark Kerr got his crazy strength from steroids. He was running through people worse than fedor. But when he stopped taking roids he started losing really bad and now he has a fat gut and looks out of shape.

I think Couture vs Fedor would be better if Couture was younger. Hes 45 years old! Fedor is only 31 . Old guy vs Explosive young guy... I dont think it would be too pretty...

I totally agree with you. I am a fan of Anderson, but the complete and absolute domination of the MW division is really starting to get old. Anderson in the LHW makes an already stacked division an unbeatable pool of entertainment and big fights. I also think that the fight with Irvin was a bit misleading as an example as to what Anderson would look like in the LHW division. Irvin is by no means a top dog, but he's got scary power and IMO he made Anderson look scarier than he really is at that weight.

Irvin was obviously gun-shy from the get go, never let his hands loose, and made a very silly mistake against someone of Anderson's caliber (the lazy body kick) and paid for it big time. Not to take anything away from that scary donkey punch, but if Irvin had been a little more relaxed and got into some exchanges, I think it would have been a very decent test of Anderson's chin.

I think a great fight at LHW would be Anderson/Lyoto. Two strikers with good ground game that are very tough to figure out on their feet. In any case, I completely agree that Anderson would be more suited at LHW if for no other reason that he will find much stiffer competition there and that is a win for us fans, and a win for the UFC for marketing.

Yeah that would be a really cool match up. The only problem is that they are training partners and would never fight one another. That sucks would have been interesting.

I think Anderson Silva is a good fighter but Dana White has hyped him up to much. After 4 fight he labeled him the best p4p fighter. Which i think is wrong. Nobody has fought more top 10 fighters than Georges St Pierre. Then its probably Fedor.

Anderson Silva has fought Rich Franklin and Dan Henderson. Other than that, he just fights cans. He looks better than he is because he fights crappy fighters. He keeps saying he wants a challenge but he refuses to fight people his own size. Its why i dont like him as a fighter. His ground game hasnt been tested. Travis Lutter is a lazy fighter and he mounted Anderson Silva so easily. Everyone wants to stand and trade with Anderson. If they want to beat him just take him down and pass guard. His guard is very weak even though hes a black belt.

People who only see him in UFC think hes unbeatable like Fedor. In Pride fighting he was good but not great. This is what happens when he gets taken down:

Anderson Silva vs Daiju Takase

Look at Takasa (a nobody fighter) who takes him down absolutely kick the crap out of Anderson Silva.

Anderson Silva vs Chonan

Chonan goes in with a wicked ankle lock! haha.

Dan Henderson could have beat Silva if he kept it to the ground. He was basically ripping Anderson apart on the ground. Silva could do nothing but take a beating for a round.

Now they will feed Silva Cote. Another guy that likes to stand and trade. Cote will also get out punched and lose. He wont take Anderson down and Anderson's hype will grow even more fighting another can. 220 pound guy beating up 190-195 pound guys who are usually shorter. He refuses to fight in LHW where all the guys are his height and weight. His takedown defence is horrid, and his chin is never tested because hes a good technical fighter that always has the reach advantage. Thats why hes avoiding LightHeavyweight. He knows if he fights there is height and reach are gone. He doesnt want to fight on an equal playing ground.

But i guess from his perspective, if he can make the weight and can beat up cans and make a lot of money why not. I just dont think hes a great fighter. Aside from Franklin and Henderson hes really done nothing special.

Edited by Pfizer
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Weight cutting is just as much part of MMA as anything. You can't discredit any of Silva's accomplishments because he's a freak when it comes to cutting weight.

I discredit them because i think he fights cans. +hes taller, has a longer reach, bigger frame and is the champion of the weakest division in the UFC.

People say Silva makes them look like cans.. i think they are just cans from the beginning.

I would lose respect for Georges St Pierre if he moved to Lightweight to fight shorter, lighter people than him. He said he could do it but theres more challenge at Welterweight. He also wants to move to middleweight to fight guys bigger than him. Silva claims he wants more challenge but backs off always. Theres no more fights left for him at middleweight. After he beat 4 guys they ran out of opponents for him. What kind of crap division is that? They had to force Dan Henderson to drop weight so they could get him another fight. Now whos next? Cote? Hes not that good either.

Most guys want to fight guys bigger than them like BJ Penn. BJ penn has fought guys at 155, 170, 185 and 205 like Lyoto. Chuck Liddell wants to fight Fedor. Wanderlei Silva fought heaveweights Cro Cop and Mark Hunt.

Anderson wants to fight guys smaller. :rolleyes: I think its pathetic. Youd think he would want to move up for a real fight.

Paul Filho, Cung Le, Frank Shamrock, Matt Lindland, Robbie Lawler, Ninja Rua. These are wicked middleweight fighters that he has never fought nor will he because they are in different MMA leagues.

UFC heavyweight and Middleweight division is pure crap. Affliction has a better heavyweight division and EliteXC has a better middleweight division.

I can't blame Silva for not fighting these guys because UFC will never cross promote but I wont praise him for fighting cans in a crap division either. He takes the easy route to being a champ. He always claims he wants a "challenge" but avoids those fight in reality.

Edited by Pfizer
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Well after fifteen minutes of trying to cut and paste and respond to different quotes from the last few replies, my browser crashed on me :angry:

So yeah, Pfizer you make some really good point regarding Anderson. Like Johnny. said a while back, I've always thought Henderson could have won that fight if it wasn't for being lazy at the wrong time. I was just reading a little while ago that GSP stated that he'd like to fight Anderson but Anderson's camp said that since GSP hasn't successfully defended his title yet, that he has a ways to as a fighter before he's worthy of challenging him. I thought that was way over the top considering GSP's list of fighters he's decimated. He's lost twice in the UFC and came back to destroy both men.

Johny.-Yeah I am totally worked up over next month's fight...but it sounds like I may be out of town and nowhere near a TV set when it happens :( This will be two (three if you count Affliction and the last Fight Night as separate) major fights in a row I'll have to miss.

Damn Nephews :P

As for the Couture/Fedor fight, I think Couture has a lot more to bring to the table in that fight than most people are giving him credit for. I'm not saying he'd win, but he has shown that his age is less of a detriment to him than it is to most men. As well, at this point in his career he is experienced enough, and plans strategies against his opponent so well that I think it's a mistake to discredit him in any fight. No matter what, that would be an entertaining fight :)

p.s-I have the you-tube video of the flying ankle lock saved on my favorite's list...any time I drink more than two beers it is mandatory watching for a good chuckle :)

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Andy vs Wandy. Would looove to see that.

Curious too, who would be considered the next #1 contender for Forrest's belt? Would you give it to the winner of Machida/T. Silva?? I would. Problem is, Dana's probably holding off for a late year Forrest/Chuck fight, which is CRAP in my opinion.

And man, only two more weeks til GSP/Fitch and Huerta/KenFlo. I haven't been this psyched for a card in years!

You pretty much have to assume that Dana is waiting for Chuck to beat Rashad to grant him a title shot. What kills me though is that if Chuck loses it'll be Chuck/Jardine all over again. The winner was supposed to face Wanderlei, but Chuck got the first shot at him even after his loss.

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Andy vs Wandy. Would looove to see that.

Curious too, who would be considered the next #1 contender for Forrest's belt? Would you give it to the winner of Machida/T. Silva?? I would. Problem is, Dana's probably holding off for a late year Forrest/Chuck fight, which is CRAP in my opinion.

And man, only two more weeks til GSP/Fitch and Huerta/KenFlo. I haven't been this psyched for a card in years!

Wanderlei vs Anderson would be awesome! Now Wanderlei is a guy with an iron chin. He can take it and he can dish it out. He was saying he was going to drop to middleweight but after just murdering Jardine... well i think he knows he can take the LHW title. But now with rampage losing Wandlerlei vs Rampage is going to be a huge fight when it happens! I think it will now.

But then again Rampage just went bonkers.. so .. lets hope he gets back to his senses for the fight.

I was psyched that Anderson Silva would finally get tested. I mean Wanderlei is only 5'11 and walks around at 215-220 and hes fighting in LHW.

Totally agree on Dana and his man love on Chuck Liddell. Chuck lost 2 of his last 3. Lost to Rampage, lost to Jardine.. beat Wanderlei barely even though it was still a close fight. (I dont think Wanderlei was use to elbows in that fight yet as they were not allowed in pride) and he got caught by an elbow that cut him up.

Some mma site said that if Chuck beats Rashad he will get another title shot.. <_< I would give it to the winner of Thiago/Machida. They are both undefeated but Dana knows Chuck will sell more pay per views.

I hope Shogun comes back in top shape. In top form that guy is wicked to watch. Hes got great karate movie moves like his jumping spinning back kick that he did to rampage.

Well after fifteen minutes of trying to cut and paste and respond to different quotes from the last few replies, my browser crashed on me :angry:

ouch :D

So yeah, Pfizer you make some really good point regarding Anderson. Like Johnny. said a while back, I've always thought Henderson could have won that fight if it wasn't for being lazy at the wrong time. I was just reading a little while ago that GSP stated that he'd like to fight Anderson but Anderson's camp said that since GSP hasn't successfully defended his title yet, that he has a ways to as a fighter before he's worthy of challenging him. I thought that was way over the top considering GSP's list of fighters he's decimated. He's lost twice in the UFC and came back to destroy both men.

Anderson's camp believes in Dana White's hype. Who has Anderson beaten? 2 good guys in his division? And in the Dan fight he lost round 1 badly.

GSP has beaten:

Matt Hughes (all american wrestler)

Josh Koscheck (all american wrestler)

BJ penn (only non- brazilian to win gold at World Jiu-Jitsu Championships (black belt division)

Frank Trigg (2000 Olympic trials wrestling finalist)

Jay Hieron (state wrestling champion) GSP gave him his first loss.

Sean Sherk (ranked #2 after hughes at the time)

Karo (top 5 guy)

Jason Miller (natural middleweight )

GSP is on a different level of competition. He beat everyone great and THEN got the belt. Anderson Silva got a title shot in only his 2 match in the UFC? THEN he defended it. Its not even about the belt its about fighting the best and Anderson has not done that.

A lot of fighters want to fight the best. They want to take it to the next level. Now GSP Is fighting Fitch. Another top contender that is undefeated. Who is Anderson fighting next? Cote? whos an average fighter.

lightweight BJ Penn is calling out WW GSP.

WW GSP said he will fight MW Silva.

LHW Chuck Liddell is calling out HW Fedor.

Fedor is fighting huge monsters of all sizes in Heavyweight.

and Anderson Silva.. well hes happy fighting cans in his division. He doesnt want to fight a top WW or a top LHW. I think a lot of wreslters in WW can beat Silva.. only problem is in the UFC middleweight it has no high class wrestlers, they are all in Elite XC. So he basically fights average guys that want to stand and trade and then lose.

If anything Anderson Silva is not worthy of fighting GSP.

I think GSP has a shot but really... GSP is 5'10 & walks around at 183. Silva is 6'2 and walks around at 220. I wouldnt like to see it. Because if Silva wins he looks even better beating a quality smaller guy. He needs to fight up, not fight down.

Edited by Pfizer
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I was very impressed Chris Cyborg in her EliteXC bout just now. She pounded that other girl! She thought the fight was over and started celebrating, and, not understanding English, took a while to understand the fight wasn't over. She then proceeded to dish out more brutality and finish it for real.

It was pretty lopsided, but I enjoy seeing a browbeating every once in a while too!

The other girl wasn't really a mixed martial artist, all she did was try for submissions, which are apparently how all of her wins came in the past. I wouldn't mind seeing more female fights if they could find enough talented fighters to take part in them.

Edited by Mr.Noodles
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The ring isn't so bad. It does make things easier for non wrestlers which is cool in my books. Nothing worse than a big guy throwing some small guy down and laying on him for 15 minutes because he can't get through the guard but can over power him.

They just need an army of Japanese guys like pride had to keep the ring ropes tight :) Cage is nicer though removes a lot of the "waahing" that can occur with a ring. I heard some people say Rothwell had Arvloski beat if it wasn't for him moving out of the ring. First I went uh right, than I realized it's just free ammo for people to discredit fight outcomes on.

I think Fedor would kill Randy in any venue. Cage, Ring, Backyard, Siberian gulag. Hope we get to see it though.

I don't think you guys can discredit Silva. In honesty, he demolishes people. He makes people look bad because his style is so unorthodox and lethal. I think his legacy will be defined by if he moves to LHW or stays in MW. LHW is viewed as one of the deepest UFC divisions right now so if he can go through and clean it out he will be a legend.

He has said he doesn't want to fight in LHW because it is his training partner, Lyoto "Running Man" Machida's belt. So hopefully Machida gets killed by T.Silva here and A.Silva jumps up.

So much of it is marketing though. Dana won't throw his bonafied superstar in Silva to the dogs, right now he has a champion he can bill as an unstoppable killing machine in the MW which helps to make all the mid ranged guys fighting him look good (not that they're cans, but they're not as good as the contenders in WW or the LHW) so let's hope Cote or Okami gets lucky and Silva says screw it I want to move to LHW (although I don't see that happening, him losing any time soon)

and I think GSP would have serious troubles with Silva. Silva is, as stated, a big guy. I don't think GSP could wrestle him down (one of his big strengths) and I really don't see GSP winning a striking war. Silva is just unreal standing.

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I don't know if it's a recent addition or if I just failed to notice earlier, but Ben Saunders will be fighting Jared Rollins at UFC 87. Sadly it won't make the main card.

IMO this could be a great fight to watch. Saunders was one of my favorite fighters to watch on that season of TuF and J-Roc's battle with War Machine was epic. Going to be downloading that fight for sure :P

Oh and lucky me, my brother bumped our camping plans with the kids so I'll be able to watch UFC 87 after all. Just went to the event website and I have to give credit to the UFC PR machine...I'm ;) getting awful stoked about this one :)

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the ring is much more superior to a cage because it allows the fight to be more loose and open

fighters can freely swing, thow kicks etc. without being constrained by the walls

also they can bounce off ropes witch adds an element of unpredictability to the fight

safety cages are for 5 year olds.

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the ring is much more superior to a cage because it allows the fight to be more loose and open

fighters can freely swing, thow kicks etc. without being constrained by the walls

also they can bounce off ropes witch adds an element of unpredictability to the fight

safety cages are for 5 year olds.

You make it sound like the cage is six by six. The only time I've seen the cage constrain a fighter is when his back is to it and is forced to battle through a clinch instead off falling through the ropes causing a reset.

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the ring is much more superior to a cage because it allows the fight to be more loose and open

fighters can freely swing, thow kicks etc. without being constrained by the walls

also they can bounce off ropes witch adds an element of unpredictability to the fight

safety cages are for 5 year olds.

guys fell out of the ring all the time in pride. they had to restart a fight 4-5 times a match because of it. The guy in control would always lose his rhythm.

The ring is good for boxing and kick boxing. K-1 is great in it.

MMA is horrible in it.

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